I would like to add that we here almost NEED the cheap Chinese imports to sustain our standards of living here, we are so accustom to the cheap imports. They do have control of a large portion of our debt.
So one way of looking at it might be we NEED each other. If the value of our dollar falls sharply it will impact them adversely. Until they can find another market to dump their stuff on they must play ball with us.
There is one thing that does trouble me though, that is that there is no way in hell we or anybody else could buy a large Corp of theirs, regardless of how much money that might be offered.
"when we hang the capitalist, we will use a rope of their own making" (maybe not a direct quote, but close ... Marx)
So great care a scrutiny must be used when dealing when the Chinese. And eventually we must get some movement toward a more honest manipulation of their currency, but to shut them down completely might start a trade war. I am NOT a fan of tariffs, on any level. But in a way they are hitting us and the rest of the world that deals with them with a hidden tariff by the way they manipulate their currency, that's why we need a third party to work out the monetary details, so as to have options when currency fluctuates.
_________________ "cool beanz" D. "FETCH" Jordan