All of (including the Zephyrnet Forums) are being moved to a new server by the ISP and may be offline for a few days. The move is not voluntary and I do not have any details other than to say I hope it goes well and perhaps to clean out your DNS setting in your IPCONFIG so you dont go back to the old address by mistake...
The URLS will all stay the say but the DNS resolve will be different so, once the site goes down you may want to go into your command console (CMD at the RUN prompt in your start menu) and then execute a flushdns command to clear your DNS cache by typing the following command at your C/> prompt in your command window...
That should clear the old dns resolutions out of your cache and aid in you finding the site again when you enter the url into your browser window.
However, it still might take a few days to dns address to the urls to propagate to all servers on the net so you still might not be able to see the forums for a few days...
So dont worry about it, as the forums will be back!
"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
TSH Member/Developer Forum Administrator
VNFAWING ForumsVNFAWING WebsiteFA Futures/FA-2 is Still Being Worked On and Will Be Released...