Zephyr Net

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Author:  JG52_Meitag [ Sun Apr 13, 2014 14:55 pm ]
Post subject:  FA_TK

Ok I've been playing with the FA toolkit again and Im having some problems or just not remembering something.. After hours and hours of trying to paint planes with MSPaint I gave up and installed Photoshop, I was able to paint some planes but not others. Example I can paint the AV8 and it works fine, I paint the A7 and the game crashed when I go to F10 view... Its like hit or miss, some planes I can paint some I cant. I remember in the old days I could paint everything.. Anyone know what Im doing wrong? XP 32

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Sat Jun 07, 2014 17:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: FA_TK

IIRC you have to alter the transparent pallet of the skin file first... I believe you have to change it to 255, 255, 0 which should turn it yellow. It will revert back to white once saved in the toolkit and should work ingame. You have to do this each time you edit the skin file...

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