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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 21:20 pm 

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:arrow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcce7e-cC-Q

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 09:06 am 

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How the US Deep State Accidentally Forged a Multipolar World Order

In every nation there are power conglomerates that determine and influence the domestic and foreign policy choices their nations. In the United States, it is important to highlight the concept known as American exceptionalism that accompanies these power centers, often called the deep state. According to this principle, the United States alone has been chosen by God to lead mankind.

After the World War II, a notion very similar to that of Nazi Aryan racial supremacy was born - that of the chosen people. In this case, however, the chosen people were Americans, who emerged victorious at the end of the Second World War II, ready to face the «existential danger» of the USSR, a society and culture that was different from that of the US. With such mental imprinting, the trend over the following decades was predictable. What followed was war after war, the capitalist economic system sustained by the US war machine widening its sphere all over the globe, reaching Southeast Asia, but then being forced back by the failure of the Vietnam War, signaling the first sign of the end of American omnipotence.

As the Berlin Wall fell and eliminated the Soviet «threat», American expansion had almost reached its existential limit. What has been a constant element during all of these US presidencies, during various wars and economic growth thanks to a rising capitalism, has been the presence of the deep state, a set of neural centers that make up real US power. In order to understand the failure of the deep state to achieve its goals to exercise full-spectrum control over the globe, it is crucial to trace the connections between past and the present presidencies from the fall of the Berlin Wall.

When thinking of the deep state, it is easy to identify the major players - the mainstream media, think-tanks, central and private banks, foreign-state lobbyists, politicians, intelligence agencies, large industrial groups, and the military-industrial complex (MIC). These are the inner circles that hold the true levers of power in the United States. Often, by analyzing past events over a long period of time, it becomes easier to identify motivations and goals behind specific actions, and the manner in which the various members of the deep state have often accompanied, influenced and sometimes sabotaged various administrations - such as is currently the case with the current Trump administration - for the sole purpose of advancing their economic interests.

During the Clinton and Bush administrations, the deep state was able to maintain a united and compact front, counting on the economic and military power of what was still a rising global power. The mainstream media, the intelligence agencies, the military and the financial and political centers supported both presidents in their ambitious plans to expand American hegemony. From intervention in Yugoslavia to the bombing to Afghanistan through to the war in Iraq, the refrain has been conflict and devastation in exchange for financial impositions that were focused on maintaining the dollar as the reserve or exchange currency for such assets as oil. In Yugoslavia, the strategy also aimed at dismantling the last block linked to the former Soviet Union, the last act of the end of the Cold War. Even the control of opium trading routes from Afghanistan has been of great importance, becoming a key element in US expansion and control plans, other than maintaining a foothold in central Asia for further destabilization attempts.

The war in Iraq, engineered by three fundamental elements of the deep state (false intelligence services, journalists with a specific agenda, and the military straining at the leash to bomb a hostile nation), has produced a number of consequences, primarily the disintegration of the country, leaving the door open to Iranian influence. Over the course of 15 years, Tehran's influence has grown to such an extent that it engages Iraq in a Shiite arch that starts from Iran, passes through Iraq, and ends in Syria, reaching the Mediterranean. In terms of the effect intended and the result actually obtained, the Iraq war may be considered the largest strategic failure of the US deep state since Vietnam.

In addition to a loss of American influence with the petro-monarchies, Iraq has highlighted the American inability to conquer and hold a territory when the population is hostile. Facing local and Shiite militias, the United States paid a heavy human toll, shocking the American population during the ten-year war with planes returning home to deliver flag-draped coffins. This is not to mention the creation of the Afghan and Iraq wars of hundreds of billions of dollars of debt, all placed on the shoulders of the American taxpayer.

In a sense, Obama owes much of his victory in 2008 to the financial crisis and the American defeat in Iraq. Even today, the debate about the role of the deep state in Obama's election is open. The most plausible explanation is based on Obama's telegenic appeal over Senator McCain, likely a decisive factor for Americans. As many Americans did not admit, Obama's election, after eight years of Bush, was a break with the past, a clear message to the elite, especially after Obama's victory over Clinton during the Democratic primaries.

Obama's victory was immediately accompanied by a strategic recalculation by the deep state, which sensed the new opportunity linked to Obama's nature as well as ongoing changes. There were to be no more explicit wars of the type that involve tank divisions. After the disaster in Iraq, even the deep state understood how American military power was unable to prevail over a hostile local population. For this reason, the neoconservatives have been progressively displaced by the liberal, human-rights brigade. Their new approach has turned the Middle East upside down through the Arab Spring, creating a new balance in the region and causing the situation to degenerate in Egypt, destabilizing neighboring countries, ending up human-rights dystopias in places like Libya and Syria, both victims of direct or indirect military aggression on the grounds of protecting human rights.

In this scenario, the most important components of the deep state are the media that, by disseminating false intelligence information through manipulation and disinformation for the purposes of justifying military aggression, conditions the populations of Europe and the US to attack sovereign countries like Libya. During the Obama administration, the deep state rarely faced a hostile presidency, demonstrated by the bank bailout during the 2008 crisis. A few months after the election, it became apparent how empty Obama’s election promises had been, representing the triumph of marketing over substance. By printing money at zero interest, Obama allowed the Fed to donate almost $800 billion to the banks, saving them from a collapse and postponing the consequences of the next financial crisis, which will likely be irreparable. Obama preferred to follow the dictates of the Fed, a key component of the deep state, instead of reforming the banking sector.

The underlying mistakes of the last months of the Obama administration continue to affect Trump's new presidency. Obama's attempt to placate the deep state by arming terrorists in the Middle East, putting neo-Nazis in Ukraine, bombing Libya, and bailing out the banks has only increased the appetite of the deep state, which has progressed to more explicit demands like an attack on Iran and direct intervention in Syria. From this moment on, after having granted virtually all the wishes of the deep state, Obama pulled the handbrake and activated a couple of countermeasures to rebalance the legacy of his presidency. He opposed a direct intervention in Syria following the false-flag chemical attacks, signing and implementing the nuclear agreement with Iran and he restoring relations with Cuba.

It was at this very moment that the deep state declared war on Obama, relying on the indispensable support of intelligence agencies, the mainstream media, and the most conservative wing of the American establishment. Attacks on Obama's presumed weaknesses as president, his inability to defend American interests, and his lack of courage characterized the last two years of his presidency.

It was this perennial state of siege during Obama's presidency that created the conditions for Trump's electoral ascent. The deep state has for years insisted on the need for a strong and determined leader representative of the spirit of American exceptionalism. Initially, the deep state focused on Hillary Clinton, but Trump had the intuition to emphasize the military and industrial aspects of the country, appealing to the yearning of the population for a rebuilding of domestic industry, and opening new opportunities for the deep state. This served to drive a split within the intelligence agencies, the mainstream media, and a good deal of the domestic political class, leaving them in open warfare. Russia's affairs and Trump’s alleged connections to Putin are false news, created to sabotage Trump's presidency.

In the 2016 Republican primaries, Americans voted for a leader who promised to improve their livelihoods by boosting the domestic economy and placing the interests of their country first. This promise almost immediately captured the working component of the population and large industrial conglomerates. Trump later gained the support of another fundamental component of the deep state, the military wing, thanks to the proclamation that the United States will be returned to the role they deserve in the world, salvaging the perverse idea of American exceptionalism.

Trump's decision to embrace the MIC is particularly controversial and represents the beginning of a deep-state faction built upon Trump's presidency. The daily din surrounding his presidency, with constant attacks from the opposing faction of the deep state, became intense with fake news alleging Trump’s links with Russia. With the appointment of generals who subscribe to the idea of American exceptionalism, it can be debated whether Trump intentionally wanted to give a leadership role to his own generals or whether he had no choice, having to associate with some of these deep-state members in order to defend himself against the assaults of opposing deep-state factions.

Recent Trump-related events are all based on these factors, namely a deep state driven by the neoliberal faction that has never stopped attacking Trump, and a neoconservative deep-state faction that has been tightening the noose around Trump.

The immediate results have been a level of chaos that has been unprecedented in a US administration, with continuous appointments and layoffs, the latest one Steve Bannon, not to mention the impossibility of abolishing Obamacare with all the forces arrayed against Trump’s legislative agenda. Trump has progressively had to concede more power and authority to his generals, acceding to bombing Syria and passing sanctions that worsen relations between Moscow and Washington. A self-destructive spiral began with the granting of a primary role to those nominated to key positions.

The final effect of this ongoing sabotage ever since the Obama presidency is a bankrupt US foreign policy and a continuing fratricidal struggle within the deep state. America’s European allies are in revolt over anti-Russia sanctions, which is their main source of energy. Countries like Russia, China and Iran are beginning to undergo an economic revolution as they progressively abandon the dollar; and as these countries take over a Middle East devastated by years of American wars, Moscow gains significant influence in the region. The crisis engulfing the Gulf Cooperation Council, increasingly beset with fickle fractures between Riyadh and Doha.

One of the consequences of two decades of the US deep state’s brazen foreign policy has been the birth of a multipolar world order, with US superpower status being challenged by competing powers like China and Russia. Indeed, Washington’s historic allies in the Middle East, Israel and Saudi Arabia, have borne the consequences of the disastrous policies of the US, with Iran rising to be one of the power centers of the region destined to dominate the Middle East militarily and even economically.

The incredible paradox of the failure of deep state is represented by the emergence of two alternative poles to the American one, increasingly allied with each other to counter the chaotic retreat of a unipolar world order. In this scenario, Washington and all its power centers are in an unprecedented situation, where their desire does not match their abilities. A sense of frustration is increasingly evident, from the incredible statements of many American political representatives on Russian influence in US elections, to the threats of aggression against North Korea, or the game of chicken with the nuclear powers of Russia and China.

If the deep state continues to hamstring the presidency, and the military wing succeeds in pressuring Trump, there are likely to be a number of indirectly linked effects. There will be an exponential increase in synergies between nations not aligned with American interests. In economic terms, there are alternative systems to that centered on the dollar; in terms of energy, there are a host of new agreements with European, Turkish or Russian partners; and in political terms, there is a more or less explicit alliance between Russia and China, with a strong contribution from Iran, as will soon become more evident with Tehran's entry into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

By the end of the 1980s, the United States was the only world power destined for a future of unchallenged global hegemony. The deep state’s greed, as well as the utopian desire to control every decision in every corner of the world, has ended up consuming the ability of the US to influence events, serving only to draw Russia and China closer together with the shared interest of halting America’s heedless advance. It is thanks to the firmly ensconced American deep state that Moscow and Beijing are now coordinating together in order to put to an end the United States’ unipolar moment as soon as possible.

It is not entirely wrong to say that the American unipolar moment is coming to an end, with the deep state’s attacks on the Trump presidency preventing any rapprochement with Moscow. The stronger the pressure of the deep state on the multipolar powers, the greater the speed with which the advance of the multipolar world will replace the unipolar one. Early effects will appear in the economic sphere, particularly in relation to movement towards de-dollarisation, which may mark the beginning of a long-awaited change.

From : https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2017/08/22/how-us-deep-state-accidentally-forged-multipolar-world-order.html

PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 12:56 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:25 am
Posts: 544
- Nikola Tesla the American of Serbian origin inventor who enlightened the world -




Last edited by mlad on Wed Jan 19, 2022 19:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:42 am 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:25 am
Posts: 544
Here is a very interesting book : JFK - 9/11: 50 Years of Deep State


JFK-9/11 assembles the most significant and well-documented "deep events" of the last fifty years into a coherent narrative of the "deep history" of the United States and its sphere of influence. The result is both a concise introduction for newcomers (a "deep history for dummies"), and an insightful perspective for informed readers. Relying strictly on documented evidence and state-of-the-art JFK and 9/11 research, the book cuts through the layers of government and mainstream media lies, to expose the hidden powers at work in the Empire's underground foreign policy. It documents the role of undercover and paramilitary operations, psychological warfare and disinformation campaigns, and above all false flag terror, in the course of world politics since the beginning of the Cold War, and increasingly since September 11th. The book is divided in two parts: the first deals with the underlying forces of the Cold War, the second with the driving forces of the War on Terror.

From the Inside Flap

Five-Star Amazon Reviews for JFK-9/11 A rare book that is for both the deeply researched reader, and one new to the entire field of these two pivotal events of our nation. It moves along at a fast pace and you are always rewarded for your efforts. Find Out Who Is Behind The Curtain. The author's expertise in laying things out in chronological order, and connecting the dots between people and incidents, made it possible for me to finally begin to understand. Topnotch, a pure joy to see so many loose ends tied up within our lifetime]] the deep satisfaction of good craftsmanship, loving attention to telling detail]] unparalleled in a landscape awash with compromised intellectuals prancing with slick shills. If the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France, let this book by a Frenchman be a Statute of Freedom. Easy to follow and never gets bogged down... It states facts and facts alone... This should be required reading all over the world]] Absolutely a wonderful, eye-opening book. The first explanation I have read of the last half century that makes sense]] Am extremely impressed. Great marshaling of facts, even-handed analysis ]] You must read this to understand our times. Inoculation Against The Propaganda Machine... explains the current open ended war on terror. As we enter into ever more conflicts in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria the pattern repeats and these events are better understood for what they really are. Nothing But the Truth. Page per page one of the best books of its kind. Will tell you just about everything you need to know about why our country is in the sad shape that it's in. Can't recommend it enough! The best book I have ever read on the death of Kennedy and on 9/11. Well worth the time and money. Outstanding, well written, and tons of references. Makes sense of all the important events in my lifetime. Americans have been duped by our leaders and mainstream media for decades. Hopefully, America will wake up.

About the Author

Laurent Guyenot was born in France in 1960. After graduating as an engineer from the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees in Paris, and working in the armaments industry in the United States for two years, he turned to the study of religious history and anthropology. He has earned a PhD in Medieval Studies at La Sorbonne, Paris, and has since authored several groundbreaking books in French on medieval "narrative anthropology," most recently The Bleeding Spear (2010) and Fairy Death (2011). He has also published an investigation into the psychological and social damage of mass pornography. He has been researching America's "deep history" for a good many years, and has been a contributor to Voltairenet.org. JFK-911 is his first book in English.

From : https://www.amazon.com/JFK-9-11-Years-Deep-State/dp/1615776397/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1537196027&sr=1-1&keywords=jfk+9%2F11+50+years

For International : https://www.amazon.com/JFK-Laurent-Guyenot-22-Aug-2014-Paperback/dp/B012HVO8WU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1537194653&sr=8-2&keywords=jfk+9%2F11+50+years

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:08 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:25 am
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Loose Change is a series of films released between 2005 and 2009 - https://odysee.com/@911truthinformationcenter:9/Loose-Change-911---Final-Cut---.mp4:1

About Loose Change documentary : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loose_Change

Last edited by mlad on Wed Jan 19, 2022 19:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 22:45 pm 
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:: insert long, loud groan and eye roll here ::


PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 17:27 pm 

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To you all,

- At the time of the internet, ignorance is a choice -.

Multiply alternative sources compared to the mainstream media,

then judge for yourself the circumstances.

I repeat: to start thinking for oneself is already part of the solution.



PostPosted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 19:18 pm 

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Donald Trump, Alone Against All

Alone, against his opposition, against his administration and against his allies, President Trump does not seem to be able to fulfil his campaign commitments. Three years after his election, the House of Representatives launched an impeachment procedure against him because he is fighting against the corruption of the Clinton clan.


Donald Trump’s main campaign commitment to end the offensive Rumsfeld/Cebrowski military strategy and replace it with a policy of Jacksonian cooperation is met with strong internal US and external opposition from US allies. More than ever, the President appears alone, absolutely alone, in the face of the transatlantic political class.

It was all a foregone conclusion

As with his predecessor, Barack Obama, everything seemed to be a set up. Upon his election in 2009, Obama was hailed as the "first black president of the United States" and then proved unable to solve the problems of this community, leaving police violence against them to reach new heights. In the early days of his term, the Nobel Committee awarded him the Peace Prize for his efforts "for a world without nuclear weapons"; a subject he immediately stopped addressing. Although his record is the exact opposite of his campaign promises, he is still popular around the world. It does not matter if jobs are relocated to China, Guantánamo continues, thousands of targeted killings are carried out, or Libya is destroyed.


Conversely, as soon as he was elected and even before the transfer of power in 2017, Donald Trump was presented as a manic-depressive narcissist, a weak and authoritarian personality, a crypto-fascist. As soon as he joined the White House, the press called for his physical murder and the Democratic Party accused him of being a Russian spy. It obtained that an investigation be opened against him and his team with a view to his dismissal. His chief advisor, General Michael Flynn, was forced to resign 24 days after his appointment and then arrested. When Donald Trump lost the mid-term (November 2018) elections to the House of Representatives, he was forced to negotiate with some of his opponents. He reached an agreement with the Pentagon, allowing certain military actions as long as they did not involve the country in a spiral, and in exchange obtained the closure of the Russian investigation. For eight months, he tried to force march to stop the annihilation of the Great Middle East and preparations for the destruction of the Caribbean Basin. He hoped to be able to announce the realization of peace at the United Nations General Assembly. Crash! The same day, the USIP (alter ego of the NED, but for the Department of Defense), submitted its report on Syria, advising to relaunch the war. And, again on the same day, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, announced the opening of impeachment proceedings against him, this time in connection with his fight with the Ukrainian authorities against the corruption of the Clinton clan.

It is therefore unlikely that Donald Trump will be able to carry out his program before the end of his mandate as the election campaign for his possible re-election begins. However, his supporters point out that he is never as good as when he is cornered.

Few media have explained Jacksonism, an ideology that no one has promoted since the Civil War. Almost all of them claimed for two years that Donald Trump was incoherent and unpredictable, before admitting that he acted according to a given worldview.

In any case, he has already managed to repatriate many offshore jobs and put an end to the massive support of the Departments of State and Defense for the jihadist armies, although there are still some ongoing programs.

No matter what Barack Obama and Donald Trump did as presidents, we will only remember how the media presented them on the day of their induction.


The role of the deep state

It is now clear that opposition to Donald Trump is not only constituted by the bulk of the American political class, but also by most foreign leaders of countries allied to the United States. This may seem strange to the latter, who would have everything to gain from its success. But that is not how politics works. One after the other, these leaders became convinced that no one could change US policy. The interest of their states in the face of the powerful USA was therefore not to sink with a Donald Trump isolated in his country, but to remain faithful to the destructive policies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

It remains to be seen who among the tens of thousands of civil servants is pulling the strings and why they are opposed to Trump’s project. The "deep state" whose president cannot influence politics may only be a sociological phenomenon as it can represent structured interests. President Trump believed he had neutralized the opposition of the committees responsible for implementing the more or less secret treaties of the United States with its allies. He believed he had negotiated with the alternative government constituted as a preventive measure in the event of a nuclear war. He was obviously wrong.

The lessons of this story

Two lessons can be drawn from this history. First, all historians agree that George W. Bush did not really hold the presidency, but aligned himself with his entourage, first with his vice-president, Dick Cheney, and his secretary of defense, Donald Rumsfeld. It is also clear that Barack Obama had very little power other than targeted assassinations. It now appears that Donald Trump is not in a position to change US policy. It must be said that, since 11 September 2001, the office of President of the United States has been almost exclusively in the media. And, if the president does not make policy, those who do so in the shadows are not elected.

Secondly, the United States’ allies do not obey the US President, but its deep state. They are the toys of an invisible actor. Only Russia and China are truly independent. Russia is the only one of these three states whose president is democratically elected and who exercises power on behalf of its people. China is a transparent system, but only members of the single party participate in its political life. The United States system is perfectly opaque.

Thierry Meyssan

Roger Lagassé

From : https://www.voltairenet.org/article207764.html

PostPosted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 13:04 pm 

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My respectful greetings to all American patriots from Q.




From https://qmap.pub/videos


Last edited by mlad on Wed Feb 12, 2020 14:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 19:45 pm 

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Globalism Vs Patriots

Tomorrow global governance or the revolt of Nations?


We Are The Plan

In God We Trust

Last edited by mlad on Wed Jan 19, 2022 19:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:34 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:25 am
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Q ANON or the coming storm, what is it?
Q for military intelligence (US)
ANON for anonymous.
Q ANON is a military network with Donald Trump as a figurehead (POTUS).
The objective of this network is to clean up the marsh in the deep state.
Everything would be in place for the vast roundup of traitors, pedophiles and satanists.

The entire world is watching
The silent war continues ...


PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 19:06 pm 
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What is your assessment of the current condition of the Covid 19 virus in France? Are people dropping dead everywhere? Are the whites told to stay home while the Muslims run free? Etc...

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 00:24 am 

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It is on a global scale that we must to think.

Watch out for fake news.

What's happening in the United States

also concerns the entire world.

I invite you to follow Qanon's posts.

Last edited by mlad on Wed Apr 08, 2020 08:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 01:58 am 
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A half ass response to fighting the virus. Half are crying 'death everywhere", the other half saying it is no worse than flu. I'm not sure what to believe since the main stream media and the alternative media are all so full of shit.

I've prepped for SHTF for years, but had been relaxing on prepping for the last couple years because things seemed to be going so well. I'm glad I have kept up on food gardening and a back supply of seeds. Many people mistakenly believe they can just start gardening and be successful at it right away. Reality is that mistakes are often made and each one cost you a whole year.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:17 am 

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Trump took control of the FED thanks to the exceptional powers conferred on him by the US constitution following the health situation. This allows him to decapitate the head of the deep state, namely the Rothschilds who govern the private banks which fagitate the fed and which control the world central banks. It deals a serious blow to this deep state which is at the base of the global pandemic premeditated chaos (it is their plan C). Trump has therefore launched global actions to clean up the swamp of globalist networks. For the purification of the waves of arrests of very important or famous personalities are to come. We can expect big changes in the coming days and even in France, Macron would be on the hot seat.

The entire world is watching



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