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 Post subject: Let’s go Brandon!
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 16:41 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:25 am
Posts: 544
"Let's go Brandon": Joe Biden trapped by a live phone call

The U.S. president was half-heartedly insulted during a Christmas celebration phone call when a father used a code phrase popular among supporters of former President Donald Trump.


The president and his wife Jill followed the tradition of talking with a few people calling a special line to follow Santa's tour, run since 1955 by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).

Via video conference from the White House, they were connected to a man who said his name was "Jared," a father of four.

After talking briefly with the children about the gifts they had ordered and urging them to go to bed before midnight, Biden spoke with the father, noting that they both had a son named Hunter.

Ending the conversation, the U.S. president wished "a wonderful Christmas" to his interlocutor, who replied "I also wish you a wonderful Christmas, Merry Christmas" before ending his words with "Let's go Brandon''.

"Let's go Brandon, I agree," Biden replied, with no further reaction to the coded phrase that actually means "Fuck Joe Biden." While it was not immediately clear whether the President caught the reference, Jill Biden did have an embarrassed laugh and a mimicry with her eyes.

The video clip of this exchange went viral on social networks, with some Internet users praising the President for remaining unmoved.

It all started with the mistake of an NBC reporter interviewing race car driver Brandon Brown in early October after his victory on a Nascar track. Raising her voice to cover the rumors coming from the stands, she said, "And you can hear the crowd chanting, 'Go Brandon! In fact, you can hear the crowd chanting "F**k Joe Biden!" quite clearly.

The phrase "Let's Go Brandon" quickly became a slogan for insulting Joe Biden without using the proscribed "F word. In addition to ordinary Trump supporters, prominent Republican politicians have even picked up the phrase.

"Let's go Brandon! [F**k you Biden]": the slogan that went viral in the United States
Is a hit on American social networks, much to the chagrin of elites who no longer know how to mask
popular anger on the right.


Rapper Bryson Gray, North Carolina-born musician and longtime supporter of President Trump, composed his song in response to NBC's broadcast of a NASCAR race in Alabama.

NASCAR is to the United States what Formula One is to the rest of the world: its races draw huge crowds every weekend. NASCAR is a major cultural phenomenon - let's say "as American as apple pie " - that has inspired numerous movies (including Herbie), several video games, and gets a lot of press every week.

During this October 2 event, crowds were heard chanting "F-k Joe Biden!" - but NBC reporter Kelli Stavast insisted they were chanting "Let's go Brandon!" - "Let's go Brandon!" in reference to a victory by race car driver Brandon Brown that day.


The NBC anchor was simply hiding the truth by refusing to accept any criticism of President Biden on her network.

The reason this story exploded into popular culture is because it was obvious that she was lying on live television. Anyone can clearly hear a blatant lie. In fact, people were already chanting "Let's go Brandon!" at the beginning of the race! How would they have known he would win?

As Senator Cruz notes, "The clip is surreal. [...] To hear the NBC anchor say, 'Look, they're chanting 'Let's go Brandon!' sums up the whole subject of fake news in one fell swoop."

Popular storm

If you don't live in America, just know that this has gone viral.

Chants of "F- Joe Biden!" have been heard in huge crowds everywhere since late summer after the collapse of Afghanistan. Even when President Biden makes a trip, he is greeted by hordes of ex-President Trump supporters who are strongly against him...

But the chants of "F- Joe Biden!" gave way to "Let's go Brandon!", probably a less vulgar tone, although everyone now understands the meaning!

This is all rational.

First of all, no one believes the constant lies of the country's media and political "elites" who lie like they breathe. When the NBC anchorwoman claims that the audience is chanting "Let's go Brandon!" when something else is clearly heard on the video, she instantly exposes all the tartuferies of her caste.

Then, since "Let's go Brandon!" is not vulgar in its original meaning, people who would never be seen using the word "f" in public can sing along. As NBC puts it, it's an "anti-Biden slogan for the whole family"!

These chants are now happening all over the country at all kinds of gatherings.

As the Washington Times points out,

"Let's go Brandon!" has exploded on the right, arming brash conservatives with a deceptively innocuous shout-out that throws sarcastic jabs at President Biden and the mainstream media without running afoul of tech censors.

You don't risk having your Facebook or Twitter accounts shut down by their great defenders of free speech and conscience...

There is no story that is both more diverse and more symbolic, to the point of being almost a caricature of America, than the recent story of the ex-Marine who disarmed with his bare hands a thug who was attacking a small store with a gun. Full of humor, he told his story on Fox News, concluding the interview with "remember: Epstein did not commit suicide!". At the ceremony where the Sheriff presented him with a medal for his bravery, the veteran showed up wearing a beautiful "Let's Go Brandon!" t-shirt emblazoned with the American flag. Needless to say, he wore a red "Make America Great Again" cap, President Trump's campaign slogan.

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