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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 18:21 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:25 am
Posts: 544
The United States showed their concern towards the drone was shot down by the Egyptians November 2, 2013 in the border region with Libya through Russian modern weapons.After a month the news of the slaughter of Egypt by a U.S. drone that has spread on social networking sites , the U.S. magazine "Foreign Policy" confirmed the incident . The magazine says that the U.S. drone known as the X -47B not part of the latest generation of unmanned stealth aircraft was shot down near the Egyptian- Libyan border there several months , adding that " this is one of the most sophisticated aircraft of the U.S. Air Force and is one of the larger, faster and more deadly . " The newspaper reported that a few minutes after entering the area of ​​the Egyptian border , the drone was electronically mastered Electronics and then recovered without destroying to take advantage of its high technology . The magazine added that the visit of a Russian military intelligence chief in Cairo did not expect to be able to jointly study the technical characteristics of this device value to be able to possibly reproduce .. The magazine also expressed surprise American Egyptian air defense capabilities . " The cost of the drone would amount to $ 15 million and was designed to avoid radar and to reach a top speed of 460 miles per hour making it the most the fastest model planes without current driver as far exceeds the speed of the UAV model " Reaper" which does not exceed 276 mph . the X -47B is part of a series of projects to build the largest fleet of unmanned combat in the world. length of the plane is 11 meters , and the distance between the ends of the wings is 18 meters with a height of 3 meters. It can take off with a weight of about 20,000 pounds and flying at an altitude of 12215 meters making it an improved stealth bomber B22 . Compared to the latter model, the X47B has the advantage to move from pilot to board dependent human weakness , illness , fatigue or can be trapped . Not to mention its great capacity for takeoffs and landings and meticulous accuracy in difficult places or short corridor.


PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2014 18:51 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
You are about as accurate as the Russians are in Crimea... Vote to join Russia now or to join Russia later. Sorry no vote to keep Russia out of Crimea...

What a crock of crap! :roll:

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