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PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:14 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:25 am
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The speed of the new Russian MiG-41 interceptor must exceed four times the speed of sound, said test pilot Anatoly Kvochur.

Thus commented the statements made ​​by the legislature Tarnáyev Alexander that Russia is building the MiG-41 interceptor based on the heavy MiG-31, which is capable of reaching a speed of up to Mach 2.8.

"It should have modernized 20 years ago, something that did not happen.'s Why they are increasing the demands, including increasing the speed at mach 4 to 4.3" explained Kvochur RIA Novosti cited


PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 17:31 pm 
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Yeah I saw this on Space 1999...

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 17:22 pm 

Joined: Mon Oct 12, 2009 09:25 am
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(put up to date 18:53 22.06.2015) Sputnik France

The future Russian plane of interception to long range, the MiG-41, is one of the most secret projects of the Russian military industry. Some information circulated all the same about its case on internet since one year.

The basis of the Russian anti-aircraft defense is assured today by the hunter of MiG-31 interception conceived from another legendary device, the MiG-25. The MiG-31 appears at the end of the years 1970 to be thrown in production of set in the middle of the years 1980. After the destruction of the USSR in 1991, the airforce of Russia and the one of Kazakhstan inherited some. These two States postsoviétiques didn't sell their interceptors, that fly again today. Russia had thrown a massive replacement of the components of its MiGs, what increased the performances of the device in the elimination of the aerial targets. It has been decided that the Russian airforce would possess more than 100 MiG-31s, and that the plane could even be thrown in series to a superior technological level as its MiG-25 predecessor, while turning of facto into a new project. It is here that the mysterious MiG-41 passes to the first plan.

MiG already elaborated a new interceptor to long range in the setting of the "project 701" or "MDP", in the years 1990 -1992. The device in question, at all didn't look any 62 tons like the range MiG-25/MiG-31, and of by its performances could have become the plane interceptor of fifth generation the more powerful : the engineers intended to carry its autonomy until 7 000 km to speed of supersonic cruise of Mach 2,2 (about 2 300 km / h). The maximal speed of the device had to not pass 2 500 km / h.

Today, no one remembers the project 701 and the maximal speed announced of the MiG-41 indicates that it is very probably about an evolution of the MiG range -31. If the MiG-25s and most powerful MiG-31s could reach Mach 3-3,2,it is foreseen to push the MiG-41 until Mach 4,3 (either about 4 500 km / h). The fact is that USA actively work on drones of attack hypersoniques, that it will be necessary to intercept. The speed of these devices is raised very and the Russian arsenal of anti-aircraft and antimissile defense, except the surface-to-air S-500 sweeping until 150 km of altitude, must also have aerial means capable to react quickly to the violation of the aerospace space in the faraway borders.

The soldiers don't hasten to unveil the project baptized MiG-41. While gathering the few of partial information in the medias, one can raise the following chronology: the MiG-31s modernized will serve until 2028, when they will begin to yield the place to a device more modern and special. As for the visual aspect of the new interceptor, we could take knowledge of it between 2017 and 2020, when the engineers will present their project in the Russian ministry of the Defense.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 22:40 pm 
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Yea werent these were the MiGs on Topgun...?? :lol:

Seriously, don't hold your breath for this to ever pan out. The Russians simply don't have the cash for it nor will there be any interested buyers for out of date technology...

An aircraft going Mach 4 is simply to easy to track... Thermal as well as Radar.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 13:54 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
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The MiG-41 has been cancelled and the T-50 has been cut back to only 12 aircraft due to the economic conditions in Russia, just as I predicted...

"FAF Shape Meister"
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