I wish I had entered this discussion earlier...
I have never read such a massive amount of inaccuracies and downright bogus claims in my life. I guess it is attributed to a combination of patriotism and lack of a good education in history...
Here are the facts...
1) In 1939/40 the US had no effective tanks or anti tank weapons.. We would not have been able to stop the new German tactical warfare. Blitzkrieg would have overrun our military. Our Airforce was highly outclassed in fighters, but the Germans NEVER had an effective long range bombardment bomber. Our Navy was second to none. Even the Atlantic Fleet alone could have easily destroyed any German invasion fleet, which is why at that time we had a weak army as the Navy was charged with defending the country not the Army...
2) However if we were a continental european country and did not have 3000 miles of Atlantic Ocean seperating us then our military would not have been in that condition to begin with. We would have effectively stopped the Germans just we did the Iraqis...
3) The Germans never had an effective nuclear program. Their top nuclear physicist thought they would need a bomb with 1 ton of uranium in it to support a reaction! They did not have the resources nor the capability to build nucs.
4) while it is true the Germans did manage to send 1 bomber(with no cargo nor weapons adding weight) to New York, it did not enter teh defense perimeter of the city nor come close even to the coast. It simply flew until it could see the lights(yes they still had not implemented an effective blackout) and then turned away back to Germany...
5) The French were suffering from a huge lack of morale and defeatism... They expected to lose from the beginning. They did not have to surrender at 6 weeks, they had only lost less then 1/3 of their country to the Germans, but they simply lacked the will to fight on.. Just as they do today..
6)The V4, produced or not, would have had the same effect that the V1 and V2 had... none... The Germans had no way of arming it with a nuclear warhead so it was just a longer ranged V2...
7)The Germans would never have been able to sustain war output into 1946/47 as they were cut off from the necessary resources for production and starved for fuel. So even if they had managed to knock out the Russians they would have taken atleast 5 years to successfully tap into their resources for development as the Russians had a fully scorched earth policy and left the Germans nothing in the in conquered areas..
the Russians were really never close to being over run or defeated, even if they had lost Moscow.. They had laready evacuated all their war production to the Urals and their political machine was also moved. They simply would have continued the war and ground the German offensive down just as they did.
9) The free french and the resistance play important roles in the invasion, however their use was by no means a make or break issue. The invasion would have succeeded with or without them. Their targets would have been hit with other means if they had not been there to do it. Paratroopers and special forces coupled with Army Aircorp strikes would have been sufficient to completely isolate the invasion beaches on D-Day. As it turned out the Germans never attempted to move troops up to the beaches so isolating them on D-Day was not as important.
10) The Germans have never understood the US will to fight. Our service men proved they would not fold when attacked with superior numbers and weapons in the Battle of the Bulge.. They held fast in small pockets all over the front and forced the Germans to slow their advance until reinforcements cut off and isolated the German divisions. If we had been fighting for our homes we would have been unstoppable, even as guerilla fighters if our conventional army was over run...
I could go on and on, but I guess I have made my point...