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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 02:37 am 

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"The (F-15) pilots don't even look at their radar now to try to find the F-22 because they'll never see it, so they're looking out (through their canopies) trying to see a contrail, trying to see a glint in the sky."

In a related note I just read from someone who seemed knowledgeable that no F-15Cs regularly carry CFTs anymore. The only group to regularly fly with them were the 57th FIS in Iceland.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 03:18 am 
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Yep the only F-15s with CFTs are the F-15Es.


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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 19:34 pm 
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Yes Zephyr the C's use of the FAST Packs was strictly geared towards deployment to Europe without refuel... They have not been carried by Eagle C's in a very long time...

The Echo Strike Eagle is the only variant that regularily uses them, and this is to increase the offensive weapons loadout with the associated hardpoints...

CAG out...

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 21:57 pm 
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Yes each adds 6 hardpoints. This is what gives the F-15E the ability to carry 12 MK-82s on its fuselage in addition to 12 on the two wing pylons and (when utterly necessary) and additional 6 on the centerline... mmm can we say firepower.


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 21:54 pm 
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Yeah but only into areas with no defending fighers or sams... It cant maneuver with that heavy a load...

CAG out...

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 01:21 am 
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It also allows it to carry good amounts of JDAMs and such. I do like those CFTs I must say, it was a great idea.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 00:47 am 
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F-15E only has 5 hardpoints for advanced weapons like JDAM and JSOW, 1 on each CFT mkIV plus one on each wing and centerline pylon. You MIGHT be able to carry pre-programmed GPS weapons on other hardpoints, but you couldent update them before launch.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 01:37 am 
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KAPTOR wrote:
F-15E only has 5 hardpoints for advanced weapons like JDAM and JSOW, 1 on each CFT mkIV plus one on each wing and centerline pylon. You MIGHT be able to carry pre-programmed GPS weapons on other hardpoints, but you couldent update them before launch.

You mean to tell me they can't carry 8 GBU-35s or 12 GBU-38s on their CFTs?


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 15:24 pm 
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Cent check this link...

http://www.f-15estrikeeagle.com/navigat ... eapons.htm

BTW you earlier data on GBU number allocations seems to be in conflict with your current designation on the small diameter bomb... You originally stated the GBU-38 was the 500lb version and the GBU-39 was the small diameter bomb.. This site seems to support that.

However, you now say the GBU-38 is the small diameter bomb, so... What is the complete correct designations for all JDAMs in our inventory??


The image above seems to designate that there are 7 hardpoints that can carry the JDAM small diameter bombs...

1 - four weapon MER on each wing harpoint, 1 - four weapon MER on the center harpoint, and 2 - four weapon MER on 2 of the 6 conformal fueltanks on each side of the fuselage...

A total of 28 small diameter bombs...

CAG out...

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 16:14 pm 
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I don't recall saying the GBU-38 was the SDB and if so it was a typo. I'm fully aware the GBU-38/B is the MK-82 JDAM and the GBU-39/B is the SDB.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 16:42 pm 
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Thanks for clearing that up for me Cent... Makes implementation in FAF alot esier!

So, the F-15E can only carry a total of 10 500 or 1000 lb JDAMs using the new TER racks on the two wing hardpoints and the center ahrpoint on the fuselage and singles on the two supporatble hardpoints on each of the CFTs...

Quite a dissappointing loadout considering the all up weight allowance of the design and the large number of unusable harpoints on the CFTs...

CAG out...

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 23:31 pm 
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CAG Hotshot wrote:
Thanks for clearing that up for me Cent... Makes implementation in FAF alot esier!

So, the F-15E can only carry a total of 10 500 or 1000 lb JDAMs using the new TER racks on the two wing hardpoints and the center ahrpoint on the fuselage and singles on the two supporatble hardpoints on each of the CFTs...

Quite a dissappointing loadout considering the all up weight allowance of the design and the large number of unusable harpoints on the CFTs...

CAG out...

Yes it is. Oh well You know the military now...smaller, less, but still hit as hard (my ass) but hey its what the DOD thinks.


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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 03:08 am 
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from my newsgroup:

From: "Kirk Stant" <stant2@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: How many JSOWs does an F15E-229 carry?
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2004 5:38 PM

"Tetsuji Rai" <tetsuji_rai@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<5241ff3639ae3d46fb0028c293a5a050@news.teranews.com>...
> Title says it all. I'm playing a flight sim, Falcon4. Recently a new
> version was out. In the previous version, F15E can carry up to 8 JSOWs
> (AGM154a), however in the new version it can carry only 2 JSOWs. Which is
> correct? It is a big problem to me as an F15E fan.
> Thanks in advance.

5 JSOWs max, one each on the left wing pylon, left conformal (center
inboard pylon), centerline pylon, right conformal (center inboard
pylon), and right pylon.

Same thing with JDAMs or WCMDs; only those 5 stations are wired up
with the 1760 bus necessary to drop the things.

When any of these are carried on a CFT, nothing else can be carried on
the rest of that CFT's pylons, BTW, and you can mix types of smart
weapons (so can carry 2 JDAMs (my favorite, JSOWs are a pain to use),
2 WCMDs (smart CBU!), and one JSOW (pig with wings).

Of course, that's a pretty heavy load - better have a tanker to go
along with you...

(too many hours working on the F-15E WST)

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 13:01 pm 
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That is totally wrong, I have pics of F-15Es dropping JDAMs off two of the CFTs on each side of the aircraft...

Also, as I understand it, the JSOW can not be carried on the centerline due to clearance problems when the jet rotates on takeoff...

I have no idea if it can be carried on the CFT harpoints...

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 14:03 pm 
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I find that wierd. The F-15E can carry MK-84s and MK-82s on the centerline and it won't interrupt the rotation when it takes off so why should a JDAM? Hell they put a 610 gallon fuel tank down there!


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