Zephyr Net

Nice Picture
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Author:  Zephyr [ Mon May 05, 2003 01:40 am ]
Post subject:  Nice Picture

I've been told the picture is authentic, showing a Andersen AFB G model during
a RIMPAC exercise during the early 90's.

Actually, if the gross weight is light enough, and the airspeed fast enough, we
would have a very noticeable negative AoA in relation to the fuselage.

-BUFDRVR from Usenet



Author:  Centurian [ Mon May 05, 2003 03:36 am ]
Post subject: 

That's next to the carrier right? Man that big B-52 is dwarfed by the carrier.

Author:  da big man! [ Mon May 05, 2003 20:21 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Centurian [ Mon May 05, 2003 21:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Flying at hunder 100 feet wow...it so seems fake I mean that B-52 just looks so fake next to that carrier. About that neg AOA, I never heard of that, how is it possible? I mean I know the Concorde ascends as it burns fuel and gets lighter so is it the same principle?

Author:  Jimbo [ Mon May 05, 2003 22:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm looks VERY cool but that BUFF's nose is directed towards the water too much... so either it was trying to get lower and more prepared for the cameraman or the result from this flyby was one heck of a bellyflop.


Author:  KAPTOR [ Mon May 05, 2003 23:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

NOPE!! I've seen Buffs fly like this MANY times(the AOA thing) remember the Buff can carry like 50,000lbs plus of ordanance, and during exercises and stuff it doesnt carry anywhere near that much. All that lift HAS to go somewhere so if the pilot DOESNT nose down it'll just keep climbing. Also , if you look at how the wing is mounted to the fusalage you'll see that it has a lot of AOA built into the mount itself, so it has to fly tail high just to get a near normal AOA on the wing.

Author:  Centurian [ Tue May 06, 2003 03:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Wouldn't flying like this create drag though because you aren't streamlining?

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