awwwww jeeze
you need to stop watching the History channel.
#1 you never talked to anyone with "top secret" clearance, I know all those people and they say they never heard of you.
#2 UFOs ARE real, I've been on the fence about this for several decades but the historicle data ( not the newer "I wanna be on Jerry Springer cause a matian ate my baby" stuff ) has tipped me to the believer side as well as a few personal experiances as well as family sightings going back many years.
#3 there is nothing mysticle about stealth, we've been working on it since 1913 ( a US Army contract to produce an invisible airplane ), it's just the latest form of camoflage. Same goes for LASERs, Microwaves and all the other stuff they talked about on the show you saw that alledged they came from alien sources.
Glad you came to the conclusion about inertia, NASA came to the conclusion that inertia might be overcome and let contracts and study grants to several universities 5 or 6 years ago, nothing new.