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PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:48 am 

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NATO 2030 Agenda, November 25, 2020.


From : https://www.voltairenet.org/article213429.html

CAG Hotshot wrote:

I don't know about the other European countries, but France must leave the integrated command of NATO.

We Europeans are vassalized by this structure.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 00:49 am 
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You're an Idiot. Your posts constantly show that. You have no understanding of strategic concepts or understanding even your own nation's needs. Every time you show up here and barf up your posts to the board you never seem to grasp any of the topics that you (cut and paste from other people's work) post. France already has enough independence from NATO and is not obligated in any way to do anything they do not feel is in their own nations interests. Their military forces are independent. Their part in the integrated command gives them access to not only sensitive information that would otherwise be outside their purview but also guarantees that if attacked all NATO countries will come to their defense. Perhaps if you paid more attention to what is ailing your country for real, instead of always whining about NATO people would take your posts a little more seriously... But to do that you would actually have to post your own content instead of taking other's work, which is why you earned the label of ASSHOLE.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 19:57 pm 

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Escalation is not good for anyone, especially for us Europeans.

NATO is strengthening its presence in Europe, expanding the alliance, frequent maneuvers near the Russian borders and the presence of American nuclear weapons in this continent.

It is a slow evolution of a certain escalation. In thirty years we have moved from cooperation to competition and now we are moving towards confrontation.

This is the fault of NATO, which has not stopped approaching the Russian border since the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991.
For this "European Union" the European defense is called NATO and the army that defends Europe is called the American army.

We Europeans are subject to the goodwill of our American partners.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2021 22:10 pm 
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I would think your communist government, tyrannical Covid measures, and frequent rape/pillage by your muslim invaders would be a bigger concern.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2021 02:28 am 

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usnraptor wrote:
I would think your communist government, tyrannical Covid measures, and frequent rape/pillage by your muslim invaders would be a bigger concern.

Globalism poses many problems in the West, and we Europeans do not have an independent policy in this sense.
The United States is also affected by this.
The East and West coasts of the United States are more conducive to this dynamic, unlike the forgotten people of deep America, the authentic people of this country.
NATO is one of the many tools of globalism indeed.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2021 04:36 am 
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usnraptor wrote:
I would think your communist government, tyrannical Covid measures, and frequent rape/pillage by your muslim invaders would be a bigger concern.

He is too stupid for logical thought. He would rather whine about NATO so he can complain and cry all over the internet.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 14:52 pm 

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CAG Hotshot wrote:
usnraptor wrote:
I would think your communist government, tyrannical Covid measures, and frequent rape/pillage by your muslim invaders would be a bigger concern.

He is too stupid for logical thought. He would rather whine about NATO so he can complain and cry all over the internet.

NATO out of Europe. It is a business that is not ours. We don't want to follow the globalist Atlantists in their future endless wars around the world.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 06:57 am 
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Go Fuck Yourself you little dweeb french bitch. You are a complete and total ASSHOLE. 100% Douchebag. And incase you didnt know it you pathetic cowardly pussies are responsible for just about every war since the war with Prussia in the 1870s... You assholes, along with the Brits created the entire mess in the Middle East by forming those countries, and then you made it even worse with the cowardly war you tried to fight in Libya and Syria and its 1000% worse. Then you ran away from Algeria in the 60s and sold out your own legion. In Syria and Libya you again ran away and left if for the US to try to salvage. You also pussied out on going after bin laden in the 1990s well before 9/11 was even a thought in that idiots head. If you had some balls back then there would have been no wars in Afghanistan in 2001 or in Iraq in 2003, or Vietnam in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. The french are total cowards. Every Single One. You assholes drill in reverse so you can run away faster. You have armed vehicles with rear facing drivers so you can drive away faster... And have permanent white flag diapers so you can surrender to the first dipshit to throw a piece of toilet paper at you. biden is french.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 08:06 am 

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Modesty is definitely not your strong point.
The insults are flying and you are losing your mind.
Globalists are by definition stateless,
If you feel targeted, it's not our fault.
It's a good thing you're not in charge of the United States,
otherwise there would be a world war guaranteed right away.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2021 06:41 am 
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Your strong point is bullshit and whining... I can smell your stink from half way across the planet.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 15:10 pm 

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For several weeks, Russia and the Western countries have been going through an episode of tension. The American press has been huffing and puffing that Moscow would have massed 100,000 men in preparation for an invasion of Ukraine. But there is no concrete evidence to support these allegations. Except for satellite images of Russian military equipment abandoned in the small town of Yelnia, near the Belarusian border, after the joint Zapad-2021 manoeuvres in September.

In order to initiate a lasting de-escalation between Russia and the Atlantic Alliance, Sergei Riabkov, Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, presented two draft agreements to the Americans on 17 December. Moscow is asking Washington to renounce the integration of Ukraine into NATO and to abandon the creation of US military bases in post-Soviet countries.
In exchange for the cessation of Atlantic military manoeuvres on its border, Moscow would undertake not to conduct any more manoeuvres on its territory near European borders. The same applies to short- and medium-range ballistic missiles: the Russians are proposing a moratorium on their deployment in Europe and Russia, so that the two sides cannot reach each other directly.

Short of moving the country, it is difficult to offer better: Nato forces are already operating on the Russian border. "We are on our doorstep, we can't back down," as Vladimir Putin summed it up. Proof of this is the incident narrowly avoided over the Black Sea last June. An Alliance spy plane had cut the air corridor of a flight of the Russian airline Aeroflot.

Washington has categorically refused Moscow's proposals. There will be no "compromise" on "the fact that all countries have the right to decide their own future and their foreign policy without being subject to outside influence," said Jen Psaki, White House spokeswoman.

This includes a recording of Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Kiev. In early February 2014, they are discussing who should form the future Ukrainian government while Yanukovych is still in power.

In Europe, the recording raised a wave of indignation. The reason for this commotion: Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, had dropped a "fuck the EU". Two months earlier, at a meeting of the US-Ukraine Foundation, she had said that the United States had "invested" $5 billion since the collapse of the USSR to "support the democratic transition" in Kiev. "More recently, we have seen the support of the European intelligentsia for Navalny and the Belarusian opposition with, in particular, Poland's hosting of the entire Nexta nebula [a Telegram channel considered by Minsk to be extremist].

In short, this constant inversion of roles by the West and their accusations against a Russia to which they attribute warmongering intentions are part of a classic phenomenon of enemy fabrication. The process of mental preparation for the outbreak of a war.

"It is European blood that will be shed", not American blood.
The false testimony in the case of the incubators in Kuwait in 1990 preceded the entry into the war of the West against Iraq... The supposed "massacre" of Račak in 1999 justified the intervention of Nato in Serbia... The report of the American services on the imaginary arsenal of weapons of mass destruction and bacteriological of Saddam Hussein preluded to the second Iraq war, in 2003.
"Solid sources" that the American Secretary of State at the time, Colin Powell, had the audacity to defend by brandishing at the UN a whitish vial supposedly containing Iraqi anthrax. The same process narrowly missed destroying Syria, following the chemical attack in Ghouta that Washington and its allies attributed to the regular Syrian army.

The only difference this time, as Biden reminded us in the event of a conflict in Ukraine, is that American soldiers will not take part in hostilities.

In the end, European blood will be shed. This war may have catastrophic consequences in Europe. If Nato gets involved, it means that young French people could die. The Americans, on the other hand, will not see their economy or their territory affected. They can continue to eat their popcorn while the Europeans kill each other.

We have not yet recovered from the first two world wars, the third would be fatal to us.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 16:29 pm 
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Hal Turner has been discussing the Russia - Ukraine issue lately. His show is M - F 9 to 10 pm eastern, but on Wednesday it is 9 to 11 pm


PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 17:34 pm 

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Ukraine: China and Russia demand written commitment from US

While the United States succeeded in convincing each of its NATO partners to support Ukraine militarily in the event of a conflict with Russia, the latter can count on China’s backing in case of a conflict with Ukraine and NATO.

This subject was the focus of the virtual summit that was held on 15 December 2021 between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

Washington’s strategists got it wrong. The only effect achieved from rising tensions will not have been to corner Russia, but to cement the military alliance between Moscow and Beijing.

Moreover, Russia and China have jointly asked the US for a written commitment not to expand NATO further east, not to station weapons in Ukraine and to prod Kiev to implement the Minsk accords.

Draft Agreement on measures to ensure the security of Russia and NATO

The Russian Federation and the member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

reaffirming their aspiration to improve relations and deepen mutual understanding,

acknowledging that an effective response to contemporary challenges and threats to security in our interdependent world requires joint efforts of all the Parties,

determined to prevent dangerous military activity and therefore reduce the possibility of incidents between their armed forces,

noting that the security interests of each Party require better multilateral cooperation, more political and military stability, predictability, and transparency,

reaffirming their commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the 1975 Helsinki Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the 1997 Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between the Russian Federation and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the 1994 Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, the 1999 Charter for European Security, and the Rome Declaration "Russia-NATO Relations: a New Quality" signed by the Heads of State and Government of the Russian Federation and NATO member States in 2002,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties shall guide in their relations by the principles of cooperation, equal and indivisible security. They shall not strengthen their security individually, within international organizations, military alliances or coalitions at the expense of the security of other Parties.

The Parties shall settle all international disputes in their mutual relations by peaceful means and refrain from the use or threat of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.

The Parties shall not create conditions or situations that pose or could be perceived as a threat to the national security of other Parties.

The Parties shall exercise restraint in military planning and conducting exercises to reduce risks of eventual dangerous situations in accordance with their obligations under international law, including those set out in intergovernmental agreements on the prevention of incidents at sea outside territorial waters and in the airspace above, as well as in intergovernmental agreements on the prevention of dangerous military activities.

Article 2

In order to address issues and settle problems, the Parties shall use the mechanisms of urgent bilateral or multilateral consultations, including the NATO-Russia Council.

The Parties shall regularly and voluntarily exchange assessments of contemporary threats and security challenges, inform each other about military exercises and maneuvers, and main provisions of their military doctrines. All existing mechanisms and tools for confidence-building measures shall be used in order to ensure transparency and predictability of military activities.

Telephone hotlines shall be established to maintain emergency contacts between the Parties.

Article 3

The Parties reaffirm that they do not consider each other as adversaries.

The Parties shall maintain dialogue and interaction on improving mechanisms to prevent incidents on and over the high seas (primarily in the Baltics and the Black Sea region).

Article 4

The Russian Federation and all the Parties that were member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as of 27 May 1997, respectively, shall not deploy military forces and weaponry on the territory of any of the other States in Europe in addition to the forces stationed on that territory as of 27 May 1997. With the consent of all the Parties such deployments can take place in exceptional cases to eliminate a threat to security of one or more Parties.

Article 5

The Parties shall not deploy land-based intermediate- and short-range missiles in areas allowing them to reach the territory of the other Parties.

Article 6

All member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization commit themselves to refrain from any further enlargement of NATO, including the accession of Ukraine as well as other States.

Article 7

The Parties that are member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization shall not conduct any military activity on the territory of Ukraine as well as other States in the Eastern Europe, in the South Caucasus and in Central Asia.

In order to exclude incidents the Russian Federation and the Parties that are member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization shall not conduct military exercises or other military activities above the brigade level in a zone of agreed width and configuration on each side of the border line of the Russian Federation and the states in a military alliance with it, as well as Parties that are member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Article 8

This Agreement shall not affect and shall not be interpreted as affecting the primary responsibility of the Security Council of the United Nations for maintaining international peace and security, nor the rights and obligations
of the Parties under the Charter of the United Nations.

Article 9

This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of deposit of the instruments of ratification, expressing consent to be bound by it, with the Depositary by more than a half of the signatory States. With respect to a State that deposited its instrument of ratification at a later date, this Agreement shall enter into force from the date of its deposit.

Each Party to this Agreement may withdraw from it by giving appropriate notice to the Depositary. This Agreement shall terminate for such Party [30] days after receipt of such notice by the Depositary.

This Agreement has been drawn up in Russian, English and French, all texts being equally authentic, and shall be deposited in the archive of the Depositary, which is the Government of

From : https://www.voltairenet.org/article215112.html and https://www.voltairenet.org/article215174.html

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