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PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 18:57 pm 

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NATO plans the expansion of the Alliance in Eastern Europe since the beginning of Ukrainian political crises amid fears of worsening retaliations with Russia. The Alliance has promised not to set up any military bases in Eastern European countries that have joined NATO since the fall of the Soviet Union. Moscow warns that such actions may lead to a new "cold war".


NATO has repeatedly blamed Russia for its agressive behavior, but it looks like the alliance forgot about its own military manoeuvres along the Russian border.

More details on : http://sputniknews.com/trend/nato_seeks_expansion_eastern_europe/

Last edited by mlad on Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 21:15 pm 
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Russians are a joke. You are a babbling propagandist... Go home and put your head back up Putin's ass...

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 09:03 am 

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I understand that our interests diverge but there are limits to, especially when arguing with contempt as you do so well ... I am European, my country is France.
I do not want civil war in the nations of my continent.
I am against any form of instability that comes from the north, south, east, west.
We need a policy of good neighborliness with Russia.

The Cold War is long over.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 01:40 am 

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Facing missilistic defense program NATO piped USA, Russia can deploy new weapons of attack to break through the "shield": this is what President Putin announced yesterday, accusing Washington of wanting to neutralize deterrence Russian strategic to acquire a "decisive military superiority." The Russian ruling by our media as unexpected and threatening, had been pre-announced long. We wrote repeatedly, for years, on il manifesto. Even the New York Times (November 10) admits: "For many years the Kremlin has protested against the missile shield in US conduct. Washington responded that the shield was to neutralize Iranian missiles. Putin, however, argues that the US has continued to work to shield even after the agreement that stopped the Iranian nuclear program. "

How did it come to such a situation? The US Congress has allocated more than $ 200 billion (deposit about 1 000 billion over ten years) to potentiate nuclear forces with 12 other attack submarines (seven billion one, the first is already under construction) armed each of 200 nuclear warheads, other strategic bombers (part 550 000 000), each armed with 20 nuclear warheads.

At the same time the US has continued to potentiate the "missile shield", which is not an instrument of defense but offensive if they can develop a "shield" reliable, they can hold Russia and other countries under the threat of a nuclear strike fisrt, in reliance on the capacity of the "shield" to neutralize the effects of reprisals. The new plan launched by President Obama provides, compared to the previous, a greater number of missiles deployed on the Russian territory. As it is the USA that control, no one can know whether they are interceptors or nuclear missiles.

On 2 October, on the eve of the great Trident Juncture, NATO announced the arrival in the naval base at Rota, Spain, the destroyer USS Carney missile launcher for "renfoncer the missilistique Nato defense in Europe." In addition to 24 SM-3 missiles installed the Aegis system in Poland and especially in Romania, the "shield" of missiles includes the deployment in the Mediterranean warships equipped with Aegis radars and SM-3 missiles. The USS Carney is the fourth unit of this type, since last February, to be transferred from the USA in the Mediterranean, specifically in the Black Sea in Romania. It is likely that the number of such vessels in the Mediterranean will increase as the US Navy already has thirty. The Spanish navy already has four frigates equipped with the Aegis system, which makes them inter-operational ships with Americans. The same is underway with the FREMM frigates of the Italian Navy.

A role of growing importance in the "shield" is played by the commandments and the basics USA / NATO in Italy is in Naples as are the headquarters of US and allied naval forces in Sicily Naval Air Station Sigonella (which assists Aegis units in the Mediterranean) and MUOS Niscemi for satellite communications at high frequency. All Aegis naval units in the Mediterranean, still informs NATO, are "under US command and control." This means that the decision to launch the interceptor missile, or presumed such, is exclusive relevance of the Pentagon.

Also, will arrive in Italy new US nuclear bombs B61-12, which replace previous B61. As Hans Kristensen documents the nuclear scientist, director of the Nuclear Information Project at the FAS (Federation of American Scientists) is in the upgrade of the base of the US Air Force in Aviano (Pordenone, Friuli region) and that of Ghedi Torre (Brescia). Similar preparations are underway in the German Basic Buchel, where it is restructured silvering the slopes, providing them with new instrumentation.

Washington keeps repeating that the US is currently building the "shield" to defend NATO allies. In fact Italy and other NATO European members are used by the US as the first line of a new nuclear confrontation, in some aspects more dangerous than the Cold War.

Manlio Dinucci

Thursday November 12, 2015 edition of il manifesto

Translated from Italian

The original source of this article is ilmanifesto.info
Copyright © Manlio Dinucci, ilmanifesto.info, 2015

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 09:23 am 

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10/15/2015 11:46 (updated 10/15/2015 3:22 p.m.)

"A third world war may burst in Europe"

Russia acted intelligently by intervening militarily in Syria, and migration policy in Europe will lead it to destruction, says a Hungarian parliamentarian.

The EU is reaping the benefits of the aid it provided to the US in the destabilization of northern Africa and Ukraine, said in an interview with Sputnik Márton Gyöngyösi, vice president of the Parliamentary Group of the Parliament Hungarian and vice president of the Jobbik party.

"These are conflicts in Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq which caused the influx of migrants. The US has caused this problem and now, they are set aside and criticize the ineffectiveness of Europe in this issue, "he said.

Hungary does not want to receive the sub-Saharan African immigrants and the Middle East, the official said. According to him, there is no guarantee that these migrants are not part of terrorist groups like Al-Nusra Front or EI, and they do not come to commit terrorist acts in Europe.

"Migration policy Home in Europe will lead us to the destruction of Europe," insisted the parliamentarian.

Regarding the expansion of NATO in Europe, he said: "The assertion that the NATO Alliance moved its missiles in Europe to stand up to Iran, claiming the nuclear danger is the affirmation The most absurd I've ever heard. Everybody knows that Iranian missiles can reach Israel even ... let alone Europe. It has been an alibi sewn with white thread to install missiles there. This whole thing is linked with Russia, not with Iran. "

After the fall of the Iron Curtain and the USSR, the objective of NATO has been to increasingly expand its influence eastward, is it convinced.

He said the Alliance neither hides his aggressive nature nor demonstrative and provocative intentions against Russia. Indeed, NATO has decided to open eight command centers across several European countries. "This is just the beginning of great opposition and military competition. We see the illustration in Ukraine and Syria," warned the official.

"If ever the Russian response, Europe suffer while the US is far from the other side of the ocean. It was in Europe that may have the third world war. Hungary must say loud and hard as she does not want to participate in this aggressive policy. "

"If ever this statement is not taken seriously, Hungary must leave NATO to remain neutral", thinks Mr Márton.

Russia acted intelligently by intervening militarily in Syria to fight Daech with Iran. "Russia has a choice laid before the Western countries, asking them to choose sides in this confrontation. Russia and Iran want to fight evil incarnate, but the West slows in this fight ... Why? Perhaps, because they are afraid of losing their investments? "asks the politician.

"I consider that the US is fully responsible for this situation. We know their determination to build a unipolar world," he added.

"The EI is the creature of the West. The IU would never have been born if the West had not destabilized Iraq," still insisted the parliamentarian.

The Alliance of Youth Right-Movement for a Better Hungary, Jobbik commonly called, is a Hungarian eurosceptic political party founded in 2003 and chaired by Gábor Vona. Jobbik stands for Jobboldali Ifjúsági Közösség, and also in Hungarian means "the best".

From : https://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffr.sputniknews.com%2Finternational%2F20151015%2F1018851917%2Fhongrie-migrants-usa-russie-syrie.html&edit-text=&act=url

PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 15:36 pm 
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mlad wrote:
I understand that our interests diverge but there are limits to, especially when arguing with contempt as you do so well ... I am European, my country is France.
I do not want civil war in the nations of my continent.
I am against any form of instability that comes from the north, south, east, west.
We need a policy of good neighborliness with Russia.

The Cold War is long over.

Tell that to Putin... And tell it to the thousands of dead in the Ukraine and their families, where Russia is not wanted and has no right to be, yet are anyway. Tell that to the Georgians that died in that Russian bullshit intervention and their families.

You are the worst type of fool. You kiss ass with the Russians and the Chinese and they wouldn't hesitate to shoot you in the face the first change they could get. I ran into idiots just like you when I served in NATO. No balls and no brains, just an ass kisser. No guts to defend their own way of life and instead sit around with their hand out.

What have you built in your life? That is an easy one. Nothing...

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2015 09:07 am 

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What arrogance, it's really pathetic.

As if NATO represents the human rights...

We are Europeans and we do not war in our continent. If you do not like the Russians, that's your problem.

Europe must leave NATO, which provides only chaos and despair wherever it is housed.

I hope that France out of NATO soon

We need a non-alignment policy for a multipolar world and non-aggression towards our neighbors.

A true relationship of equals to our partners as well as USA, Russia, China etc ...

I recall that the two world wars were initiated in Europe...

Sad reality, check this : http://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2015/01/10/392443/CIA-carried-out-Paris-attack-Roberts



PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 02:31 am 
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You did not answer the question, you snot nosed brat... That is because the answer is you have done NOTHING...

And Europe is NATO and will go no where... Especially France, which needs its NATO partners to battle the terrorists idiots like you let into the country.

And lookup appeasement... Your country has a long history of it. I think you will find that your coward attitude adds up to being just another scared appeaser!

Now go home and kiss your mommy goodnight, baby brat...

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 18:48 pm 

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Poland: NATO organizes the biggest wargames since the end of Cold War

Members of the Polish honor guard of June 6, 2016 at Rembertow near Warsaw during the opening ceremony of the largest military exercises since the fall of communism in 1989 with NATO countries.

"The purpose of the exercise is to test the ability of Alliance country to defend its eastern flank," said the Polish defense minister Antoni Macierewicz at the Warsaw launch.

A total of 31 000 soldiers from 24 countries will attend this bi-annual exercise codenamed Anaconda, which will begin on Tuesday and land which ends June 17 The participants further 19 NATO countries, are countries which are associated through the Partnership for Peace, including Ukraine.

Poland, it will deploy more than a third of the workforce, or 12,000 soldiers. Americans will be 14 thousand and a thousand Britons.

Three thousand vehicles, 105 aircraft and 12 ships will participate in this unprecedented exercise in Central Europe since the end of the Cold War.

"It is noteworthy that in these difficult conditions in which we find ourselves today in Poland and on the eastern flank, and your participation this year have mostly defensive," said the Polish minister, addressing the soldiers.

Present at the opening ceremony, General Mark Milley, Chief of Staff of the US Army, said that US forces for the purpose of this exercise was to demonstrate that they stood " shoulder to shoulder with Poland, with the people and the Polish army, as well as with NATO so that each country is free and independent. "


In the Cold War, NATO was fighting against the Warsaw Pact! And in July, the Atlantic Alliance will meet in Warsaw to discuss the strengthening of its military presence in Eastern Europe.

More weapons, more troops to restore peace in Europe permanently? NATO says determined to rescue the country from Eastern Europe. She goes to the white knight because the threat from the East weighs heavy ... This is the meaning ascribed to say including J. Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, announcing the next summit of the Organization in Warsaw . According to him, this "summit will be held when the Alliance unprecedented challenges both in the East and South."

Among the main threats to the Alliance is traditionally Russia. Christine Bierre, editor of New solidarity, estimates that today the history of the Cold War is repeated in reverse. NATO, which was fighting against the Warsaw Pact met in Warsaw to force the encirclement of Russia.

"We are in a kind of missile crisis in Cuba upside except much worse. At the time of the missile crisis in Cuba, they were missiles that were a hundred kilometers of the United States. Today it is a policy of encirclement of Russia is seen with a continuous strengthening of NATO assets to Russia's borders, with East European countries that were excited by the US and England in particular to require more and more regiments of missile systems at home. And that's what will be discussed at the NATO summit, then finalize the deployment of anti-missile systems, the first phase in Europe is the last deployment of the missile defense system in Romania. There is also a radar system in Turkey, the headquarters in Germany, the Aegis systems in Spain. So it's a whole encirclement of Russia held which is extremely dangerous and must be denounced. "

The cons-Admiral François Jourdier fact nevertheless noted that, although some NATO members show belligerent, should not neglect the opinion of countries such as France.

"It is certain that the NATO summit in Warsaw will deal primarily with relations with Russia. But the positions are not the same throughout Europe. There is first the Baltic countries and Poland but there are also some countries like Germany and France who want to gradually normalize relations with Russia if it satisfies the Minsk agreements by both sides, moreover . We can hope in my opinion a warming between USA and Russia as shown in the management of the Syrian crisis Mr. Kerry and Mr. Lavrov. "

However, the creation of the European segment of the US anti-missile shield is going well, despite calls from Moscow not to contribute to the strategic balance in Europe. In Romania, a first missile missile site has just been inaugurated. Poland begins the work of a second site.

The NATO summit in Poland is advertised as historical. For its Secretary General, this meeting will be crucial but it should be that decisions are implemented. He confirmed the willingness of the Alliance to deploy troops and weapons on NATO's eastern border. Four battalions will be deployed in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland to better "protect" these neighbors of Russia the "Russian threat". A term particularly ironic that Russia plays the role of late peacemaker in a series of conflicts.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 02:29 am 

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Upgrades At US Nuclear Bases In Europe. By Hans M. Kristensen (Hans M. Kristensen is the director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists where he provides the public with analysis and background information about the status of nuclear forces and the role of nuclear weapons.)

Security upgrades underway at U.S. Air Force bases in Europe indicate that nuclear weapons deployed in Europe have been stored under unsafe conditions for more than two decades.

Commercial satellite images show work underway at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey and Aviano Air Base in Italy. The upgrades are intended to increase the physical protection of nuclear weapons stored at the two U.S. Air Force Bases.

The upgrades indirectly acknowledge that security at U.S. nuclear weapons storage sites in Europe has been inadequate for more than two decades.

And the decision to upgrade nuclear security perimeters at the two U.S. bases strongly implies that security at the other four European host bases must now be characterized as inadequate.

Security challenges at Incirlik AB are unique in NATO’s nuclear posture because the base is located only 110 kilometers (68 miles) from war-torn Syria and because of an ongoing armed conflict within Turkey between the Turkish authorities and Kurdish militants. The wisdom of deploying NATO’s largest nuclear weapons stockpile in such a volatile region seems questionable. (UPDATE: Pentagon orders “voluntary departure” of 900 family members of U.S. personnel stationed at Incirlik.)

Upgrades at Incirlik Air Base

Incirlik Air Base is the largest nuclear weapons storage site in Europe with 25 underground vaults installed inside as many protective aircraft shelters (PAS) in 1998. Each vault can hold up to four bombs for a maximum total base capacity of 100 bombs. There were 90 B61 nuclear bombs in 2000, or 3-4 bombs per vault. This included 40 bombs earmarked for deliver by Turkish F-16 jets at Balikesir Air Base and Akinci Air Base. There are currently an estimated 50 bombs at the base, or an average of 2-3 bombs in each of the 21 vaults inside the new security perimeter.

The new security perimeter under construction surrounds the so-called “NATO area” with 21 aircraft shelters (the remaining four vaults might be in shelters inside the Cold War alert area that is no longer used for nuclear operations). The security perimeter is a 4,200-meter (2,600-mile) double-fenced with lighting, cameras, intrusion detection, and a vehicle patrol-road running between the two fences. There are five or six access points including three for aircraft. Construction is done by Kuanta Construction for the Aselsan Cooperation under a contract with the Turkish Ministry of Defense.

A major nuclear weapons security upgrade is underway at the U.S. Air Force base at Incirlik in Turkey.

In addition to the security perimeter, an upgrade is also planned of the vault support facility garage that is used by the special weapons maintenance trucks (WMT) that drive out to service the B61 bombs inside the aircraft shelters. The vault support facility is located outside the west-end of the security perimeter. The weapons maintenance trucks themselves are also being upgraded and replaced with new Secure Transportable Maintenance System (STMS) trailers.

The nuclear role of Incirlik is unique in NATO’s nuclear posture in that it is the only base in Europe with nuclear weapons that doesn’t have nuclear-capable fighter-bombers permanently present. Even though the Turkish government recently has allowed the U.S. Air Force to fly strikes from Incirlik against targets in Syria, the Turks have declined U.S. requests to permanently base a fighter wing at the base. As such, there is no designated nuclear wing with squadrons of aircraft intended to employ the nuclear bombs stored at Incirlik; in a war, aircraft would have to fly in from wings at other bases to pick up and deliver the weapons.

Upgrades at Aviano Air Base

A nuclear security upgrade is also underway at the U.S. Air Force base near Aviano in northern Italy. Unlike Incirlik, that does not have nuclear-capable aircraft permanently based, Aviano Air Base is home to the 31st Fighter Wing with its two squadrons of nuclear-capable F-16C/Ds: the 510th “Buzzards” Fighter Squadron and the 555th “Triple Nickel” Fighter Squadron. These squadrons have been very busy as part of NATO’s recent response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and some of Aviano’s F-16s are currently operating from Incirlik as part of strike operations in Syria.

A nuclear security upgrade appears to have been nearly completed at the U.S. Air Base at Aviano in Italy.
A total of 18 underground nuclear weapons storage vaults were installed in as many protective aircraft shelters at Aviano in 1996 for a maximum total base storage capacity of 72 nuclear bombs. Only 12 of those shelters are inside the new security perimeter under construction at the base. Assuming nuclear weapons will only be stored in vaults inside the new security perimeter in the future, this indicates that the nuclear mission at Aviano may have been reduced.

In 2000, shortly after the original 18 vaults were completed, Aviano stored 50 nuclear bombs, or an average of 2-3 in each vault. The 12 shelters inside the new perimeter (one of which is of a smaller design) would only be able to hold a maximum of 48 weapons if loaded to capacity. If each vault has only 2-3 weapons, it would imply only 25-35 weapons remain at the base.

NATO Nuclear Security Costs

Publicly available information about how much money NATO spends on security upgrades to protect the deployment in Europe is sketchy and incomplete. But U.S. officials have provided some data over the past few years.

In November 2011, three years after the U.S. Air Force Ribbon Review Review in 2008 concluded that “most” nuclear weapons storage sites in Europe did not meet U.S. Department of Defense security standards, James Miller, then Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, informed Congress that NATO would spend $63.4 million in 2011-2012 on security upgrades for munitions storage sites and another $67 million in 2013-2014.

In March 2014, as part of the Fiscal Year 2015 budget request, the U.S. Department of Defense stated that NATO since 2000 had invested over $80 million in infrastructure improvements required to store nuclear weapons within secure facilities in storage sites in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey. Another $154 million was planned for these sites on security improvements to meet with stringent new U.S. standards.

The following month, in April 2014, Andrew Weber, then Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs, told Congress that “NATO common funding has paid for over $300 million, approximately 75 percent of the B61 storage security infrastructure and upgrades” in Europe. Elaine Bunn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Missile Defense Policy, added that because host base facilities are funded through individual national budgets, “it is not possible to provide an accurate assessment of exactly how much NATO basing nations have contributed in Fiscal Year 2014 toward NATO nuclear burden sharing, although it is substantial.” Bunn provided additional information that showed funding of security enhancements and upgrades as well as funding of infrastructure upgrades (investment) at the specific European weapon storage sites. This funding, she explained, is provided through the NATO Security Investment Program (NSIP) and there have been four NATO weapons storage-related upgrades (Capability Package upgrades) since the original NATO Capability Package was approved in 2000:
In addition to the security upgrades underway at Incirlik and Aviano, upgrades of nuclear-related facilities are also underway or planned at national host bases that store U.S. nuclear weapons. This includes a new WS3 vault support facility and a MUNSS (Munitions Support Squadron) Operations Center-Command Post at Kleine Brogel AB in Belgium, and a WS3 vault support facility at Ghedi AB in Italy.

Implications and Recommendations

When I obtained a copy of the U.S. Air Force Blue Ribbon Review report in 2008 under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and made it available on the FAS Strategic Security Blog, it’s most central finding – that “most” U.S. nuclear weapons storage sites in Europe did not meet U.S. security requirements – was dismissed by government officials in Europe and the United States.
During a debate in the Dutch Parliament, then Defense Minister Eimert van Middelkoop dismissed the findings saying “safety and security at Volkel are in good order.” A member of the U.S. Congressional delegation that was sent to Europe to investigate told me security problems were minor and could be fixed by routine management, a view echoed in conversations with other officials since then.

Yet seven years and more than $170 million later, construction of improved security perimeters at Incirlik AB and Aviano AB suggest that security of nuclear weapons storage vaults in Europe has been inadequate for the past two and a half decades and that official European and U.S. confidence was misguided (as they were reminded by European peace activists in 2010).

And the security upgrades do raise a pertinent question: since NATO now has decided that it is necessary after all to enhance security perimeters around underground vaults with nuclear weapons at the two U.S. bases at Incirlik and Aviano, doesn’t that mean that security at the four European national bases that currently store nuclear weapons (Büchel, Ghedi, Kleine Brogel, and Volkel) is inadequate? Ghedi reportedly was recently eyed by suspected terrorists arrested by the Italian police.

Just wondering.

from http://fas.org/blogs/security/2015/09/nuclear-insecurity/

Last edited by mlad on Fri Jun 10, 2016 06:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 03:12 am 

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Manlio Dinucci: U.S. missiles in Romania and Poland: Europe on the nuclear frontline : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoO8ulwajd0

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 13:35 pm 

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Ukrainian armed forces do they operate the Patriot air defense system?


The announcement of a contract issued by the US Department of Defense (DoD) http://www.defense.gov/News/Contracts/Contract-View/Article/606000 suggests that the Patriot air defense missiles were delivered to the Ukrainian armed forces. In an announcement published August 15, 2014 on the official website of the DoD, the Pentagon revealed indeed had awarded Raytheon a contract worth $ 109 million for the supply of work "engineering services" on the system continuation of the Patriot system to foreign countries.

This sales support services to address via FMS (Foreign Military Sales) in Germany, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Greece, Israel, Japan, Kuwait,
Netherlands and Taiwan, users already known to the Patriot, and therefore also to Ukraine. To our knowledge, the presence of Patriot air defense missile batteries in Ukraine had not been officially announced.

From : https://translate.google.fr/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.air-cosmos.com%2Fdes-patriot-en-ukraine-24768&edit-text=&act=url

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 22:58 pm 
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Good maybe it will make the IDIOT Russians stop and think before they try anything else...

And you are still an utter idiot...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 23:00 pm 
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mlad wrote:
Upgrades At US Nuclear Bases In Europe. By Hans M. Kristensen (Hans M. Kristensen is the director of the Nuclear Information Project at the Federation of American Scientists where he provides the public with analysis and background information about the status of nuclear forces and the role of nuclear weapons.)

Security upgrades underway at U.S. Air Force bases in Europe indicate that nuclear weapons deployed in Europe have been stored under unsafe conditions for more than two decades.

Commercial satellite images show work underway at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey and Aviano Air Base in Italy. The upgrades are intended to increase the physical protection of nuclear weapons stored at the two U.S. Air Force Bases.

The upgrades indirectly acknowledge that security at U.S. nuclear weapons storage sites in Europe has been inadequate for more than two decades.

And the decision to upgrade nuclear security perimeters at the two U.S. bases strongly implies that security at the other four European host bases must now be characterized as inadequate.

Security challenges at Incirlik AB are unique in NATO’s nuclear posture because the base is located only 110 kilometers (68 miles) from war-torn Syria and because of an ongoing armed conflict within Turkey between the Turkish authorities and Kurdish militants. The wisdom of deploying NATO’s largest nuclear weapons stockpile in such a volatile region seems questionable. (UPDATE: Pentagon orders “voluntary departure” of 900 family members of U.S. personnel stationed at Incirlik.)

Upgrades at Incirlik Air Base

Incirlik Air Base is the largest nuclear weapons storage site in Europe with 25 underground vaults installed inside as many protective aircraft shelters (PAS) in 1998. Each vault can hold up to four bombs for a maximum total base capacity of 100 bombs. There were 90 B61 nuclear bombs in 2000, or 3-4 bombs per vault. This included 40 bombs earmarked for deliver by Turkish F-16 jets at Balikesir Air Base and Akinci Air Base. There are currently an estimated 50 bombs at the base, or an average of 2-3 bombs in each of the 21 vaults inside the new security perimeter.

The new security perimeter under construction surrounds the so-called “NATO area” with 21 aircraft shelters (the remaining four vaults might be in shelters inside the Cold War alert area that is no longer used for nuclear operations). The security perimeter is a 4,200-meter (2,600-mile) double-fenced with lighting, cameras, intrusion detection, and a vehicle patrol-road running between the two fences. There are five or six access points including three for aircraft. Construction is done by Kuanta Construction for the Aselsan Cooperation under a contract with the Turkish Ministry of Defense.

A major nuclear weapons security upgrade is underway at the U.S. Air Force base at Incirlik in Turkey.

In addition to the security perimeter, an upgrade is also planned of the vault support facility garage that is used by the special weapons maintenance trucks (WMT) that drive out to service the B61 bombs inside the aircraft shelters. The vault support facility is located outside the west-end of the security perimeter. The weapons maintenance trucks themselves are also being upgraded and replaced with new Secure Transportable Maintenance System (STMS) trailers.

The nuclear role of Incirlik is unique in NATO’s nuclear posture in that it is the only base in Europe with nuclear weapons that doesn’t have nuclear-capable fighter-bombers permanently present. Even though the Turkish government recently has allowed the U.S. Air Force to fly strikes from Incirlik against targets in Syria, the Turks have declined U.S. requests to permanently base a fighter wing at the base. As such, there is no designated nuclear wing with squadrons of aircraft intended to employ the nuclear bombs stored at Incirlik; in a war, aircraft would have to fly in from wings at other bases to pick up and deliver the weapons.

Upgrades at Aviano Air Base

A nuclear security upgrade is also underway at the U.S. Air Force base near Aviano in northern Italy. Unlike Incirlik, that does not have nuclear-capable aircraft permanently based, Aviano Air Base is home to the 31st Fighter Wing with its two squadrons of nuclear-capable F-16C/Ds: the 510th “Buzzards” Fighter Squadron and the 555th “Triple Nickel” Fighter Squadron. These squadrons have been very busy as part of NATO’s recent response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and some of Aviano’s F-16s are currently operating from Incirlik as part of strike operations in Syria.

A nuclear security upgrade appears to have been nearly completed at the U.S. Air Base at Aviano in Italy.
A total of 18 underground nuclear weapons storage vaults were installed in as many protective aircraft shelters at Aviano in 1996 for a maximum total base storage capacity of 72 nuclear bombs. Only 12 of those shelters are inside the new security perimeter under construction at the base. Assuming nuclear weapons will only be stored in vaults inside the new security perimeter in the future, this indicates that the nuclear mission at Aviano may have been reduced.

In 2000, shortly after the original 18 vaults were completed, Aviano stored 50 nuclear bombs, or an average of 2-3 in each vault. The 12 shelters inside the new perimeter (one of which is of a smaller design) would only be able to hold a maximum of 48 weapons if loaded to capacity. If each vault has only 2-3 weapons, it would imply only 25-35 weapons remain at the base.

NATO Nuclear Security Costs

Publicly available information about how much money NATO spends on security upgrades to protect the deployment in Europe is sketchy and incomplete. But U.S. officials have provided some data over the past few years.

In November 2011, three years after the U.S. Air Force Ribbon Review Review in 2008 concluded that “most” nuclear weapons storage sites in Europe did not meet U.S. Department of Defense security standards, James Miller, then Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, informed Congress that NATO would spend $63.4 million in 2011-2012 on security upgrades for munitions storage sites and another $67 million in 2013-2014.

In March 2014, as part of the Fiscal Year 2015 budget request, the U.S. Department of Defense stated that NATO since 2000 had invested over $80 million in infrastructure improvements required to store nuclear weapons within secure facilities in storage sites in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey. Another $154 million was planned for these sites on security improvements to meet with stringent new U.S. standards.

The following month, in April 2014, Andrew Weber, then Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense Programs, told Congress that “NATO common funding has paid for over $300 million, approximately 75 percent of the B61 storage security infrastructure and upgrades” in Europe. Elaine Bunn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Missile Defense Policy, added that because host base facilities are funded through individual national budgets, “it is not possible to provide an accurate assessment of exactly how much NATO basing nations have contributed in Fiscal Year 2014 toward NATO nuclear burden sharing, although it is substantial.” Bunn provided additional information that showed funding of security enhancements and upgrades as well as funding of infrastructure upgrades (investment) at the specific European weapon storage sites. This funding, she explained, is provided through the NATO Security Investment Program (NSIP) and there have been four NATO weapons storage-related upgrades (Capability Package upgrades) since the original NATO Capability Package was approved in 2000:
In addition to the security upgrades underway at Incirlik and Aviano, upgrades of nuclear-related facilities are also underway or planned at national host bases that store U.S. nuclear weapons. This includes a new WS3 vault support facility and a MUNSS (Munitions Support Squadron) Operations Center-Command Post at Kleine Brogel AB in Belgium, and a WS3 vault support facility at Ghedi AB in Italy.

Implications and Recommendations

When I obtained a copy of the U.S. Air Force Blue Ribbon Review report in 2008 under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and made it available on the FAS Strategic Security Blog, it’s most central finding – that “most” U.S. nuclear weapons storage sites in Europe did not meet U.S. security requirements – was dismissed by government officials in Europe and the United States.
During a debate in the Dutch Parliament, then Defense Minister Eimert van Middelkoop dismissed the findings saying “safety and security at Volkel are in good order.” A member of the U.S. Congressional delegation that was sent to Europe to investigate told me security problems were minor and could be fixed by routine management, a view echoed in conversations with other officials since then.

Yet seven years and more than $170 million later, construction of improved security perimeters at Incirlik AB and Aviano AB suggest that security of nuclear weapons storage vaults in Europe has been inadequate for the past two and a half decades and that official European and U.S. confidence was misguided (as they were reminded by European peace activists in 2010).

And the security upgrades do raise a pertinent question: since NATO now has decided that it is necessary after all to enhance security perimeters around underground vaults with nuclear weapons at the two U.S. bases at Incirlik and Aviano, doesn’t that mean that security at the four European national bases that currently store nuclear weapons (Büchel, Ghedi, Kleine Brogel, and Volkel) is inadequate? Ghedi reportedly was recently eyed by suspected terrorists arrested by the Italian police.

Just wondering.

from http://fas.org/blogs/security/2015/09/nuclear-insecurity/

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 07:34 am 

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