NATO brandishes its nuclear bombs

The German aviation and its partners in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are training in a horrible scenario of an atomic war, wrote the German daily Passauer Neue Presse.
This week, secret maneuvers called Steadfast Noon have begun. They involved bombers who must be equipped and deployed in the event of war with nuclear weapons.
The German Air Force participates in its maneuvers with the Tornado of its tactical squadron 33. These fighter jets are deployed at the Büchel air base in Germany, in the Eiffel district, where are stored according to informal information, B61 nuclear warheads, so-called tactical weapons.
These nuclear weapons could be used as part of NATO's nuclear sharing plan in case of emergency by German fighter planes against opposition forces. Other US nuclear weapons are also stored in Italy, Belgium, Turkey and the Netherlands.

During these "Steadfast Noon" maneuvers, we practice the safe transfer of American atomic weapons from underground stocks to combat aircraft. But during these exercises, fighter planes fly without bombs. On the images broadcast on social networks, we also see Italian fighter planes alongside German fighter jets.
At first, no information on the scenario of this military maneuver was available. Nuclear weapons expert Hans Christensen hinted that this maneuver would take place soon after the arrival of American B-52 bombers in England.
The risk of nuclear war is, in the opinion of several experts, much higher than it was three decades ago, due to the cancellation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
The weapons experts are convinced that in the current situation, a new arms race is going to take place in the world.
Source : [url]’otan_brandit_ses_bombes_nucl%C3%A9aires[/url]