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PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 09:52 am 

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Algeria's acquisition of Su-57 "is a revolution on the western flank of the Mediterranean"

Algeria has concluded three contracts for the purchase of Su-57, Su-34 and Su-35 with 14 devices for each model, said the Algerian site Menadefense https://www.menadefense.net/non-classe-en/algeria-is-the-first-export-client-for-the-russian-su-57-stealth-fighter-and-the-su-34-bomber/. Two Algerian security and defense experts commented to Sputnik on the strategic importance of these new acquisitions.

Algeria to acquire Su-57 stealth fighters from Russia, thus becoming the first customer to whom the manufacturer Sukhoi will export this flagship of 5th generation combat aviation, indicates the Algerian military information site Menadefense . In addition, the media specifies that the Algerian Air Force also signed two other contracts relating to the purchase of bombers of type Su-34, of which it is also the first customer, and aircraft of aerial domination Su-35.

Menadefense indicates that the decision to acquire 14 Su-57s was taken last summer after the visit of an Algerian delegation to the MAKS air show in Moscow. According to him, during this visit, the Algerian delegation led by General Major Hamid Boumaïza, commander of the Air Force, examined in the smallest details the hunter in question. General Boumaïza , a former MiG-29 pilot, was even one of the rare foreigners to try out the Russian stealth plane on a simulator, the same source added, adding that these agreements should be completed in 2025.

In addition, the media indicates that the Algerian Air Force concluded two other contracts relating to the acquisition of 14 long-range bombers Su-34 and 14 aircraft of aerial domination Su-35. Two other optional contracts for the purchase of Su-34 and Su-35 with 14 aircraft each also have been signed with the aim of replacing the planes which will be withdrawn from the Air Force fleet in the coming years , specifies the same source.

In 2025, the Algerian Air Force will be able to deploy two squadrons of Su-30MKA, another of Su-57, one of Su-35 and one of MiG-29M2. It also has in its possession two squadrons of modernized Su-24 and one of Su-34 for the bomber fleet, recalls the media, stressing that the training of pilots will be done with Yak-130.

What strategic impact for its acquisitions?

In an interview with Sputnik, Akram Kharief, security and defense expert and editor-in-chief and editor of the Menadefense site, said that it was "the appearance of F-35 in the Italian fleet that motivated the takeover of rapid decision of Algeria ".

Algeria's acquisition of Su-57 "is a revolution on the western flank of the Mediterranean," he said, adding that "it is the first time that a 5th generation stealth plane will be introduced." in Africa". "It is also unprecedented in the Mediterranean, because in this basin only Israel and Italy have stealth planes, in this case the F-35," he added, adding that "Even France does not have one".

And to add, Mr. Kharief explained that "the strategic importance of the Su-34 lies in the fact that this plane is a long-range bomber capable of carrying out operations thousands of kilometers away, which extends the offensive possibilities of the Algerian Air Force ”. "The Su-34 is also an airplane which is capable of defending itself and which does not need to be accompanied", he said, recalling "that it has proven itself in war in Syria ”.

For his part, the former colonel of the Algerian intelligence services , Abdelhamid Larbi Chérif, explained to Sputnik that "the Mediterranean, in particular its western flank, has always been a strategic space of competition between all the major world powers ". "The insecurity which has taken hold in the Maghreb and the Sahel after the fall in 2011 of the regime of the Libyan guide Mouammar Gaddafi is a source of concern which is taken very seriously by the Algerian civil and military authorities", said - he affirmed, indicating that "this was added to the redeployment of terrorist organizations in the Maghreb and the Sahel after their defeat in Syria and Iraq".

In the same direction, the ex-high ranking pointed out "the emergence of the economic importance of Africa which arouses the lusts of many powers, in particular the ex-colonizers". "To be convinced of this, you only have to see foreign military deployments in Mali, Niger and elsewhere in Africa," he said.

On the basis of this observation, Mr. Larbi Chérif explained that "Algeria which does not participate in any military alliance means by the acquisition of this kind of armaments, like the Su-57, the Su-34 and the defense systems anti-aircraft such as the S-300s, maintain the military balance capable of enabling it to defend its territorial integrity and its vital interests ”. "Because although the American project of the Greater Middle East has failed for the moment, nothing says that it would not return under another name," he concluded.

From : https://translate.google.fr/translate?hl=fr&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffr.sputniknews.com%2Fmaghreb%2F201912271042670860-lacquisition-de-su-57-par-lalgerie-est-une-revolution-sur-le-flanc-ouest-de-la-mediterranee%2F

PostPosted: Sat Dec 28, 2019 11:38 am 
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Russia's commitment to the Su-57 program is going to depend - in large part - on its export market. If they can get a lot of export customers they'll probably procure some for themselves but as it stands, Russia's barely procured much in the way of new aircraft in any meaningful numbers. They have a very hodgepodge air force with a squadron here, a squadron there but nothing on the vast scale that NATO has with F-22s, F-35s, Typhoons, etc. The one exception may very well be the Su-34 that they seem to be very intent on procuring enough to replace the Su-24s. They're still flying around with Su-27s unmodified and unupgraded from their entry into service in the 1980s so they've got some lag happening there.

There's been some back & forth with India on the Su-57 too. Russia's really hoping that India ponies up $$$ to the program, which is probably a big motivator and India's had a lot of reluctance so far but their own procurement system is a disaster. They're still trying to pick up the pieces from the disastrous Rafale deal. Dassault was right to pull out of that one the way they did. India will probably want the same out of Russia for the Su-57 aka "We make it but you warranty it." Dassault knows the lack of quality control in Indian manufacturing, which is why they walked away, Russia probably doesn't care. It hasn't hindered them so far.


PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 06:12 am 
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Your entire post has nothing to do with its title... Algeria? You posted about India... What the heck is that about?

About what you did write... The Russians refuse to warranty any items they sell to China or India unless those items are first sent to Russia. If its a manufacturing defect from their own production line they replace it, if its from local manufacture they do not. That has been the very long standing deal with Russia and India.

The reason the Indians walked away from the Su-57 deal is because its stealth is in real question. It has been claimed by several countries that the Su-57 has been tracked on multiple air and ground radars. Also its engines are a sticking point because they are still undeveloped and will cost a huge amount to bring to production...

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:01 am 
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CAG Hotshot wrote:
Your entire post has nothing to do with its title... Algeria? You posted about India... What the heck is that about?

About what you did write... The Russians refuse to warranty any items they sell to China or India unless those items are first sent to Russia. If its a manufacturing defect from their own production line they replace it, if its from local manufacture they do not. That has been the very long standing deal with Russia and India.

The reason the Indians walked away from the Su-57 deal is because its stealth is in real question. It has been claimed by several countries that the Su-57 has been tracked on multiple air and ground radars. Also its engines are a sticking point because they are still undeveloped and will cost a huge amount to bring to production...

I brought in India since they're largely dependent on the Indians sharing projects with them just to make stuff go. India's walked away but they've also signaled that they haven't walked away so it's a big huge ? right now with India and the Su-57. Russia isn't overly committed to the Su-57 beyond propaganda value. Their export sales will be a true telling whether they take it seriously or not. Algeria is small fry on the customer market, India's big fry - maybe. China's got no need for the Su-57 since they've already stolen what they need for their two fighters.


PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:26 am 

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Algeria wants to become the first country to acquire aircraft stealth combat fifth generation Russian Sukhoi Su-57 and intense efforts are undertaken to this end. According to the site Avia.pro, advanced negotiations between Algiers and Moscow are on the initial acquisition of twelve Su-57 with the opportunity to increase the order to 24 aircraft.

These devices enhance the squadrons of Su-30 MKA operating in the east, central and south.

Simultaneously, similar negotiations are underway for the purchase of dozens of fighter-bombers Sukhoi Su-34 with benefits in combat in Syria have been more than remarkable.

The cost of a contract for the purchase of 24 stealth fifth-generation Su-57 is estimated at 2 billion USD.

Besides acquiring new fighter jets, the Algerian military command has made clear its interest in acquiring the exclusive new Sol-Air defense system S-500 and another fight anti-satellite system.

The new Head of the Algerian Armed Staff noted the evolution of auquelle strategic threat facing Algeria. This country long referred indirectly by terrorism as a tool of geopolitical destabilization, now faces a targeting greater magnitude and a different kind of greatness.

The safe intentional collapsing in the Sahel on the southern flank of Algeria and especially the chaotic situation in Libya where the protagonists are supported and used by the same NATO countries have made ablaze Syria are threats strategic multiplied by internal destabilization attempts and an economic war going badly early in Algeria, where the deeply scalded opinion by the memory of the terrible and very bloody war of independence is allergic to any form of imperialism.

But for the Army the threat of a new form of a new type of hybrid warfare is now proven. The latter has not taken shape similar to the one that targeted other countries for two reasons: the extreme proximity of Algeria with Europe and the weight of this country, impossible to complete with traditional means. Hence the change in military doctrine under way in Algeria.

From : https://strategika51.org/2019/12/28/defense-lalgerie-veut-devenir-le-premier-pays-etranger-a-acquerir-les-avions-de-combat-furtifs-de-cinquieme-generation-russe-sukhoi-su-57/

PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 15:07 pm 
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I think someone should tell Algeria that France isn't coming back.


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