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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 21:40 pm 
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Alright. I just want to say that the Germans were the last great military we fought, them and the Japs. The two of them were very strong, powerful and well organized militaries. Some of those battles were pure insanity. The ingenious things all countries thought of throughout the war in order to give them victory were phenomenal. The Me-262 for the Germans, the Atomic Bomb for the Americans, the radar defenses of Britain, and the tactics of the Japanese Navy and Army were just amazing. I have to say they also both surrendered with some dignity, though they were both beaten into the ground.

Hell I wish I could find out information on EVERY project the Germans were working on from their work with medicine to their aircraft...

Q: Where did the modern defribilator come from?
A: Germans were busting peoples' chest cavities open and shocking their hearts.

Ironic don't you think? Just think of how many lives they have saved and to think what their original purpose was!

What do you guys think?

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
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1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2003 22:56 pm 
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Well *scum* invented the only sure fire cure for dandrif...........








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PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 11:59 am 

Joined: Sun May 11, 2003 01:40 am
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Wasn't it Hitler that came up with the idea of a compact, fuel efficent "Peoples Car" - the Volkswagon? And if you remember the "Thing", it looked allot like the german officers vehicle of WWII.


1Lt Outryder_13/369 TFW
Screeamin Eagles

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 13:51 pm 
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The idea for the "Volkswagen" came from the Nazis. The concept was by Porsche (Would you believe it? ;) ). IMO the vehicle you are speaking of didnt look much like the "Käfer". I think you are referring to the amphibious utility vehicle "Kübelwagen". But it was actually built after the Volkswagen and used a lot of the technology, especially the engine was the same as that of the Volkswagen.

Maybe it's comparable to the HMMWV which also uses/used civilian car systems to reduce cost.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 21:17 pm 
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Centurian wrote:
...I just want to say that the Germans were the last great military we fought, them and the Japs.

What about the Vietnamese? They've never lost a war in all their history I do believe... the US never won the war in North Vietnam remember. They owned those jungles and had far less power overall than the Germany and Japan you speak of. The thing that separates the North Vietnamese than say Simolian militia was the longevity of both conflicts, Charlie was sitting in that green for quite a while rather than hiding in little markets.

But eh i'm not disagreeing with your choices I'm just adding on to them with a counter that actually won a war against the US. Crap Cent by the way I best get back to that F-16 texture soon huh? lol take it easy and i'll catch ya later.


PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 21:35 pm 
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We had our hands tied in that war. The bumbling politicans in Washington didn't realize that-

If American soldiers are in harms way you got to give them every resource they need to win.



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PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 22:34 pm 
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Sammidy Sam :D is right, the politicians tryed to make the miltary win with one arm tied behind their back. Its very doubtfull that the US could have won the war even with out any of the restrictions.

I cannt remeber who said it: (semi-pharpharse)
"Even if we kill every Vietnamies in this country we will not win the war."


August 2nd 2003
The 110th Anniversary of Yugolsaivan Aviation!
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2003 01:47 am 

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OK, back to the subject.

Many of the techniques for treating severe trauma have been developed and improved during war time. Especially ER management. Field hospitals have had to deal with every kind of trauma you can imagine. Most of the time, the surgeons are reservist that go back to civilian practice with what they've learned.

I'm sure that now days they could probably learn just as well from what comes into civilian hospitals. And I suspect they'd just as soon not have to work on combatants.

1Lt Outryder_13/369 TFW
Screeamin Eagles

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 00:02 am 
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BT Ace wrote:
Sammidy Sam :D is right, the politicians tryed to make the miltary win with one arm tied behind their back. Its very doubtfull that the US could have won the war even with out any of the restrictions.

I cannt remeber who said it: (semi-pharpharse)
"Even if we kill every Vietnamies in this country we will not win the war."

Had we nuked them we would have won.-

If they are against us.........nuke them, if they breathe............nuke them, if they move............nuke them, if they kill American people.............nuke them, if they want to nuke us..............nuke them, if they are ruled by homicidal maniacs..........nuke them, if they believe in gun control...........nuke them, if they believe in abortion.........nuke them, if they are not under an American flag........nuke them..........


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2003 00:21 am 
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BT Ace wrote:
Sammidy Sam :D is right, the politicians tryed to make the miltary win with one arm tied behind their back. Its very doubtfull that the US could have won the war even with out any of the restrictions.

I cannt remeber who said it: (semi-pharpharse)
"Even if we kill every Vietnamies in this country we will not win the war."

Sure we could have. Nixon put us on the road to victory. Unrestricted bombing of the North on all military targets would have given us a sure victory, especially since we had the technological advantage and a whole lot of firepower back then!

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2003 21:08 pm 
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"Alright. I just want to say that the Germans were the last great military we fought"

Maybe so .....
But in my opinion the North Vietmanese ARE among the greatest Infantry ever.
(why where the South such whussies?)
Next to what the NVA did those guys (above) are pussys
They are simply the toughest Infantry on the planet in mass
On a bowl of rice, and 3 litres of water, they could cover 20 miles through the jungle and carry 70% of their body wieght.

We dropped TWICE the entire ord. on them we did in ALL WWII

Even the Chinese fear them


"cool beanz"
D. "FETCH" Jordan

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