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 Post subject: On the subject of maps
PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 20:38 pm 

Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 21:38 pm
Posts: 70
Location: Dallas Texas
To anyone that's interested:

I've been working with maps and such in FA for about, oh, three or four years now and just this past weekend I came up with a solution for a problem that had been plaguing me when building new terrains.

The height map and texture map are two totally different animals. The former can be very detailed and the latter only provide rough, 90 degree cut coastlines. If you use real world data there aren't too many 90 degree corners on a sea shore and small peninsulas make it difficult to accurately model the terrain by using the clunky texture map that FA provides us.

So... The solution to having mountains sticking up out of the ocean is... To make the terrain map first to make a mask. What ever is not textured does not receive any height or color or land use, it's simply water. That is what I'm working on right now.



You know you broke it when you're the only one around when you broke it. I learned this at a Sears store.

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