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PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 20:56 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 20:45 pm
Posts: 13
Hi to everebody...i was navigating on internet lately and find out this webpage...and what a big surprise...i played Fighters Anthology for a long time, but i missed (i know...what a dummy) my CD 1...i still have the CD 2(the encyclopedia CD), but its useless whitout the other one. I was considering if somebody can give me a link to download CD 1...i´ve tried everything, but was unable to find a link (that´s work properly) on the internet...as i said on the subject, i´m from brazil and down here i have no access to other alternatives. I´ve tried to buy it on the amazon.com but was unable to(I do not have a International credit card)...anyway...if somebody could help me i would be very glad...

P.S.: Sorry for my terrible english...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 15:16 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
You have asked this before and the answer is the same as it was then...

There is no legal place to download CD 1 of this simulation. You HAVE to buy it...

I would suggest you buy it on eBay and send the seller a moneyorder...

"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
TSH Member/Developer
VNFAWING.com Forum Administrator


FA Futures/FA-2 is Still Being Worked On and Will Be Released...

 Post subject: I didn´t ask before...
PostPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 20:48 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 20:45 pm
Posts: 13
I´m sorry, but i think you made a mistake. I did not asked before. I just joined this community(maybe a week ago), and this is the only post i sended. I saw the other guy post on downloading the game...and i saw your reply...and cause of your reply i try to buy it on amazon.com, but i was unble too. But if you think that the other guy and me are the same person, than i can prove you wrong. I live in Brazil (São Paulo, a major city, the 5th larger in the world in fact, and no, theres no mokeys in the streets, and i do not live in a tree) and here theres no way beyond the international card for me to buy the game...as i said, I saw it on Amazon for 49 bucks(brand new)...I post this cause i really like the game and i really like aviation, and couse i think that, here i could find someone that would be glad to help me on this matter...i do not suport piracy of any kind, and i only asked couse (again, to solve all the incertanties) there is no way i could buy it. I did not want to ofend or cause any kind of stress on you, but when i saw that 15 people read my post and the only comment posted is a little bit acid (to say at least), i became profoundly disapointed. And i can think in only tree reasons for something like this hapen. The first one is pretty simple, and i prefere not to beulive in it. Preconcep, racism, xenophobia and so on. The second one, more aceptable, is that you (and i don´t meam all of you, but a significant part, if not the majority) Americans are a little bit cold, and hardly care for a strange people. The third one (the one that i like most) is that you made a mistake, and confused me with this other post. In the begginig of the message i said that i can prove that your wrong right? And to do so i´m sending this same message in portuguese (with some simbol like this ~ that you don´t use...and just for curiosity this simbol is known as "Til" or for facilitate your pronounce "Tel", the t sounding just like in "Things").
I believe that you know a Brazilian or a Portuguese (No, we do not speak Spanish like the other Cucaratchos ok) that could read it and prove to you that i am speaking the truth...After all everyday thousands of illegal alliens (also known as poor people) invades your country. And before i finish with my comunist speech (i know that some of youmay have thinked something like that), i would like to add a little more infomation about my beatifull country. We have wonderfull Universitys (USP is one of then. try it for yourself...www.usp.br) Our president is a big motherfucker (Just like yours...) caled Lula (Shortname for Luis Inacio da Silva), our capital is Brasilia (Not Buenos Aires, as one of your former-president said (I think it was Nixon, but i´m not shure), a large part of the population don´t like Samba, and definitly, isn´t my people but yours that is hated all over the world, because of lies, exploration of other countrys and megalomania. If you really get confused, i´m solely asking for you to ingore the most exalted parts of my text, and to forgive me for my altered state...but if not, i´m sorry to say that´s everything that i wrote just before may fit you well.



PS: Sorry for my lousy english...

Me desculpe mas eu acho que você cometeu um engano. Eu não perguntei antes. Eu acabei de me juntar à esta comunidade (a apenas uma semana) e este foi meu unico post. Eu vi a mensagem do outro cara sobre como baixar o jogo...e também vi sua resposta...e graças à ela tentei comprar o jogo na Amazon.com, mas não consegui. Mas se você pensou que o outro cara e eu somos a mesma pessoa, então eu posso provar que se tá errado. Eu moro no Brasil (São Paulo, uma grande cidade, de fato a 5ª maior do mundo, e não, não existem macacos pelas ruas, e eu não vivo numa arvore) e não há outra forma de eu comprar o jogo que não seja com o cartão internacional...e como eu disse, eu vi na Amazon por 49 pratas (R$80,00)... Eu postei esse comentário por que eu adoro aviação, e também por que pensei que aqui eu encontraria alguém que ficaria feliz em me ajudar nessa questão...eu não apoio pirataria de tipo nenhum (e novamente para que não hajam confusões) não existe possibilidade de conseguir compra-lo. Não tive a intenção de ofende-lo ou causar qualquer tipo de mal estar, mas quando vi que quinze pessoas leram meu post e o unico comentário que recebi foi levemente acido (pra dizer no minimo) eu fiquei profundamente desapontado. E eu só posso pensar em três razões para algo assim acontecer: A primeira é bem simples e eu prefiro não acreditar nela. Preconceito, racismo ou xenofobia e por ai vai. A segunda, mais aceitavel é que você Americanos (e eu não me refiro a todos os americanos, mas sim a uma parte significativa, senão à maioria) são um pouco frios, e dificilmente se importam com pessoas estranhas. A terceira (a que eu mais gosto) é que você cometeu um engano e me confundiu com o outro post. No começo dessa mensagem eu disse que poderia provar que você estava enganado certo? E para tanto estou enviando essa mesma mensagem em português (com alguns simbolos como o ~ que vocês não usam...e só por curiosidade esse simbolo é chamod "til" ou para facilitar a sua pronuncia "Tel", o t soando como em Things). Eu acredito que você deva conhecer um Brasileiro ou um Português (Não, nós não falamos Espanhol como os outros Cucaratchos ok) que poderia le-lo e provar a você que eu estou falando a verdade...Afinal de contas milhares de imigrantes ilegais(Também conhecidos como gente pobre) invade o seu pais. E antes de terminar com meu discurso comunista (eu sei que alguns de vocês davem ter pensado algo parecido com isso), eu gostaria de adicinar mais algmas informações sobre o meu lindo pais. Temos otimas universidades (USP é uma delas. De uma olhada você mesmo...www.usp.br) Nosso presidente é um filho da puta (Assim como o de vocês), nossa capital é Brasilia (Não Buenos Aires, como um de seus ex-presidentes disse, acho que foi o Nixon, mas não estou muito certo), uma grande parte de nossa população não gosta de Samba, e definitivamente, não é o meu povo mas o seu que é odiado por todo o planeta, por conta de mentiras, exploração de outros paises e megalomania. Se você realmente se confundiu, eu peço solenimente que você ignore as partes mais exaltadas do meu texto, e que me perdoe pelo meu extado alterado...mas se não, sinto em lhe dizer que tudo que eu escrevi agora a pouco deve lhe cair bem.



PS: Desculpe pelo meu pessimo Inglês

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:33 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 07, 2003 19:00 pm
Posts: 763
my altered state

That's quite a tangent you went on....

Regarding CAG's post, there have been many international people asking for FA before, if it wasn't you there have been others from Brazil.

You could do what CAG said. Contact an Ebay seller directly and ask to send a money order. Then you can avoid needing a credit card. Or, can you use Paypal?


There's an Ebay auction right here which accepts Paypal:

http://cgi.ebay.com/Janes-FIGHTERS-ANTH ... dZViewItem


PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 13:14 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 20:45 pm
Posts: 13
I would like to thank you for your politeness (i don´t know if this word even exist, but what i mean is that your very polite), and i uderstand that other people may have asked before, but as i said before (i don´t know if somebody noticed...) i was very disapointed with the treatment given by CAG, and as i explained, if he made a mistake, i would like to apologise...but i cannot accept to be misjudged and treated unfarly by a guy that i don´t even know, just because I asked a quastion to the people of this comunity that uses this forum exactly for this purpose. Afterall this is one of the major reasons to people visit this page (exchange information, solve problems or even make contacts with people that share the same interests than you). Nevermind...anyway i would like to thank you again, and i will try this "Pay Pall" system (in fact i didn´t knew it). My biggest reason to navigate trough this community was to have the oportunity to play this (great) game again, and not beggin any kind of begrudge with one of the members, and (thank´s to you) now i have a chance.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 19:02 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2008 02:33 am
Posts: 28
This one ships worldwide too:

http://cgi.ebay.com/Janes-Fighters-Anth ... 18112s8591

 Post subject: I´m not the only one...
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 20:14 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 20:45 pm
Posts: 13
As a newcomer in this community i do not feel in a condition to openly critisise on of the member. That´s wont be too polite, cause after all my critics were directed to the way he treated me (and way not the way he treated JJ) and i will not repeat his misjudging attacking him. But instead, i get tempted to do a sugestion to the moderators and administrators of this page. If you want to get a certain amount o visibility (cause the internet, in the end does that) and make some nice advertising of your squadron, get more downloads from your site, and so on, you should desencourage this kind of atitude on the visitors(specially the new ones, who can bring you a bad publicity). I saw on CAG´s post the simbol of another webpage (VFFAWING.COM) and i visited it before our little "incident", and saw too the amount of time he spended been menber of this web page. So it was naturally expected from him to have another attitude towards the members. When you get one complain about somebody that you know for a long time, you can think that the complain itself may be a fake or a missunderstending, when you get two you might have the same position (a questionable one, in my opinion of course), but what rapend when you get twenty...or tirthy...you cannot close your eyes and pretend that nothing hapen...this sugestion is been given with my best intentions, and i´m not sugesting that CAG should get punished (afterall i´m just a newcomer, and i don´t consider myself in position of sugest a such thing)...i´m sugesting that this kind of behavior should be desincouraged...and not only from him but from all of the members that uses this web page as a chanel to chat, exchange experiences, solve troubles and have fun. After all this (new) members are doubtless a important part that contribute to this web page, if not with archives, with his visits, and with his publicity. If someody asked me just one day ago if i knew a good web page about flight simulation, i would not mention this webpage. After Zephyr post today, the same situation would have happened in other way. And to finish this matter once and for all, some people might think that Zephyr critisised me and i do not speak one sinlge line about it. That hapened because i have no problem with critics. I have a real problem when somebody atacks me for no reason.In fact, i want to apologise myself with the other members that read my second post if that ofended in any way. I´m just trying to find a place were i can chat, exchange information and have fun...after all that´s the objective of this page...


PS: Sorry for my terrible english again...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 20:17 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 20:45 pm
Posts: 13
Thanks a lot JJ...i will take a look on this one too...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 15:20 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 08, 2008 02:33 am
Posts: 28
No problem.

I think basically this site is good. It just sucks when you're trying to ask a question and someone jumps all over you like you did something wrong. It's stupid to react that way.

"Hey, I have a question about weapon weight..?"

"Hey! Doesn't anybody read the FARC anymore?"

Ooooohh! :x Well, Excuuuuuuuuuuuse meeeeee! I thought this was a forum to discuss Fighters Anthology! Not CAG Hotshots stress relief program. I see nothing wrong with asking a question about something that's already on the FARC but I guess he does. Oh well, FARC it.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 03:03 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
Stress release? :lol: ...

Lets talk again when you have actually grown up... :roll:

"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
TSH Member/Developer
VNFAWING.com Forum Administrator


FA Futures/FA-2 is Still Being Worked On and Will Be Released...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 15:50 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 21, 2008 15:40 pm
Posts: 5
learmelin wrote:
I´m sorry, but i think you made a mistake. I did not asked before. I just joined this community(maybe a week ago), and this is the only post i sended. I saw the other guy post on downloading the game...and i saw your reply...and cause of your reply i try to buy it on amazon.com, but i was unble too. But if you think that the other guy and me are the same person, than i can prove you wrong. I live in Brazil (São Paulo, a major city, the 5th larger in the world in fact, and no, theres no mokeys in the streets, and i do not live in a tree) and here theres no way beyond the international card for me to buy the game...as i said, I saw it on Amazon for 49 bucks(brand new)...I post this cause i really like the game and i really like aviation, and couse i think that, here i could find someone that would be glad to help me on this matter...i do not suport piracy of any kind, and i only asked couse (again, to solve all the incertanties) there is no way i could buy it. I did not want to ofend or cause any kind of stress on you, but when i saw that 15 people read my post and the only comment posted is a little bit acid (to say at least), i became profoundly disapointed. And i can think in only tree reasons for something like this hapen. The first one is pretty simple, and i prefere not to beulive in it. Preconcep, racism, xenophobia and so on. The second one, more aceptable, is that you (and i don´t meam all of you, but a significant part, if not the majority) Americans are a little bit cold, and hardly care for a strange people. The third one (the one that i like most) is that you made a mistake, and confused me with this other post. In the begginig of the message i said that i can prove that your wrong right? And to do so i´m sending this same message in portuguese (with some simbol like this ~ that you don´t use...and just for curiosity this simbol is known as "Til" or for facilitate your pronounce "Tel", the t sounding just like in "Things").
I believe that you know a Brazilian or a Portuguese (No, we do not speak Spanish like the other Cucaratchos ok) that could read it and prove to you that i am speaking the truth...After all everyday thousands of illegal alliens (also known as poor people) invades your country. And before i finish with my comunist speech (i know that some of youmay have thinked something like that), i would like to add a little more infomation about my beatifull country. We have wonderfull Universitys (USP is one of then. try it for yourself...www.usp.br) Our president is a big motherfucker (Just like yours...) caled Lula (Shortname for Luis Inacio da Silva), our capital is Brasilia (Not Buenos Aires, as one of your former-president said (I think it was Nixon, but i´m not shure), a large part of the population don´t like Samba, and definitly, isn´t my people but yours that is hated all over the world, because of lies, exploration of other countrys and megalomania. If you really get confused, i´m solely asking for you to ingore the most exalted parts of my text, and to forgive me for my altered state...but if not, i´m sorry to say that´s everything that i wrote just before may fit you well.



PS: Sorry for my lousy english...

Me desculpe mas eu acho que você cometeu um engano. Eu não perguntei antes. Eu acabei de me juntar à esta comunidade (a apenas uma semana) e este foi meu unico post. Eu vi a mensagem do outro cara sobre como baixar o jogo...e também vi sua resposta...e graças à ela tentei comprar o jogo na Amazon.com, mas não consegui. Mas se você pensou que o outro cara e eu somos a mesma pessoa, então eu posso provar que se tá errado. Eu moro no Brasil (São Paulo, uma grande cidade, de fato a 5ª maior do mundo, e não, não existem macacos pelas ruas, e eu não vivo numa arvore) e não há outra forma de eu comprar o jogo que não seja com o cartão internacional...e como eu disse, eu vi na Amazon por 49 pratas (R$80,00)... Eu postei esse comentário por que eu adoro aviação, e também por que pensei que aqui eu encontraria alguém que ficaria feliz em me ajudar nessa questão...eu não apoio pirataria de tipo nenhum (e novamente para que não hajam confusões) não existe possibilidade de conseguir compra-lo. Não tive a intenção de ofende-lo ou causar qualquer tipo de mal estar, mas quando vi que quinze pessoas leram meu post e o unico comentário que recebi foi levemente acido (pra dizer no minimo) eu fiquei profundamente desapontado. E eu só posso pensar em três razões para algo assim acontecer: A primeira é bem simples e eu prefiro não acreditar nela. Preconceito, racismo ou xenofobia e por ai vai. A segunda, mais aceitavel é que você Americanos (e eu não me refiro a todos os americanos, mas sim a uma parte significativa, senão à maioria) são um pouco frios, e dificilmente se importam com pessoas estranhas. A terceira (a que eu mais gosto) é que você cometeu um engano e me confundiu com o outro post. No começo dessa mensagem eu disse que poderia provar que você estava enganado certo? E para tanto estou enviando essa mesma mensagem em português (com alguns simbolos como o ~ que vocês não usam...e só por curiosidade esse simbolo é chamod "til" ou para facilitar a sua pronuncia "Tel", o t soando como em Things). Eu acredito que você deva conhecer um Brasileiro ou um Português (Não, nós não falamos Espanhol como os outros Cucaratchos ok) que poderia le-lo e provar a você que eu estou falando a verdade...Afinal de contas milhares de imigrantes ilegais(Também conhecidos como gente pobre) invade o seu pais. E antes de terminar com meu discurso comunista (eu sei que alguns de vocês davem ter pensado algo parecido com isso), eu gostaria de adicinar mais algmas informações sobre o meu lindo pais. Temos otimas universidades (USP é uma delas. De uma olhada você mesmo...www.usp.br) Nosso presidente é um filho da puta (Assim como o de vocês), nossa capital é Brasilia (Não Buenos Aires, como um de seus ex-presidentes disse, acho que foi o Nixon, mas não estou muito certo), uma grande parte de nossa população não gosta de Samba, e definitivamente, não é o meu povo mas o seu que é odiado por todo o planeta, por conta de mentiras, exploração de outros paises e megalomania. Se você realmente se confundiu, eu peço solenimente que você ignore as partes mais exaltadas do meu texto, e que me perdoe pelo meu extado alterado...mas se não, sinto em lhe dizer que tudo que eu escrevi agora a pouco deve lhe cair bem.



PS: Desculpe pelo meu pessimo Inglês
I WAS going to give you my copy but SINCE I'm just a Spanish Speaking Cucaratcho like you say, YOU CAN GO SCREW YOURSELF. CAG was just telling where to get the game. Why go off on a weird tangent like that? No need to cop an attitude.

 Post subject: That was irony
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 17:22 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 20:45 pm
Posts: 13
I don´t know if you really get what i say...that was irony buddy...i was just saying (and if you read the post again you may notice this) that most of the times the non latin country´s (and his populations) tend not to diferenciate a Pereuvian, a Brazilian or Mexican. First of all i refered to us (Not to you, and not to spanish decendent, but the LATINS as a etnic group, an i included myself in this group as a LATIN and a Brazilian) as Cucaratchos cause this (sometimes) is a generic (and full of preconcepts) way that they call us. Now, if you look very carefully, you will notice that i didn´t say that you where cucaratchos. I said WE where (according to this shamefull mentality). Look at what i wrote:
"I believe that you know a Brazilian or a Portuguese (No, we do not speak Spanish like the other Cucaratchos ok)" did you noticed that i wrote the OTHER Cucaratchos, and not THE Cucaratchos? Now if you allow me, i would recomend that you read the post again, trying to comprehend what i said! And to make it clear, if you criticise me cause you think i over reacted, that´s fine (just like i said about the Zephyr´s post). But when i see that you don´t even understand what i wrote, and you tell me to go and screw me, the only thing that i could say to you is to read again and then try to argue with me ok?

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