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PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 04:17 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
Ive forgotten so much over time... Editing terrain altitudes... I keep running into errors when trying to edit the elevations of terrains on my custom map.

First I get a "FATK Error!" when editing my NSK.MM file in the FATK, then select OK and the popup editor opens up... But when I select "Edit Terrain" "Invalid Property Value" and FATK CTDs...

I remember this was a long known FATK error but I cant remember the fix!

"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
TSH Member/Developer
VNFAWING.com Forum Administrator


FA Futures/FA-2 is Still Being Worked On and Will Be Released...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 05:07 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
I gotta learn to use the search function more to find the answers to my own questions that I posted so many years ago when my memory still worked!

Found this with a search...


CAG Hotshot wrote:
I have successfully re-edited the Futures Korean Map...

I dont remember if I informed everyone of this or not, but the bug in the TK that keeps you from re-editing a map after you have built a map library is due to the TK deleting the MM and T2 files from the TMP folder in the TK... Simply reCOPY(Copy them to TMP do not move them there) them with the windows explorer from your project to the FATK's TMP folder and you will be able to re-edit. This bug repeats itself each time you build the map lib so you will have to repeat it each time to allow re-edits...

In addition you will get an "Overflow" error when trying to edit terrain if you have the .MM & the .T2 in the FA folder you are flying from when trying to edit them ...

I have also been able to get a good feel on location within the TK elevation editor and have had success at doing small local elevation modifications... In the next version of futures, Seoul (as well as other areas of the map) will have all the rolling hills and small mountains that it has in real life. I have already successfully edited the Wolmido Island and raised it's elevation (90% of the island is a small mountain). You can see the real island in the back ground of the photos below from the landings in 1950 during the Korean War.


Also North Korea will also me quite mountainous along the east coast (its currenly flat now)...

Hopefully soon I will be able to double the controllable size of the maps to 512 x 512 instead of their current 256 x 256 size...

CAG out...

"FAF Shape Meister"
FAF/FA-2 Design team
TSH Member/Developer
VNFAWING.com Forum Administrator


FA Futures/FA-2 is Still Being Worked On and Will Be Released...

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