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PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 20:12 pm 
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i think u r talking bout the ukraine mission is that right? well then u should know that u r not actually communicating with the il-96. The mission is set to play a sound file (and message) after a certain time or after a certain action. Aircrafts AI aint that smart in this game to communicate with you.
correct me if im wrong tho.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 12:57 pm 
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I have the file that lists all the commands, but I dont remember how to insert them into a mission but it has something to do with a double ^^ in the mission file. You might be able to save a mission and pick it apart to get some idea but for what you are looking for ( linking sounds to events ) it may have to be edited in the exe or one of the other files the TK doesnt access.
Now having a sound play during the mission breief/debreif is a lot easier and is just edited in the mission file.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 04:19 am 
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Both, the sounds linked to game action ( "Phantom destroyed" etc ) happens in both campaigns and single missions. Your right about the ^^ stuff being in the brief/debrief screens. I dont know where the sounds linked to actions take place, I was never one to open up the exe's and other default files in FA.

Fighting for justice with brains of steel

Let your anger be like the monkey which hides inside the piniata.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 14:41 pm 

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From my experience, it is possible to use the Ukraine campaign mission codes, but you have to create a mission using one of those campaign missions as your template.

For example, if I wanted the "This is Aeroflot flight 261, Emergency, Emergency!" message to appear in a mission, this is what I would do.

First off, save ~U01. Exit FA, and open up the .M file in Wordpad or something of that nature. You can change the map from UKR.MM to FRA.MM, EGY.MM, or whatever suits you. Save the mission as something else if you wish.

You can edit most of the objects featured in the mission from the Pro Mission Creator, but you must not change important objects. For instance, if you change Yeltsin's IL-96 to something else within the PMC then the whole thing's off. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure you can change the IL96.PT to RAFALEF.PT in Wordpad. Now then that Rafale M gets hit, then the message will play. I wouldn't condone changing the alias of the MiG-31s or the F-14s either. At least not in the PMC.

This also works with the Kurile Island codes. I remember there was this one where AWACs would tell you which tanks were mission objectives. In my experiment I changed the map to North/South Korea, changed the aircraft you were flying, changed nearly everything except for the alias of the items. In other words, don't delete anything from the original mission, change them if you want, change their location if you want, but don't touch the alias and the code should work fine.

It's been quite a while, and this is all from memory.

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2022 16:14 pm 
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Speedy wrote:
... In other words, don't delete anything from the original mission, change them if you want, change their location if you want, but don't touch the alias and the code should work fine.

It's been quite a while, and this is all from memory.

I was working on some of this last night trying to get codes to work for the Ukraine campaign.

The main key to this is to ensure the player's alias is the same as in the original mission. This is a fairly easy fix when modding the mission with Notepad. When you reassign the alias, make sure to reassign the matching waypoint alias as well.

For codes that involve other objects, such as u01 and Yeltsin's IL-96, the alias of that object must match the alias in the default mission as well.

Once you figure out the alias assignments, you can pretty much do what you want in Pro Creator, then reassign the aliases properly in Notepad.

The messages inside the .MC files can be changed with a hex editor program.

Codes can be renamed and still work. U23.MC ---> U2C.MC

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 01:38 am 
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Can those radio messages be changed by importing different ones like the other sound files?

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2022 20:59 pm 
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