Usually, when flying a mission and the RIO or Wingman spots an enemy aircraft, he'll say "Contact" or sometimes "Bandit". But, what about calling out the enemy aircraft by name?
In the Playset, if you fly against the MiG-19 enough times, you will (eventually) hear it called "MiG-19." No other aircraft in the game is called out like this. The sound files exist for several aircraft names. I believe the MiG-19 is still able to be called out because the aircraft was removed before the decision to switch to "contact" or "bandit".
I don't remember if USNF or ATF ever did this. Did they do it?
The game decides the name of the aircraft based on the Internal Name slot of the .PT file (iirc).
Has anyone spotted in the program code where the change from calling aircraft by name to just calling them "contact" or "bandit" ?