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PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2003 20:10 pm 
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Topic: FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release... (Read 330 times)

CAG Hotshot

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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« on: January 21, 2003, 08:06:00 AM »

The new Campaign Manager I am working to release will blow away the original FA campaign option. My campaign is a real time campaign(runs in real time from the moment you start the campaign until it finishes) with over 1200 sorties to choose from for each squadron represented(unless the squadron gets pulled back for combat losses or wiped out in battle - then it is withdrawn from the OrBat) with access controlled by the campaign time clock for all forces, including all aircraft in the airforces of South Korea, Japan, Turkey, Greece, Britian, Taiwan, Australia, and the United States. Every squadron is represented (Including USN and USMC, plus US Army helo squadrons). You will flipout when you see it!!

The Korean map is totally interactive with forces from both sides moving up and down the penisula. Airbases are destroyed or captured on both sides, SAM and AAA defenses devastated, Cities gutted, transport systems shredded, and the damage carries over from mission to mission... With slow rebuilding occuring and airbases being patched by engineering battallions until targetted for destruction once again...

Heavy armored forces in division strength battle each other at choke points all along the DMZ. Massive concentrations of Artillery duel it out in counter battery fire. NK missile batallions rain Scuds on the South while allied MLRS and Lance missile batteries respond in kind.

Allied Naval forces move along both coasts and are engaged in nearly suicidal attacks by NK naval forces. A restored US battleship pounds NK shore defenses as their antiship missile batteries fire in defense of their ports. Tomahawk cruise missile strikes on fixed installations rain down from both surface and subsurface assets. Thus submarine warfare is an ever present threat with antisubmarine patrols being flown by P3Cs and SH-60s off the decks of cruisers...(YES! You can take off and land a helo off a USN Cruiser in FA Futures Korean Campaign Theater )

China and perhaps(depends on how the campaign is going for US led forces) Russia enter the conflict, thus increasing the scope of the battle and adding tremendous numbers of forces to the weary NK battle lines. Strategic conventional long range strikes are undertaken by both sides in an effort to gain air superiority. Japanese mainland areas are drawn into the battle zone as strikes spread to US support facilities.

Special forces attacks by both sides inflict massive damage on support infrastructure. Special NK suicide squads strike at unprepared headquarter units all over the Allied front as the battle begins....

Weather in Korea has always been a problem... Experience the difficulty of flying in heavy thunderstorms in mountian areas under direct AAA and SAM fire while you try to carry out your assigned missions(in both fixed wing and helos!). Feel the winds and rain beat against your chopper at night as the sheer walls of cliffs loom up directly in your flight path!

Ever present intelligence assets keep you up todate on all of the battlefronts. U-2s, J-STARs, and UAVs keep you informed on the true threat areas. AWACs keep you right in the middile of the airbattles. Both enemy and allied airforce OrBats are but a click of a button away as you attend your mission briefings. Recon, both satellite and aircraft photos of targets are provided as well as threat analysis along your intended flight paths are fully available. Referrence information in depth is also provided on every threat and support element in the campaign with a super detailled Referrence section replacing the FA referrence module(which is non fuctional in FA Futures)...

And with China, and possibly Russia, (not to mention the unkown NK nuclear capabilities)facing off directly against the United States - The threat of a Strategic Nuclear War rears its ugly head!

Dont miss the FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager to experience the possibilities of what FA has to offer in the the form of a true electronic battlefield!
« Last Edit: March 14, 2003, 13:25:37 PM by CAG Hotshot » Report to moderator Logged

FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
Soon coming to a burned CD near you!

big man!

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Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2003, 10:51:45 AM »

can't wait. I imagine that things gonna be 1 big mama to download.
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CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2003, 16:19:56 PM »

Err.... yea... 650MBs worth!

I am expecting to release it on burned in CDs. You simply pay the cost of the blank CD and the cost of postage and I send it out ot you.
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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
Soon coming to a burned CD near you!

CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2003, 16:24:51 PM »

Yea, err...... about 650MBs worth!

I am planning on releasing this only on a burned in CD write once CD with encription. I will only charge the cost of the blank CD and the cost of freight to send it to you!

It will be worth the two or so bucks!
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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
Soon coming to a burned CD near you!

CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2003, 16:26:40 PM »

Yea, err...... about 650MBs worth!

I am planning on releasing this only on a burned in CD write once CD with encription. I will only charge the cost of the blank CD and the cost of freight to send it to you!

It will be worth the two or so bucks!
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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
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big man!

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The 10 commandments, #1-DOVES DONT KNOW THEIR SH_T

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2003, 16:33:51 PM »

hehe, triple post. Dontcha hate that?

BTW- what is up with this board anyway? it always takes forever to load, and i get 'cannont be displayed' messages frequently.
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Great alternative to Hyper Lobby!-

Whoop ass and a bag of chips....

CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2003, 09:35:37 AM »

LOL!! I guess the board figred out it was a VERY IMPORTANT Message!
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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
Soon coming to a burned CD near you!

big man!

Posts: 847

The 10 commandments, #1-DOVES DONT KNOW THEIR SH_T

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2003, 11:45:09 AM »

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Great alternative to Hyper Lobby!-

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Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2003, 09:15:17 AM »

A feature Id REALLY like to see, is the ability to play as either side in the conflict .. then it would be truly dynamic and provide far more replayability.
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CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2003, 11:23:49 AM »

You can fly both sides, you just will need to swap in a different cd, because that option will be released in the future after the winter campaign and summer campaigns are released. It will actually carry a completely different library then the US allied side...

that way it will be more tailor fit, but the Campaign missions will be the same, you just fly them from the other side!
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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
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Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2003, 11:29:55 AM »

Well, as long as its avalible for download somewhere (I love the T1) sign me up when its done :-)
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CAG Hotshot

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FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2003, 13:17:49 PM »

Negative on the dowload. Its 650MBs on a burned in CD, unless you might really want to try it that way but you will still have to use a burned in CD to boot it. So you might as well just let me send you a burned in copy. Your only cost is that of frieght and cost ofa blank CD(about a dollar really, if by US Mail). But believe me you will want it because all additional theaters will also be released on CD and you change theaters simply by selecting it on the campaign manager and changing CDs...

What could be simplier?

CAG out...
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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
Soon coming to a burned CD near you!

CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2003, 13:46:00 PM »

A new option I am thiniking of implementing...

When youprogress through the campaign your performance will earn you advancement in rank (if you live long enough! ). So, when you make the rank of Col. you will be responsible for mission planning for the entire strike package...

What this means is that the missions will not be prebuilt for you any longer. Just a mission with an appropiate target that must be destroyed or a certain area that must be protected for a specific time. You will have to plan the mission right then and there in the Campaign Manger and add all the support elements you will need to accomplish it. Enemy threats will already be integrated. So you will only have to plan your own flight profile, ordnance, and fuel loads to accomplish the mission, plus do this for all the necessary supporting elements(as a Col you are Wing Commander). This will keep the Campaign Pilot interested, fresh minded, and hopefully he has learned about realeastic missions from all the previous missions he has flown in the campaign. So this way every time you fly the campaign it can be different!

You will never be given this option until you reach Col. rank, so that means fly hard and fight right! Errrr... was that Fight Hard and Fly Right! heh..

CAG Out...
« Last Edit: March 14, 2003, 16:13:54 PM by CAG Hotshot » Report to moderator Logged

FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
Soon coming to a burned CD near you!

Kallisti-JG23 (NVA)

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Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #13 on: March 14, 2003, 14:16:59 PM »

*twitch twitch* let me know where to send the money as soon as its ready to go!!
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Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2003, 12:00:55 PM »

U know I may just buy this.
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Out of curiosity, can you land a helo on an oil rig in FA Future?
« Reply #15 on: March 15, 2003, 12:05:44 PM »

Kinda like a commando, or kinda a refuel/rearm station
for helos.
Also, when you'll land helos on the cruisers, will they get
rearmed and refueled?

Unusual Ideas from an unusual flyer.
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CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #16 on: March 15, 2003, 14:37:04 PM »

Yes they rearm and refuel. Its part of the mission. They also get ILS control from the ship and weather just like any other runway. However its part of the mission, it wont work outside the campaign. But you startoff sitting on the helo pad of the cruiser....

Then you finish off by landing there again... IF you and the ship survive!

Its quite a good selection of antisubmarine and jolly green missions....

And in FA Futures on the ASW helos... Well one aspect of the campaign is that besides just taking off the cruiser you also have SONAR and you use it to locate the attacking subs....(also you get help from S-3s and P-3s so they are also versions of these missions where you fly those aircraft and you have SONAR in them also).

Heh I already thought of this... but sonabouys would indeed be intertesting... I will have to play around with this a bit...

It is all part of the campaign manager missions... heh...
« Last Edit: March 15, 2003, 15:09:22 PM by CAG Hotshot » Report to moderator Logged

FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
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Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2003, 14:49:53 PM »

One Question CAG...I live in Germany and i would ask if it would be possible to download the Campaign Manager
because to get a CD from the US is to complicated and cost to much(post) I mean if i can download the Files then i can burn them myself on a CD.Would be much more easy and faster(For all who are not from the US).Just a opinion but would be wery cool if that could work And the details of Campaign Mannager.......WO W WOW WOW!!! Respect and thanks for making FA to that what it is now.

P.S:sorry that my english is so bad but i try to learn better writing English.
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CAG Hotshot

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FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2003, 14:58:32 PM »

I have thought of that, but 650MBs of storage space for downloading would not be cheap! I do not have funds set aside for such an eventuality. However there is are two alternatives...

1)I have friends stationed in Germany in the armed forces. Send them a CD is much easier then sending it to you directly. Once there its quite cheap to have them drop it in the local snail mail to you.

2)Self hosting my own website for downloading. Using one of my old systems as a host and simply posting the campaign manager there. Again you are talking a HUGE download! The bandwidth I could prvide would be rather small and the resultant speeds slow...

Perhaps you could setup a FTP server for me to upload the campaign manger to on your side of the ocean? It can alays be a two way street!

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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
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CAG Hotshot

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FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2003, 12:02:17 PM »


The Campaign manager is still proceeding according to schedule. I will be posting additional screens from the editor very soon. Expect to see them in April or May!
« Last Edit: April 20, 2003, 09:22:22 AM by CAG Hotshot » Report to moderator Logged

FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
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Topic: FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release... (Read 331 times)

CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2003, 12:07:02 PM »

Additional Feature for tracking statistics in FA Futures Campaigns...

Magnum and I have been talking and we are following up on the possiblility of making a online campaign stats segment that will record your performance on FA Futures Campaign Missions. These stats will be used to determine your rank and will be recorded to the online center to allow other campaign pilots to compare their scores to yours throughout the campaign!

To enable this feature in the Campaign manager you will have to have an active internet connection. You will, by no means, be required to use this feature to use the Campaign Manager. It is simply an additional tool to help you maximize your enjoyment with FA Futures....

CAG out...
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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
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CAG Hotshot

Posts: 1060

FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2003, 18:09:21 PM »


I am still waiting on Magnum for the coding for the pilot's statistics and rank tracker section of the campaign manager. However i have been sucessful in working on sections of the manager even though my main machine is down due to having good backups!

So things are still ontrack... Hopefully it will not be to much longer before all the bugs are worked out and Tank_77th has volunteered to beta test sections of the manager to help me overcome the bugs and test out the flow of the manager from a FA pilots perspective..

I will keep you updated..

CAG out...
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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
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CAG Hotshot

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Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2003, 19:21:56 PM »


Unfortunately I have lost several weeks of time to work on the campaign manger due to the motherboard issue I am still suffering from, but Ihave been working on other aspects of the Campaign and have not completely wasted the time. I have figured out how to do some of the other issues still facing me and the pilots rank and score page has been figured out... So that is one hurdle down! SQL servers and PHP are wonderful things! Everyone will be able to compare scores now and also there will be a small forum link to the FARC to allow Campaign pilots to fly multiplayer while in the campaign to share points or to be on opposite sides...

The limitations are nearly non existant...

I will elaborate more on this later on...

CAG out...

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FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Interface!
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CAG Hotshot

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FA Futures Korea 2000 Libs, The ultimate reality!

Re:FA Futures Korea 2000 Campaign Manager nears release...
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2003, 17:01:19 PM »


I have been thinking of expanding the Campaign Manger to a fully interactive online site for those that want to fly the Campaigns in multiplayer online...

This will eventually grow into a fully interactive electronic battlefield server for those pilots that want to enter into an active war 24 hour a day/ 7 days a week!

The entire Campaign Manager will be altered to run from a online server with the only limit being the number of pilots in each mission dictated by the mission design. This solution will enhance the playability of FA Futures and allow pilots to fly on both sides of the war at the same time interactively with their fellow pilots. Entire online squadrons can fly the campaign, going through the briefings together and examining the recon photos, the threat analysis, the expected SAM/AAA defenses, flight paths, supporting elements and the reccomended ordnance laodouts...

There will also still be the standalone version of the Campaign Manager available for those that want to fly the Campaign Manager offline...

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PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2003 23:47 pm 
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Is there anychance that it'll be online rather than CD? Although I may have asked this I have forgotten. Plus with us broadband users...muahahaha...

What was the deal with fileplanet at Gamespy anyway?

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PostPosted: Sat May 10, 2003 10:25 am 
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Did you happen to read the last statement in the string above?

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