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PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2003 17:30 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
Posts: 4437
The support site for the FA Futures libraries, FA Futures Campaign
Manager, and Online FA Futures Campaign Engine is in final
development. The site is very extensive with ties all across the FA
and Falcon 4.0 community. As I do enhancements for F4 also, there
will be sections of the site dedicated to F4. Also included will be
either a monthly or bi-monthly news letter for updating the users on
new site enhancements, updates to the libraries, and continued
development with an eye towards a preplanned future of ongoing
theater releases.

The site will contain heavy amounts of information on the FA Futures
series of patches and campaign. Also included will be a very indepth
referrence section on all weapons, vehicles, ships, aircraft,
terrains, and scenery in the new patch.

An additional section on REAL Combat Flight Tactics and REAL Mission
Tasking and Planning will be added to the site in the coming months.

This section will mirror true life instruction and implementation,
not the pages of online gibberish we are used to seeing around the
net with 3 D graphics and on demand video for instructing the pilot
on how missions in the air are planned and won...

There will be additional sections added to the site over the course
of the year. Regular updates will be included in the newsletter. The
site will also detail the development history of the FA Futures
libraries and the true plan for changing FA into a full electronic
battlefield for a real FA Future...

The site is very professionally designed and laid out. It will be as
good or better then any other site on the web pertaining to any other
flight simulation. Expect to be impressed!

If I can convince Zephyr to support a F4 section then Zephyr Net will
be the main forum for use in interaction with the site. If not then I
iwll host my own BBS, though I prefer to use Zephyr Net...

I will inform you when the site is live...

CAG out...

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