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PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 20:43 pm 
Anonymous wrote:
Since you even stated yourself that you do not know what is going on around here, then please stay on the sidelines for this conversation between spam brain and myself. If Big wpuld ever learn to shutup and stick to subject matter then he wouldnt be catching hell from so many different people. If you had been active on the other FARC board and had seen what he has done wiht his spam, plus his stupid "I like Cheese" type of posts in the middle of peoples FA threads then you woudl be able to render a qualified opinion. But you werent and you didnt.

What I am concerned about is Big sometimes having no real FA input to offer so he offers his crap spam instead. I am sure to him he thinks its funny. I am sure to him he doesnt mind wading through waste of space posts. I am also sure that to him it doesnt matter how much other peoples time or effort he wastes here on the FA board by interrupting posts with his crap. It has gotten so bad that Zephyr gets daily complaints about it for quite a few users. I also hear about. About why I am friendly to him when he is a board spammer, etc. It is fine to do that type of posting on General Discussion, but not here. And he needs to learn that.

THis board isnt for his amusement at others expense. This board is for FA related topics and not to drive other people off the board with bullshit.


It never made sense to go whining to Zephyr about something I or Da Big said. Send a PM to either of us or whoever or whatever...

ps: sorry didnt feel like logging on. on a dif. comp

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 23:00 pm 
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And about the last part of that qoute Cent (from CAG in your above post)

Outryder didn't leave because of spam. Outryder left cause I bit back after he insulted me.

If a person smacks me, I smack back.

If Outryder gets that offended (after he started the insults in the FIRST place) then maybe he should leave........

But to my knowledge he and........ahem *cough* *cough*...........you CAG............are the only ones to have "left" thus far :wink: big emphasis on "left" just MAYBE, lol


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 23:04 pm 
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Besides- Outryder is still posting here. He hasn't left........

BTW- I still say that CAG should have started this thread in the General discussion area.

If I really wanted to CAG- I could accuse you of spam for starting this thread (since you never left in the first place)


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 15:33 pm 
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da big man! wrote:
And about the last part of that qoute Cent (from CAG in your above post)

Outryder didn't leave because of spam. Outryder left cause I bit back after he insulted me.

If a person smacks me, I smack back.

If Outryder gets that offended (after he started the insults in the FIRST place) then maybe he should leave........

But to my knowledge he and........ahem *cough* *cough*...........you CAG............are the only ones to have "left" thus far :wink: big emphasis on "left" just MAYBE, lol

Actually da big you posted an offense to my person in the Naval Trivia Post BTW you only posted crap there.... You started offending me out of the blue cus you had nothing to say about the subject, proving yourself to be a spamer like some ppl are saiyng....
sorry pal but you were a total jerk back into Naval Trivia....

"History is written by the winners"
Robert McNamara

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 16:34 pm 

Well one thing, I am complaining to the ones responsible.. You two are the board spammers, its a shame you can not accept your title. You sure have earned it.

However, I have tried PMing until I am sick of PMing. You want to see what Big's responses have been in PMs? He doesnt give a rat's ass about whether he offends anyone or not with his spam. He just pretty much tells me to F off... So until he learns to keep the spam either in the can on the the General Only Forum, I wont be available for him, or anyone for advice on this board.

You all know that I do know quite alot about this sim, how its structured and how to go about modifying it. I doubt anyone elses here can even apporach my hex editing experience. But thanks to Big, I will not be helping anyone here that needs that help. Congrats Big...

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 19:45 pm 
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Anonymous wrote:

Well one thing, I am complaining to the ones responsible.. You two are the board spammers, its a shame you can not accept your title. You sure have earned it.

However, I have tried PMing until I am sick of PMing. You want to see what Big's responses have been in PMs? He doesnt give a rat's ass about whether he offends anyone or not with his spam. He just pretty much tells me to F off... So until he learns to keep the spam either in the can on the the General Only Forum, I wont be available for him, or anyone for advice on this board.

You all know that I do know quite alot about this sim, how its structured and how to go about modifying it. I doubt anyone elses here can even apporach my hex editing experience. But thanks to Big, I will not be helping anyone here that needs that help. Congrats Big...

I ain't a board spammer. Get over it.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
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PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 21:27 pm 
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CAG- you have not sent me even 1 PM relating to spam, NOT EVEN 1.

That's a blatant lie......


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 21:39 pm 
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Leo wrote:
da big man! wrote:
And about the last part of that qoute Cent (from CAG in your above post)

Outryder didn't leave because of spam. Outryder left cause I bit back after he insulted me.

If a person smacks me, I smack back.

If Outryder gets that offended (after he started the insults in the FIRST place) then maybe he should leave........

But to my knowledge he and........ahem *cough* *cough*...........you CAG............are the only ones to have "left" thus far :wink: big emphasis on "left" just MAYBE, lol

Actually da big you posted an offense to my person in the Naval Trivia Post BTW you only posted crap there.... You started offending me out of the blue cus you had nothing to say about the subject, proving yourself to be a spamer like some ppl are saiyng....
sorry pal but you were a total jerk back into Naval Trivia....

I never insulted you even once in that thread. I did however insult Outryder after he threw a punch at me.

That aircraft carrier joke was aimed at Brazil. In the past you've insulted my Country, Me, my Family, Our Troops, etc. So I bite back.

Like they say- "If you play with fire you're gonna get burnt."

Now lets drop this here, I don't want to start a political thread here, the General Discussion area is where that's for.......


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

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