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 Post subject: Biggest FA flaw
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2003 22:17 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 18:58 pm
Posts: 2041
Location: Charleston, USA
Seeing as how there are too many to list in a poll ( :wink: ), what in your mind is FA's biggest flaw?

In my mind it's the lack of a shape editor. Having one of those would unlock unlimited potential (take a look at the MS flight simulator series of games, I think it's safe to say that there are billions upon billions of new 3rd party planes for those games).

And I don't think that's an overstatement either...........

But yeah.......definitely the lack of a shape editor.......


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

 Post subject: Re: Biggest FA flaw
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2003 23:18 pm 
A flaw is an error not something that isn't included. I don't recall a shape editor coming with my game... It came out in '97 and you're comparing it to modern games lol brutal we will never win.

FA was brilliant when it came out & like I said it isn't a matter of what wasn't included, the biggest flaw is the fact that FA was released with no intention of having a long running future, it was never followed up.


 Post subject: Re: Biggest FA flaw
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 01:13 am 

Joined: Mon May 05, 2003 21:38 pm
Posts: 70
Location: Dallas Texas
I've always thought that someone should code a shape editor, FA can go on and on, and on, and on if we can be sure to get it to the point where it CAN go on, and on and on. (I'll cease rambling now.) If we already can edit missions through a text editor instead of in the game, why not write a program to edit shape files? They're just coordinates for crying out loud, even if there was a memory conflict somewhere. Thanks for hearing me out again for a second or third time.

I can't code, so don't ask me to do it.


You know you broke it when you're the only one around when you broke it. I learned this at a Sears store.

 Post subject: Re: Biggest FA flaw
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 09:34 am 
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Location: Charleston, USA
CAG has been trying to create one.......but he says its too complicated or something. Something about needing FA's source code...........


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

 Post subject: Re: Biggest FA flaw
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 18:32 pm 

Joined: Sat May 24, 2003 18:08 pm
Posts: 44
for the sake of knowledge, how do you go about reverse engineering a program. Not saying anyones gonna due it or anything but if Janes is no longer alive then whats so bad about getting the source code. If anything it'll make FA more popular and therefore increase sales of any FA copies remaining which should be good for EA.

I was going to make something creative but then I started playing FA.

 Post subject: Re: Biggest FA flaw
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 20:44 pm 
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I doubt though that we'll ever get that source code. I wish we could but I doubt it.

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 Post subject: Re: Biggest FA flaw
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 21:24 pm 
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Explain in lamemans terms- what exactly could you do if you knew the source code?


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 Post subject: Re: Biggest FA flaw
PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 22:22 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 17:12 pm
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You can do much. Source code = ability to rewrite the game.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
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