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 Post subject: So I just bought FA....
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:43 am 

Joined: Sat Sep 06, 2003 11:40 am
Posts: 1
And i realize a slight problem, that is i have no idea what the controls are (the version i bought only had the CD, and the only documentation was for installtion info) . If someone would be so kind as to post what all the inflight keyboard commands are I'd be eternally grateful

Thanks in advance

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 13:07 pm 
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I need Help wrote:
And i realize a slight problem, that is i have no idea what the controls are (the version i bought only had the CD, and the only documentation was for installtion info) . If someone would be so kind as to post what all the inflight keyboard commands are I'd be eternally grateful

Thanks in advance

Go to my site.

Go to FA -> Downloads on the left menu nav
Go to Utilities
There you will find a keychart & the manual in PDF format.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

For all your FA needs and Game Remod 6 visit

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 13:31 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 18:58 pm
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Location: Charleston, USA
Ok, here you go-

C- Cycle through time compression rates
Shift+C- Turn slow-motion on
Ctrl+P- Pause game
Esc- Pause game/display In-Flight menu bar
Ctrl+Q- end mission
Alt+F4 Exit to Windows

Cockpit Instrument Commands-

A- Autopilot
Shift+E- Eject
Backspace- Show Cockpit
Shift+ [, ]- Dim, Brighten cockpit
N- Change HUD mode (weapon, nav/ILS)
W- Select Waypoint
Shift+W- Select previous waypoint
Shift+D- display last six messages
D- Display aircraft damage report
Shift+M- Toggle in-flight map

Instrument Window Commands-

Shift+1- Flight Envelope window
Shift+2- Front view or IR/Laser target window
Shift+3- Other view window
V- Put current view into other view window
Shift+4- Target or Radar/Visual Target window
Shift+5- RWR window
Shift+6- NAV window
Shift+7- System Status window
Shift+8- Weapon Status window
Shift+9- Radar window
,- Increase Radar Range
.- Decrease Radar range
Y- Radar History
Shift+0- Radar Cross Section window
Shift+ ', ;- Bomb Window (zoom in, out)

Aircraft Control Commands-

Up, Down arrows- Pitch Aircraft up/down
Left, Right arrows- Roll left/right
Numpad 1- Left Rudder
Numpad 3- Right Rudder
F- Flaps
B- Brakes
G- Landing Gear
H- Tail Hook


1- 0% thrust
2- 25% thrust
3- 50% thrust
4- 75% thrust
5- 100% thrust
6- 100% thrust and afterburners
7- -5% thrust
8- +5% thrust

Short Takeoff and Vertical Landing-

Z- Vector thrust back 10 degrees
Shift+Z- Vector thrust fully back
X- Vector thrust down -10 degrees
Shift+X- Vector Thrust fully down to 90 degrees

Thrust Vectoring-

Ctrl+Up/Down arrows- Pitch with vectored thrust
Ctrl+Left/Right arrows- Pitch and Yaw with vectored thrust
Numpad 0- Auto-center vectored thrust

View Commands-

F1- Forward view
F2- Back view
F3- Look up view
F4- Track target view
F5- Player --------->Incoming missile view
F6- Player---------->Wingman view
F7- Player---------->Target view
F8- Target---------->Player view
F9- Fly by view
F10- External view
F12 or Ctrl+F7- Missile---------->Target view
Right Shift+Left/Right/Up/Down arrows- Pan view (hat of joystick also does this)
+, -- Zoom View in/out
Alt+ a View command- View Relative to current target
Ctrl+a View Command- View Relative to last missile launched

Targeting Commands-

apostrophe '- Visually target nearest center of screen
Enter- Visually target next contact
Left Click on target- Visually target object in view
T, Shift+T- Target next/previous contact (radar, FLIR)
;- Deselect current target
Ctrl+Z- Display heading to closest enemy aircraft
Ctrl+X- Display heading to closest enemy ground target
Ctrl+A- Display Heading to closest friendly aircraft
Shift+A- Toggle Remote air targeting (AWACS)
Shift+G- Toggle Remote ground targeting (J-STARS)

IR/Laser Advanced Targeting Commands-

Left Click on visible target- Select radar/HARM/visual target
Right Click on visible target- Select IR/Laser target
T, Shift+T- Select next/previous radar/HARM/visual target (must have radar or FLIR active and Radar Window open)
Enter- Select Next visible target
/- Select next IR/Laser target on HUD
apostrophe'- Select radar/visual target closest to center of view
\-Select IR/laser target closest to center of view
;- Deselect current radar/HARM/visual target

Sensor Commands-

R- Switch to air-to-air radar
Shift+R- Switch to air-to-ground radar
<, >- Increase/decrease radar range
Y- Radar History
I- Switch to IR Sensor
M- Switch to HARM sensor
U- Send IFF sqauwk to target
J- Jamming

Weapons Commands-

], [- Select next/previous weapon
Spacebar- Fire Selected weapon
Tab- Fire internal gun
O- Open Weapon Bay doors
Shift+J- Jettison external fuel tanks
Shift+K- Jettison air-to-ground ordnance
Insert- Release Chaff cartridge
Delete- Release Flare

Wingmen Commands-

Alt+E- Engage targeted object
Alt+R- Engage targeted object, remain in formation
Alt+W- Engage all objects of same class
Alt+F- Engage contact
Alt+P- Protect me
Alt+D- Disengage
Alt+B- Bug Out
Alt+S- Radio Silence
Alt+T- Toggle through wing formations
Alt+H- Set horizontal spacing
Alt+V- Set vertical spacing
Alt+C- Set formation control
Alt+1- Fly straight for 10 seconds
Alt+2- Break left 180 degrees
Alt+3- Break right 180 degrees
Alt+4- Break low 70 degrees
Alt+5- Break high 70 degrees
Alt+6- Approach current target from left
Alt+7- Approach current target from right
Alt+8- Approach current target low
Alt+9- Approach current target high

Airbase Assault Commands (Multiplayer)-

Shift+F1 through F6- Revive in aircraft
Shift+I- Aircraft inventory
Shift+F- Airbase damage
Ctrl+Q- Slave: Exit game, Host: Endgame

Custom Weapons Loadout (in ABA)-

]- Next aircraft
[- Previous aircraft

Multi-Player Message Commands-

To send a message press one of the following ` key commands, then type your message and press enter.

`- Send to all
Shift+`- Send to friendly
Shift+`- Send to enemy
Alt+`- Send to wingman
Ctrl+`- Send to target
Esc- Abort message
`+ Up/Down arrow keys- Cycle reciever

I hope this helps you, and I pray to God that someone didn't beat me to the chase while I was sitting here typing (I'm gonna be PISSED if someone did), seeing as how it took me a good while to sit here and type this.

Enjoy, and welcome to the FA community BTW.


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 13:32 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 18:58 pm
Posts: 2041
Location: Charleston, USA
Centurian wrote:
I need Help wrote:
And i realize a slight problem, that is i have no idea what the controls are (the version i bought only had the CD, and the only documentation was for installtion info) . If someone would be so kind as to post what all the inflight keyboard commands are I'd be eternally grateful

Thanks in advance

Go to my site.

Go to FA -> Downloads on the left menu nav
Go to Utilities
There you will find a keychart & the manual in PDF format.

Screw that, don't go there- read what I just posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 14:25 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 17:12 pm
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eh dude mine is the whole layout so it's much better visually to interpret. It's a JPEG of the keychart.

:: nah nah nah nah ::

Plus the manual is there.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

For all your FA needs and Game Remod 6 visit

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 16:55 pm 
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11-0 Red Sox, that says it all..........in Yankee Stadium as well, Roger Clemmens last year, David Wells gone as well probably, Red Sox a game and a half off your ass.........everything's falling apart for your team Cent :wink:

And besides- all my stuff came from that little pamphlet thing that's included in the FA package.


allah no longer exists, for I have killed him. You must worship me instead.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2003 19:48 pm 
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Stick to topic man. We don't want to scare anyone away.

I need help.

The JPEG layout I have is easier for the mind to process because you simply look at the keyboard and then at the JPEG and it's a lot easier than trying to find the keys on the list. My suggestion though is to use both in conjunction to help learn the keys.

"Smile, AMRAAMs love you!"
"May the PATRIOTS down the FROGS!"
1Lt. Centurian57_76/369th

For all your FA needs and Game Remod 6 visit

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2003 20:50 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2003 20:23 pm
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http://www.angelfire.com/ab6/jkpete106/ ... e_147.html

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 13:34 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
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Plus, at Centurians site you can also download the complete FA manual in PDF format.

Then you can read the entire manual to figure out how to use default FA.. Then download the 1.02F patch and Then upgrade to FA Futures!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2003 17:30 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2003 19:11 pm
Posts: 2154
Yes my site is just so cool!

Anyone know how the service is at ipowerweb.com ?


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