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These are the shapes I will complete this weekend...
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Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Tue May 11, 2004 13:56 pm ]
Post subject:  These are the shapes I will complete this weekend...

These are the shapes I will complete this weekend...

1) Create MiG-19 Farmer From Q-5 Shape.
2) F-16C enlarge the inlet, fix the nose and canopy, (attempt) to skin the stabilator...
3) F-18C fix the canopy, fix the 'hole' in the wing you see at certain angles, fix the fuselage shape.
4) Do the same for the F-18D.
5) Create versions of these two aircraft with folded wings for use as scenery aircraft on carriers
6) Enlarge the fixed F-18C/D fuselage, wings and square off the inlets to create the F-18E/F.
7) 'Thin' out the F-15C shape to the proepr proportions o fthe real F-15..

Not a bad list for one weekend, huh?

CAG out...

Author:  Eagle114th [ Tue May 11, 2004 16:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sound like a good start, I always were wondering if someone would fix the F/A-18C/D shape problem. Official Janes screw up shape sometime, and I'm very glad that you are fixing all of these shape to look more sharp and realistic looking!


Author:  AIM120S [ Sat May 22, 2004 20:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Other suggestions, though I know you have a huge workload.

1.Alter YF-22 shape into FA-22 shape (move canopy forward, shrink tail fins, shape wings)

2.MiG-17 --> F-86. I'm not sure how the mechanics work, but I'm thinking you could take the tiny radome out of the -17's inlet and turn that into the large cone of the F-86D/L. Also, you could make the Fiat G.91 with very subtle changes to an -86D.

3.Su-7 --> F-100D and F: This plane is sorely underappreciated, and probably wasn't ever included because A) it wasn't a navy fighter and didn't qualify for USNF '97 where the F-105 and A-1 were just scenery... B)It didn't qualify for ATF Gold or Nato Fighters because it wasn't new enough

4.P-51 Mustang (from Marchetti): I bet you can do it, if you can make a U-2 from an F-104.

5.F-16XL: Along with the F-100, I have seen more attempts to simulate this prototype plane in libs than any other (people have used the Gripen, Eurofighter, X-31, etc.). I bet if you increase the horizontal stabilizers' sizes and connected them to the main wings, as well as lengthening the body, you'd be off to a good start.

I know you're busy man, but these are just some suggestions. I hope to see some screens of the MiG-19 and Su-9 soon. MiG-19 is one of my favorite MiGs.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Mon May 24, 2004 13:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

No, its fine, good choice, but most are already listed on our EGroup for development.... However, the F/A-22 shape presents alot tougher work... It has no detailed skin and may need to be abandoned in favor of a brand new shape from scratch...

I dont know yet, we have some expermentation to do...

Why dont you join the VNFAWING EGroup to keep abreast of the developments?


CAG out...

Author:  AIM120S [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 09:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah.... I was denied entry.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

The only person that was denied entry to the EGroup was someone with an obscene yahoo name...

Was that you?

If so, you have to clean up your act a bit first...

If not, then a bug in the system denied you as the above individual was the only person denied in the last year, and you need to re-apply...

CAG out...

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