CAG Hotshot wrote:
Great Idea! I had not thought about it... I remember the auto gun positions on the B-17s, He-111s, and Bf-110s..from the old Battle of Britian sim from the 80s...
THough I have no idea how we would go about it in FAF, perhaps this is something for FA-2 Stage 2...
CAG out...
I have an idea that might will put you into right direction. You remember the way AI from AAA or gunnery from bomber usually react and fire at gun as you approach them. How about, if you arm bomber with gun (It probably wont be in weapon load, but still is in bomber), and act it as if it were AAA attached to bomber? I mean, if you attach AAA, with gun shape with AI on each position where gun is armed on bomber?
For example, if I fly B-52D, I'd only have weapon load screen with bombs or cruiser missile. And at the other hand, you would notice .50 caliber (or deadly M61 Vulcan cannon on B-52H), attached on tail of B-52. When you were about to bomb, and you notice enemy fighter approaching you from behind, and AI AAA (which were attached to tail of B-52D) would start firing .50 caliber at enemy when it get into range of 4 of .50 caliber of machine gun!
I just hope that my idea will give you alot of good idea what to doand point you into right way before doing something like that in short future!