Zephyr Net

VNFAWING.com website to be migrated to a new server...
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Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Fri May 21, 2004 15:51 pm ]
Post subject:  VNFAWING.com website to be migrated to a new server...

The VNFAWING.com website is going through a migration to a new server
with MYSQL capabilites so the long awaited Forum can be implemented

The forum is the newest type of php board available and has many

I think you will like it...

I will be using it to supplement the Zephyrnet Forum here for updates to
the FA sim community on FAF and FA-2...

Plus it will carry news and updates on all the other sims that are
supported at the main VNFAWING.com website...

Until the migration is complete, all downloads at the site have been

CAG out...

Author:  Goodjob55 [ Mon May 31, 2004 01:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Cag, could you possibly switch the egroup to those forums instead of yahoo. I figure they'll be much, much easier to navigate and understand.

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Mon May 31, 2004 13:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Goodjob55 wrote:
Cag, could you possibly switch the egroup to those forums instead of yahoo. I figure they'll be much, much easier to navigate and understand.

Unfortunately that would be a bad idea. The abilities of eGroups with its files and so on and so fourth allow for a very easy system especially for developing. We can upload files to Cag for use in Futures and such and he can easily get them up there.

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