I thought I had found a way to skin areas of the shape that had no previous skin...
My ideas worked fine within the shape color editor when I displayed the altered 3D shape with the new skin areas (F-18 shape with new skin on the unskinned areas of the fuselage hump and afterburners and skinning the missile fins on the AIM-132)...
They looked awesome... and images of a fully skinned B-1,B-2, B-52, C-5, and C-17 rolled through my mind...
And then...
BLAM! The game crashes to desktop everytime I use the new shapes... it turns out the color editor is much more stable environment for shapes then the game engine is (and that is not saying much, which is why they probably abandoned this form of shape file for the future sims...
After about 5 hours of further experimentation I gave up in failure...
I will have to experiment much more to figure out how to successfully add segments to the shape file...
CAG out...