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Best Planes (Fighters, Fighter/bomber, bomber)
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Author:  RyanWal26 [ Sat Jul 17, 2004 00:05 am ]
Post subject:  Best Planes (Fighters, Fighter/bomber, bomber)

THis is kinda like a poll. I want to know what everyone thinks the best fighter, fighterbomber(has to carry at least 6 air-to-aira and 4 air to surface)
and also a regular bomber.

me and my friends like to play missions and i need to mostly be a fighter/bomber. But iim looking for a plane that can hold its own in air combat (for my friends arent the greatest) i have tried the f-15 strike eagle but it cant carry to many laser guided and reguallor air to air. So what does everyone say? what should i use for a fighter/bomber?

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Sat Jul 17, 2004 02:35 am ]
Post subject: 

Fighter: F-16C
Fighter/Bomber: F-4E
Bomber: B-2

Author:  Tank_77th [ Sat Jul 17, 2004 04:54 am ]
Post subject: 

The best fun is finding out for yourself.

Anyway, everybody will think about this differently, but Im sure you thought of that when calling this a poll. In Hyperlobby most pilots seem to agree that in ABA the best planes are: F15E, F111, F22, but in ABA you will mostly fly only with iron bombs, so what you noticed about the F15E is no problem there.

For missions there are a lot of good planes:

Attack: A-10, F/A-18D (good loadout, but too slow, at least in stock FA), Su-34.
Fighter: RafaleC, F-22, EF2000, Su-33, Su-35
Bomber: B-52(for cruise missiles (use AGM-84A/E)), B-2(irons bombs)

Enjoy your flying. Flying in multiplayer adds so much to the experience, especially in Cooperative missions.

Author:  FETCH [ Sat Jul 17, 2004 09:14 am ]
Post subject: 

In the game FA I consider these the "bench mark" planes and you may find through time these are the top dogs in the game.

For "guns only" the X-31 or for a "non-vector" game the E2000.
Both the MIG-29 and SU-33 deserve honorable mention since they can be contenders in the hands of a skilled gamer due to their toughness
For regular "guns and missiles" the F-14 is in real life, and in FA the Lion of the jungle.

I'm bias ....

The F-111 is hard to beat, and in the game the preferred plane used in the "air base attack" mode of play (usually with a few waves of fighters mixed in)

These are the ones that have served me best anyways.
But I like what Tank said about the fun of finding out yourself.

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