Zephyr Net

Interesting new item... Ship 'wakes'...
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Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Sun Aug 08, 2004 23:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Interesting new item... Ship 'wakes'...

As you know from previous versions of FAF, I had added
the 'wave' shape to most of my naval ships to simulate
a bow wave and stern wake effect. However it was far
from satisfactory...

Now I have created a new animated wave shape that
mimics the bow wave and a long stern wake... So far it
has tested well on the Tico and Iowa shapes. However I
have run into slight problems with the carrier shape
(the rear deck is semi transparent on the carrier at
certain angles and the 'wake' shows through the deck
at times), but I should be able to solve it soon...

CAG out...

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