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Looking for an A-4 SkyHawk in blue / gray camo
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Author:  FETCH [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 14:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Looking for an A-4 SkyHawk in blue / gray camo

I need an A-4 SkyHawk in blue / gray camo for my simple little lib. It's the last thing I need to complete this version so as me and some of my old USVN buddies can fly our aggressor type missions. The problem is I totally suck at makeing my own graphics and planes, it's been so long since I really tried to make one that looks half way decent. And I have actually been trying too.
Do any of you guys have one, and if so could you let me have it in .lib form so I don't pull the remainder of my hair out.

Here is the post via my board about my project if you like.
The FLIGHTLINE 2004 LIB post via my board

Author:  Tank_77th [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 15:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dont have one, sorry. In Cent's skin repository there wasnt one either :(

Anyway, would you be so kind and share the mission files, if you have any, yet?

Author:  FETCH [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 16:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yea I checked CENTs place too, but KAP made a good F-5 (thanks) so I'm half way there.

would you be so kind and share the mission files, if you have any, yet?

Sorry TANK, was I suppost to be working on something?
I'll help anyway I can. Please let me know what I have forgotten to do.

I'm haveing problems with YAHOO and GEOCITIES (the webgroup) at this time, everytime I try to either access the group, or even check my email via YAHOO I'm getting hijacked and sent to another site about spyware.
I have two different spyware blockers on my machine at this time, but they aren't heading off whatever has gotten me and I have to scan my system all the time.

Anybody got an A-4 SkyHawk in aggressor camo?
Here is the post via my board about my project if you like.
The FLIGHTLINE 2004 LIB post via my board

Author:  Tank_77th [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 20:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

FETCH wrote:
Sorry TANK, was I suppost to be working on something?
I'll help anyway I can. Please let me know what I have forgotten to do.

No, but Im always interested in Red Flag/Aggressor missions for multi or single play. Especially if you've got A4 ones.

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 20:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

What ever came of that LIB you were using some GR7 items in? I think some of the bombers maybe?

Author:  FETCH [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 23:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm working on expanding on some of the oldest mission series I made way back when.
The initial 3 or 4 are single player missions, my TopGun_mission set, are posted at my site. I admit they are semi cheesey but do work well to get a cyber pilot back up to speed after a lay off.
Since the primary fighter the U.S. Navy uses is the F/A-18 they are based on that bird. They where made with the goals of the USVN in mind (an old squad mostly inactive now). Please note on the readme that if you switch planes no medals will be recieved. They use the regular planes in origional FA.
*probably of little interest due to the age of them

I was planning to move on to F-14 missions from there and incorperate a new Desert map to replace the skycrapers used in the first 3 as terrain obsticules (a modification of the Pakistan map) and useing the camo F-5 and camo A-4 (I am seeking, or will make and use in my FLIGHTLINE LIB) these will come in a single player and multi player versions.
Right now we use modified versions of the City Heat mission and or fly useing the Pakistan map.


Work comtinues on my "Bomber Command Lib" (nice image but it will not be part of lib) This is nothing more than a mission set that simulates some of the famous bombing missions throughout history. This may not be in lib form since I have experienced problems with interactions with some of the libs I am experimenting with. I'm am still makeing Nam missions at this point. I still am hopeing to make it based on the GR lib since it still remains my all time favorite (it's just real damn stable guys ... sorry) but I must admit the temptation to use the old NAM STUFF lib by Jeff is very very tempting at least for the Nam era missions. This has turned into a much bigger project than I origionally thought, and interest is not that great, most people just don't get into carpet bombing Afganistan when there is little chance of enemy activity. I have to face the simple fact that most of the missions are pretty boreing. But I will continue because sometimes just blowing the hell out of shit can be fun too.

Anybody got an A-4 SkyHawk in aggressor camo?
Here is the post via my board about my project if you like.
The FLIGHTLINE 2004 LIB post via my board

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 23:19 pm ]
Post subject: 


Post a pic of what you want the A-4 to look like and I will make one for you...


Your new U-2 is complete and rady for Cuba, as is the ICBM...

anotherr quesion, do you want a F-104 with no wingtip tanks?

Please let me know...

CAG out...

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 23:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

CAG Hotshot wrote:

Post a pic of what you want the A-4 to look like and I will make one for you...


Your new U-2 is complete and rady for Cuba, as is the ICBM...

anotherr quesion, do you want a F-104 with no wingtip tanks?

Please let me know...

CAG out...

Certainly if you can I'd love to get that F-104.

Author:  FETCH [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 07:22 am ]
Post subject: 

That's a very generous offer CAG,
and thanks if you can find the time with all your other projects.

Here is an pic of an Navy Aggressor bird,
VC-8 TA-4F BuNo 158137 :


If at all possible it would be nice to have it in .lib form
and deposited at CENT's skin repository,
so as to make it available to as many people as possible.

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 13:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

If XP allowed me to skin I could definitely do this.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 18:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Good News for you Fetch... I already have a skin close to this one. Will only take me a day ot two to modify it for your needs.

I should have it complete this weekend. I will work on it right after I finish Cent's new F-104...

So how does Sunday sound?

CAG out...

Author:  FETCH [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 18:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds great to me.

Thanks CAG.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 21:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Fetch, You have the choice of two different versions of skins...



These are both Strike Fighters skins I can adapt for you to use in your FA lib...

Which do you prefer?

CAG out...

Author:  FETCH [ Thu Aug 19, 2004 09:40 am ]
Post subject: 

The second one is killer.
Damn I got to get up to speed on Strike Fighter.
Those look great.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Thu Aug 19, 2004 16:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

SF has great 3D models, great game play (oofline) and tremendous problems with online play...

Lots of community development and many many after market shaeps and skins...

Plus Wolf_257 is head of the new Vietnam Campaign and is building the new theater...

Its quite impressive and LOADED with detail...

Ok I will build the second Skyhawk for you, I think you picked the better of the two skins...

But if you like, I can build them both? (maybe, if I can blend the blues shapes of the first one to the shape color)...

Let me know...

CAG out...

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