Zephyr Net

Off-topic: music from LOMAC first video, what is it?
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Author:  FlatulentFox [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 18:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Off-topic: music from LOMAC first video, what is it?

Anybody know that is the title of the background music from LOMAC's very first movie? It is the one at the very bottom of VNFAWING's section on video-LOMAC.
I'd like to get the mp3 of that music.

On a similar note, would it be possible to have an "mp3 player" on
FAF? That way, we could play whatever music we want while flying FA.

I'd sure would like to be able to listen to "Battle without honour or humanity" by Tomoyasu Hotei, from the movie KILL BILL volume 1, while flying A-10s and attack helicopters!!

Many thanks!

Unusual flyer with unusual ideas: the laws of physics do not apply to me.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Mon Aug 23, 2004 18:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cant you just play MP3s anyway? I mean, play them in the background and turn off the internal music? I do that within the FAF Campagin Manager...

CAG out...

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