Zephyr Net

Setting custom default loadouts
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Author:  Tailspin [ Fri Oct 08, 2004 18:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Setting custom default loadouts

In some of the Vietnam scenarios, you start out with a loadout different than what would normally be carried. For instance, in "Tomb for the Tomb," you fly an F-4B Phantom, which has a default loadout of 4 AIM-9B Sidewinders, 8 Mk 82 bombs and two drop tanks, but for this mission you carry instead 3 AIM-7E Sparrows (2 on one pylon, 1 on another), 3 AIM-9B Sidewinders, and drop tanks but no gun. You are able to change the plane in this mission (like, for instance an F-14 Tomcat instead 8) ) but then you get what the normal default loadout for that plane is.

The reason I ask is that I would like to create scenarios where the player is forced to use a loadout that reflects what was historically available. For instance, I'd like to create Falklands War scenarios using Harriers (like the Sea Harrier, or even the US AV-8s), but without the AIM 120 AMRAAMs- which were still on the drawing board at the time of the conflict. I'm also thinking of creating Iran-Iraq war scenarios using Iranian AF F-14s, but without the Phoenix missiles (as they probably didn't have any left), but using instead Sparrows or whatever else the Iranians had on hand (BTW, anyone know what they *did* have available?).

I don't have any sort of toolkit, and i'm not all that computer savvy, so if anyone can give me any advice that doesn't involve tinkering radically with the game program, I'd greatly appreciate it.

BTW, I'm glad to see folks still enjoy this great old game. I remember a couple years ago when "Zephyr" had this site on the Network54 site, and was surprised to find it!

Thanks again,


Author:  Tank_77th [ Fri Oct 08, 2004 19:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

in the object section add lines in this manner:

"hardpoint %HardpointNo% %Quantity% %WeaponFileName%"

for example:

hardpoint 4 8 AGM88.JT (load 8 HARMs on hardpoint 4)
hardpoint 5 1 ALE40.ECM (load a chaff+flare pod on hardpoint 5)

Author:  DukeB-120th [ Sat Oct 09, 2004 14:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maverick_369th made an excellent guide to preloading and I have put it on my site and am linking to it now:

Also here is an unabridged list of object codes you will need to place any weapon

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Sat Oct 09, 2004 23:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Where do I know a Duke from ;)?

Author:  Tailspin [ Sun Oct 10, 2004 07:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks very much for all your help! One more question: How do I access the object lines to make the changes? I'm supposing I open the mission file using a text program like notepad (a technique I use frequently when creating missions for Fighting Steel, a WWII naval surface combat sim). Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Author:  Tank_77th [ Sun Oct 10, 2004 08:01 am ]
Post subject: 

The object part is the major part of the mission file. If you want to change the player loadout look for the plane which has got the "controller $80" line in it. For any other plane you have to know the filename for that plane (mostly pretty straightforward e.g "F14.PT, AV8.PT, F16A.PT, SU33.PT, ...)

Just add the hardpoint lines before the dot at the end of the object section.

Author:  DukeB-120th [ Sun Oct 10, 2004 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 


To make changes in the object lines, you need to either open the .M files with a text editor, or use a program like Vark Pad, which has a few shortcuts.

It is important to make sure you have everything the way you like it before you preload, cause I think if you open that mission in the pro editor again it will undo all your work. Also make sure to turn off the "load Ordnance" screen.

Where do I know a Duke from ?

Well, Cent, Since I don't think I have ever seen you in Hyperlobby, I'm willing to bet you have me confused with The Duke from 42nd_MDP. I can't tell you how many times people have asked me if I was him. Don't worry though, Im used to people asking :wink:

Author:  Centurian57_369th [ Sun Oct 10, 2004 17:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Then I do...

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