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Author:  Ali [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 16:45 pm ]
Post subject:  LCOS

Cag, i was just playing your korea mod and found that some aircrafts such as mig-29 have LCOS. what exactly is LCOS? some kind of navigation/radar/ECM system?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 22:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Lead Compensating Optical Sight (LCOS) is how FA gives you an aiming reticle for cannons and gravity bombs.

If you put the LCOS reticle(pipper) on the target you have a high probablility of hitting the target. The LCOS reticle(pipper) on the gunsite improves dramatically your chances of hitting the bandit if you have a radar lock on him so it compensates for target speed and direction...

Its all hard coded into FA and has nothing to do with FAF...

However if you are seeing the LCOS indicitator showup and no weapons description, those are the first generation AI flares to add more 'immersion' into a dogfights, since the bandit will drop the flares when in range of your IR weapons, and not only when you fire an IR weapon at him... They are strictly for use by the AI controlled fighters and loaded into the aircraft in its default configuration. That is unique to FAF and is in second generation development for FAF 2005 and you can read about it on the VNFAWING.com Forums at this link...


CAG out...

Author:  Ali [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 21:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

thats some sweet ass technology.

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