Zephyr Net

Networking two PC's for multi-playing F/A
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Author:  The Groon [ Mon Mar 14, 2005 17:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Networking two PC's for multi-playing F/A

HELP!!!!!!!!!I hope someone can help me, I am trying to network two of my personal PC's(in the same room) so I can set up and dogfight my brother with F/A. I have A new HP, running windows xp, I have installed a 256mb PNI vidow card, and running at about 1012 mb's RAM. and my other PC is running on a 64mb vidio card and 256 mb Ram under windows XP. I have installed in each PC a nework interface card(ethernet) and have then joined with a switching cable. I have all addresses set and I just can't seem to get F/A to function with the muti-player stuff . any Idias??????? OH and I am running direct X 9.0 on both pc's.

Author:  FETCH [ Tue Mar 15, 2005 01:36 am ]
Post subject: 

How are you trying to make the connection?
did you know that you can connect 2 computers with a direct serial cable. They call it a no modem or something.
FA to the best of my knowlegde the IPX/SPX LAN protocall in FA was designed to support WIN 95 and I don't know of anybody that has gotten it to work with 2000 and beyond.

If you do get it to run on your LAN I sure would like to know how you get it working I would like to do some LAN with it to.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Tue Mar 15, 2005 02:57 am ]
Post subject: 

FETCH wrote:
How are you trying to make the connection?
did you know that you can connect 2 computers with a direct serial cable. They call it a no modem or something.
FA to the best of my knowlegde the IPX/SPX LAN protocall in FA was designed to support WIN 95 and I don't know of anybody that has gotten it to work with 2000 and beyond.

If you do get it to run on your LAN I sure would like to know how you get it working I would like to do some LAN with it to.

That is NULL Modem cable... A null modem cable reverses the cable set so the tow computers can communicate at 9600 baud rate. Relativley slow...

A network running at 100Mbs is MUCH faster... (see below)

If you want to connect a network though, that is an entirely different thing and will require a router, either wireless or ethernet 10/100BT and two network cards (sometimes part of the computer if its relatively new) and two 'patch' RJ-45 ethernet cables...

CAG out...

Author:  Tank_77th [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 06:34 am ]
Post subject: 

for flying FA in a network your setup should do ok. Normally you would need a cross-connect RJ45 cable between the two computers, but most network adapters do not require this anymore, so any RJ45 cable should do.

You need to have TCP/IP set up on both PCs, then flying together should be no problem: Let one machine host a TCP/IP game, then join the game with the other machine on the address assigned to the host.

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 21:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

You can do that over two directly connected ethernet cards? I thought it required a router or hub to accomplish this with RJ-45 100bt cable...

CAG out...

Author:  Zephyr [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 01:03 am ]
Post subject: 

IIRC this is the old "Direct Cable Connection." You can also do this if both computers have networking capable firewire ports.


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