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 Post subject: Another FA Site Gone
PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 17:28 pm 
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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 21:33 pm
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Cent.'s "Crypt of the Forsaken Outlaw " website is no longer supporting FA. Not many FA websites are up and running. To those that are, Thank You.


Tally Ho Pappy's In!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 18:35 pm 
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You've got to be shitting me .......
Holy crap !!!!

I loved the mod and shapes, library, I have ton's of space on my server and can only hope that I can get him to send them to me, if he has them backed up on disk.

I can't believe it.
(still in denial)


"cool beanz"
D. "FETCH" Jordan

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 01:43 am 
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It's not a question of space. We have 9GB between ourselves. I have redone my site and since FA is inconsequential in my life and just about the most dead flight sim ever all the data was pulled. Time to move on guys.


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 20:37 pm 
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VNFAWING-Updates wrote:
Did you know your site has an average ping time of 700ms right now? You should request to move to a different server at GISOL, the web12 server has lots of issues. Good luck with your future endeavors...

I can't say I have any problems. I often download from my site in excess of one megabyte per second. Perhaps it's just your connection.


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2005 03:50 am 
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VNFAWING-Updates wrote:
Umm... Impossible to be my connection for a number of reasons...

1. I have tested the web12 server from about 10 different networks that I administer, all of which use different providers...

2. Your experience with download speeds is irrevelent, as uploading and downloading uses the FTP server, not the page server. And if you ran php or another database based language on your site you might recognize it, but since its just an html site its isnt as readily apparent, except how slowly it loads your images...

3. You should have pinged your website, then you could have told me the ping speed of the server. I did a tracer T to the server each time it slowed down and found that in all the entire connection hop, you run an average of 40ms until you hit the GISOL router then you have a dramatic slowdown.

Since this occurs at the border router interface, it can not be connection based on my end...

I find if I run a continuos /t ping, the site connection improves, although not always, and if I ping all the other web servers at GISOL, I dont see the router slowdown, so its strictly limited to the web12 server.

THose speeds aren't in FTP but rather from the page themself. Nobody has had any complaints at all except for you so I'm just going to dismiss it.


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 16:31 pm 
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VNFAWING-Updates wrote:
Since you dont understanding of how webservers route files (all files downloaded from the site are routed through the ftp server, whether you use your ftp client or not, since your browser does this for you) for download and since you have not posted any tracer-T or ping times to your site, I will give up as well...

However if you ever figure it out in the future, I will be more then happy to have all the other guys that also experience the same slowdowns off the GISOL server, post ping times to your site for you from various locations around the world, to help you understand the situation with your server at GISOL.

I talked to tech support they said nothing is wrong. I am having uber trouble setting up a phpBB board which baffles my mind since it worked smoothly on nycrsc.org but then again what else can I expect, I don't have the best luck on Earth.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 21:12 pm 
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either I complained enough or they observed enough but I am getting a migration.


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 14:41 pm 
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VNFAWING-Updates wrote:
Yes I see your site is on a better server now!

See I told you those bastards at GISOL were lying to you!

Your ping times are down to 40ms average now!

I wouldn't say they were lying. I don't think they realized just how bad it was affecting things and stuff.


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 14:43 pm 
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Now, to deal with the previous question, at hand. I will not longer be supporting FA because it's just, well it's old and dead. I have taken my 5 GB partition of my E drive and removed the FA material and replaced it with other material. I shall, just as I have been, until this topic, not be coming back here as this place is no longer for me.

Good luck, enjoy, and please, play different games...


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