Zephyr Net

IR in Vietnam Campaign
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Author:  HOMEBOY [ Tue May 23, 2006 13:16 pm ]
Post subject:  IR in Vietnam Campaign

Hello guys,

I've dug out FA to rekindle fond memories, and I'm glad to see that a community still supports the game even after nearly 10 years of it being released.

There's something that bothered me then, and now still.

If I check IR/Advanced targeting, I will require an IR sensor for the AIM-9B missile to work, but I cannot find one when loading my aircraft, forcing me to disable advanced targeting.

Does anyone know if this is (inherently) a game flaw that was overlooked, or somehow I can fire a Sidewinder without IR designation in this mode?

Author:  HOMEBOY [ Tue May 23, 2006 21:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

More "realism" I guess, though FA wasn't designed to be realistic in the first place.

I've seen your posts, but I wonder why vnfawing.com is down.. your project looks amazing!

Do you also know what "cheats" I can use which still garners me medals in a campaign?

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