Zephyr Net

Lockon Video by an RAF Fighter Pilot 'Run in and Break'...
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Author:  Jackal [ Mon Sep 25, 2006 07:14 am ]
Post subject: 

... and you did well, CAG, especially if the landing procedures were similar to those RAF teach their own pilots.

Author:  KAPTOR [ Mon Sep 25, 2006 13:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

in the AF it's called the "overhead" approach. You can come into the airfield from any angle, the manual basically just tells you to eyeball the landing end of the runway until it's over your shoulder then just crank the plane around as appropriate adjusting speed and AOA as needed. In the AF the idea is to get as many planes landed as quickly as possible.
This is how I do most of my dead-stick landings.

Author:  KAPTOR [ Tue Sep 26, 2006 02:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Maybee but the US generally doesnt have that problem, a lack of comms to the airfield would be enough to get a pilots ears up.

Author:  Ali [ Tue Sep 26, 2006 22:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

i dunno, why bother if the us patriots will splash them anyway! i mean they should fix the friendly fire issues first then worry bout ak-47s. but its a nifty skill to learn.

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