Does Anybody here use Swarm Missles?? If you want the Black Magic Library, I can e-mail to you as soon as possible. The Black Magic pack has three modified missles, 1 Crotale SAM mod., 1 New Airplane (X31 Swarmer Prototype), And the modified missles are as follows: the Aphid has been updated to the Aphid 4 (4 per Shot) the Maverick AGM has been updated to Maverick AGM SW and Aden 30mm Cannon has been Changed to the Aden Guided Bullet. The X-31 has Laser, Visual, IR, Active, And Passive Radar. P.S: The missles are Impossible to Jam, Sun, Fool ETC., so my advice is to stay away from any Black Magic Series Equiped Vehicle or Airplane!