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Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?
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Author:  footballhistorian [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 23:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

I just bought a new Alienware Area 51 which is maxed out in all aspects. I have an ATI Dual Radeon 5970 video card. I loaded FA and the video is all screwed up. Instead of nice clear and responsive video - it's really weird and not playable. Any help?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 04:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

What is your system's operating system and patch status?

Author:  footballhistorian [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 08:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

win 7 - don't think there haveen any patches

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 00:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

That figures... Win 7 and FA dont get along to well...

If you want to run FA with any stability on Win 7 you need to download and install the XP Compatability module, and there is no guarantee it will work...

On the other hand, some have installed it and have had no issues at all...

Its a crap shoot...

If I were you I would install it on an XP machine first and then copy it over to a win 7 system...

Author:  Kewell_77th [ Sat Jan 08, 2011 17:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

U can make a batch file to run the game in win 7 and it works like on win 98, explorer.exe causes the issues,

So you can call the batch file a sort of patch, :P

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Sat Jan 08, 2011 21:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

Yes I read this elsewhere for some other older sims as well...

Would you be kind enought to list out more detail on this?

Have you tested it in multiplayer?

And if so how about cross connecting to a XP system with a Win 7 system...

Any errors we need to know about?

Author:  footballhistorian [ Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

Can anyone tell me where to get this patch? I sure be appreciative.

Author:  Kewell_77th [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 19:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

not tried it on multiplayer but shouldn't be a problem, all it does is start FA, and close explorer.exe because that's what causes the graphics issues in FA on Win 7, and wen you exit it restarts Explorer, if you email me, i ave the batch file that i made myself u may have to edit it tho if you've not installed to default directly

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 19:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

Kewell_77th wrote:
not tried it on multiplayer but shouldn't be a problem, all it does is start FA, and close explorer.exe because that's what causes the graphics issues in FA on Win 7, and wen you exit it restarts Explorer, if you email me, i ave the batch file that i made myself u may have to edit it tho if you've not installed to default directly


Email inbound...

(UPDATE: You cant be emailed through the board, what is your email address?)

BTW has anyone tried the FATK on Win7?

Author:  Cobra [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 20:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

CAG Hotshot wrote:
BTW has anyone tried the FATK on Win7?

Doesn't work on the 64 bit version, there no support for 16 bit programs. Probably works on the 32 bit version.

Author:  Kewell_77th [ Fri Jan 21, 2011 07:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

email is my callsign ------- @hotmail.com

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Feb 09, 2011 02:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

Cobra wrote:
CAG Hotshot wrote:
BTW has anyone tried the FATK on Win7?

Doesn't work on the 64 bit version, there no support for 16 bit programs. Probably works on the 32 bit version.

Can anyone running Win7 please confirm for me that FATK runs with no errors on 32 bit versions?

Author:  FAN7 [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 06:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

while I don't even know what FATK is yet :oops: ... I can say that I can play FA on 7 64 bit with batch file kickstart to disable the explorer.exe

why should it be any different with FATK?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 00:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

FAN7 wrote:
while I don't even know what FATK is yet :oops: ... I can say that I can play FA on 7 64 bit with batch file kickstart to disable the explorer.exe

why should it be any different with FATK?

This is what I am hoping to hear, but so far no one that has Win 7 has tried to use the FATK (Fighters Anthology Tookit)...

I need confirmation before I install win 7.

Author:  FAN7 [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 06:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fighters Anthology patch for new computers?

ah the toolkit, is it the editor? I haven't tried it too...

it should though, since it's basically just a simplistic file editor :)

you could try install it on older computer and copy paste it to the new computer, this is what I did for my FA installation, I installed it on XP SP2 laptop and copy paste it to 7

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