I have 3 shots to post here... Originally I had 5 to post, but my zip drive decided to eat the last two. They were the best two shots also... Though I still have them on my home system and will upload them tomorrow...
what I did to alter the shape so far...
1) removed the large radar dome
2) Created landing skids
3) Raised and narrowed the tail boom.
4) Created a landing tail skid
5) Moved the tail planes forward (to the UH-1H/N configuration)
6) Moved the engine intakes closer in to the center of the shape(for the UH-1H/N configuration)
7) Lowered the cabin roof
8) Widened the cabin
9) Altered the skin layout on the shape so that I could create specific areas of the skin for the new windshield and the landing skids
UH-1Y Super Huey in USMC Grey (actually half way between a UH-1H/N and a UH-1Y - See Pic below or real UH-1Y)...

Here is the real thing...

As you can see I am still not complete.. I need to to the raised engine rotor hub dome, which is not that difficult to accomplish...Plus I have the new 'heat diffuser' on the jet nacelles , while the pic has the solid panels in place... Should I continue to model the 'heat diffuser' screens or the solid panels in the skin on the engine nacelles? I also need to move the tailplanes farther aft for this model, I have them located to far forward on the tail boom for use in the UH-1H version that I have not yet finished...
Also I should be able to model the small radar dome under the nose...
Here is a pic of the UH-1N that the shape still closely resembles (Incase I have not been specific enough there are both the H/N and the Y versions under development) You can see how the engine compartment still resembes the UH-1N, but is beign altered to that of the Y...

Soon both versions will be availabe in FAF...
CAG out...