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Who here know how to use FRAPS?
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Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 03:25 am ]
Post subject:  Who here know how to use FRAPS?

I have been trying to make some FAF Movies using FRAPS but I get mothng but stuttery video in either 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768, and in all FPS settings...

I also tried it with sound as well as without and nothing seems to improve it...

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 06:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who here know how to use FRAPS?

Ok I think I may have figured it out... I unchecked the sync box and now the videos are running with less stutter and less chop...

I believe I will be able to make some high quality videos now to preview the changes coming in FAF...

I will begin creating videos and posthing them soon!

Author:  FAN7 [ Sat Feb 19, 2011 14:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who here know how to use FRAPS?

the bad thing about fraps is that it only record in huge avi format :( 1GB for a minute video is bad for my limited hard drive :( and the filesystem avi format use is capped at 4GB/file, resulting in split videos for in a long recording :(

is there any other recording tools that work on win 7 64 and capable of running even if I killed the explorer.exe just to run FA?

Author:  Zephyr [ Sat Feb 19, 2011 19:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who here know how to use FRAPS?

I don't know off hand what type of compression Fraps records AVIs with, but you can increase the compression using a free program such as Virtualdub:


The program can be used for editing too. It can also do audio compression which can be a huge file size saver. Here are some optional plug-ins to increase the file type compatibility of Virtualdub:


Author:  FAN7 [ Sat Feb 19, 2011 22:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who here know how to use FRAPS?

Zephyr wrote:
I don't know off hand what type of compression Fraps records AVIs with, but you can increase the compression using a free program such as Virtualdub:


The program can be used for editing too. It can also do audio compression which can be a huge file size saver. Here are some optional plug-ins to increase the file type compatibility of Virtualdub:


# Create AVI2 (OpenDML) files to break the AVI 2GB barrier and multiple files to break the FAT32 4GB limit.

sir, it won't fare better than FRAPS.... or can virtualdub record in say .mp4 or anything else?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 00:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who here know how to use FRAPS?

Well I am not to worried about the size because you can compress it when you turn it into a WMV file and then of course you can upload it to youtube...

I was trying to get past the stutter and chop, which I successfully accomplished...

Hopefully it will work for my future videos as well as it did for the helo one I posted.

Author:  FAN7 [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 05:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who here know how to use FRAPS?

how do you join split videos?

Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Sun Feb 20, 2011 18:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who here know how to use FRAPS?

FAN7 wrote:
how do you join split videos?

Windows movie maker...

Author:  Ali [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 17:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who here know how to use FRAPS?

i used fraps to make FA videos that i posted before. really easy to use with no problems on windows xp. as cag said use movie maker to join the videos.

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