Zephyr Net

Highrez Helo Rotor Blades...
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Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 06:10 am ]
Post subject:  Highrez Helo Rotor Blades...

Well I have finally gotten around to implementing high resolution helo rotor blades to FAF helos...

As others of you may already know, I went to individual blades instead of keeping the default mess that Jane's called spinnign rotor blades...

The problem I ran into though was when adding rotors on the 45 degree axis, the rotors themselves were so small and so low resolution is that you would get very chunky blades...

Well on the Chinook and the Sea Knight I have solved that problem, as well as modified the way the shape displays the blades, so you can see some spin imparted to the blades.

I have made a small video showing it. Its my 1st attempt so its not that great, as its has some stutter and some speed variance, but it does show the blade rotation and detail, and no chinky edges to the blades ...

Simply click on this link or right click and do a "Save Target As" and download it...

Its very small, about 1/2 a MB... And oh yes, I added different colors to the blade tips to help you see the rotation.

And strictly for interest, the blades themslves are up to 4 times larger than the original skin file which is why the edges are so smooth when on the 45 degree angles...


Author:  CAG Hotshot [ Wed Feb 23, 2011 03:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Highrez Helo Rotor Blades...

Here is a comparison of the rotor blade sizes to get a better understanding of how the resolution is increased.

The original rotor blade size in the default FA Chinook skin is in red, the new size used in the FAF Chinook skin is in blue...

They both displayed in the same polygon for the rotor. The larger skin is compressed to fit the smaller polygon, reducing the pixel size to allow a much more detailed and smoother rotor blade to be displayed...


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