Zephyr Net

Editing missile icons on FATK
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Author:  Kai [ Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Editing missile icons on FATK

I'm trying to edit the designs for new missiles. Every time I attempt this by clicking on the Paint prompt, nothing happens. Not sure how else to design a new missile icon.

Also, abit unrelated. Has anyone used the shape editor I saw posted on this site awhile ago to design a better Su-27 such as reshaping the Su-35 design?

Author:  usnraptor [ Sat Dec 21, 2013 13:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Editing missile icons on FATK

Only help I can remember is when doing icons, I (and others) used the program called NeoPaint. Also, I think the transparency color was 255 in NeoPaint. I looked for my notes, but I don't have them anymore for some reason.

Author:  Zephyr [ Tue Dec 24, 2013 16:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Editing missile icons on FATK

Your best bet is probably to "save as" the icon, and save it as a BMP image. Edit using MS Paint or similar program, and then import it back into the project. If you use a program other than MS Paint you will have better control over the transparency layer for the background field which surrounds the weapon graphic.

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