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 Post subject: FA Reuinion
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 08:27 am 

Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 18:45 pm
Posts: 10
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Just wanted to say myself aka Maverick, Spike and Coops ex 369th have been having some fa flights lately, I think we are about to have Katmandew 369th join us in the action too. Just wanted to see if anyone else is still playing fa out there? We've been using Himachi to play fa, seems to work pretty good as for getting past the router issue, though I dont think we really understand the program lol. Coops is having trouble with his graphics, I found the 77ths win 7 fa fix and sent it to him, hopefully that will solve the problem for him. Just wondering whats up in the rest of the fa community? Also Im trying to find some old aba maps, mainly the aba ton of tanks map, not sure who wrote it might have been Dagger. I tried the link on this site but it was a broken link. If anything Im sure Spike has it or someone, no big deal. Im trying to get together as many fa players as possible fo some online flights so if anyone is interested let me know. Trying to get Stonefish 369th to join in aswell, but he said hes using win 8 and fa doesnt like it, sent him the win 7 fix aswell so we'll see.

 Post subject: Re: FA Reuinion
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 16:28 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 17:56 pm
Posts: 50
Holy shit y'all live! Mav it's Cent (got your TG on that older account).

Spike and Coops huh? And Kat too! Sheesh that's crazy, I'm glad to hear you fellas stayed in touch. God for me it's been so long since I touched FA. I gave it a try a little while ago but the Toolkit just wouldn't work right. I tried a few virtual machine setups with WINXP but I just gave up eventually. You know I used to have all of that old stuff but reformat after reformat after accidentally killing my backup disk, well it's gone sadly.

 Post subject: Re: FA Reuinion
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 16:52 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 18:45 pm
Posts: 10
Haha yeah, we even got a new guy from youtube "Allen" He played with us the other night, and stoney is going to be joiningus again. I also talked to noop_jvfs and someone else from youtube. Have you tried that FA win7 Batch file exe? It got coops and spikes vista and win7 run fa right. Understand about losing all your files. Thats half my problem here, I had the perfect skins lib years ago but lost it on my backupdrive, got corrupted, now i have 2 external drives Im not losing anything again lol.. I got some of my old skins and sounds libs, but no transparent smoke and can't creat a skin to save my life now, i dunno how to save/convert it without getting the white background... What system are you runing? To install the toolkit i had to rename the fa folder to FA (something short so the toolkit could see it) PM me and I'll give you the TS chan we meet up at if you want?

 Post subject: Re: FA Reuinion
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 19:34 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 12, 2010 17:56 pm
Posts: 50
I didn't have issues with the game - it just was the fact that I have nvidia cards and I couldn't get the toolkit to work on Win7.

 Post subject: Re: FA Reuinion
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 18:16 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 16, 2014 18:45 pm
Posts: 10
Oh rgr, cool so you can play fa? Maybe we can link up on himachi and play afew someday.

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