October 7, 2021
- USNRaptor Playset v 3.3 is now available (located in FA google drive). Remember, a change had been made last update to the .Lib file system (refer to June 12, 2021 update).
- Thanks to CAG Hotshot and months of dedicated, hard work using his magical shape & texture wizardry, Fighters Anthology now has a properly shaped MiG-19 Farmer. The texture being released now is an early, preliminary version. The final texture, along with its appropriate crash shapes, are currently being developed.

- The UH-1 'Huey' has finally arrived. It incorporates the UH-1 shape by CAG Hotshot and a texture blend of CAG Hotshot, USNRaptor, and default UH-60 graphics.

- The 1950s Russian IL-28 Beagle has been added. If it looks vaguely familiar, I used the E-2 shape / texture from USNF'97.
- The A-10 Thunderbolt II has received a major overhaul of its flight envelope and chaff / flare dispenser.
- The A-6 Intruders have received a performance upgrade. After recently reviewing the A-6 flight manual, the Intruders are now limited to 5g instead of 4g.
- The A-7A (A7V.PT) now has a new, classic look similar to the F-8 and A-6A.
- MiG-29 Fulcrum-C (Snow) is now MiG-29 Fulcrum-A with a gray camo top and a blue bottom. All MiG-29s now have the same "top-of-fuselage" engine intake graphic.
- Several aircraft have received changes in their chaff / flare numbers. As more (credible) information becomes available, more updates will be made.
- A Green camoflaged M-113 from USNF '97 has been added. A few other tanks have received custom green camo textures.
- A new map: the Open Ocean map. It is nothing but ocean. Top Gun and Scrambler missions have been converted to use the new map.
- For modders, the Layout of JT file.txt is now available. Basically, the .JT file has been mapped out.
- Finally, the link for CAG Hotshot's VNFA Wing Forum has been added to the Active Duty links list.