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PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 21:42 pm 
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A gray textured Viggen is now available in here: http://myplace.frontier.com/~usnraptor/Fighters%20Anthology/Aircraft/pics_sh.ZIP

For the Viggen only, along with the texture .bmp files included, that zip is (temporarily) located here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/197IyQ8ymaoWh1iPFv1OyOvGwxBDBq_VF/view?usp=sharing

Preview pic inside.

Since I am unable to do shape editting, if someone wants to recolor the radome and other green-showing areas, it'd be appreciated.

UPDATE: Plurry on Discord colored the green-showing areas. Thanks.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 18:05 pm 
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Unofficial update: screenshots of all the FA default aircraft can be found in the folder here:


Update, 27 SEP 2022: screenshots for the F-15J and Su-37 were added. These textures were used in USNF'97, and transferred to the FA discs, but not used.

Last edited by usnraptor on Tue Sep 27, 2022 14:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2022 15:45 pm 
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Update: August 25, 2022

- Over the course of the US Navy Fighters --> Fighters Anthology franchise, scores of projects have been created to improve the series and/or add a personal touch to a terrific, maleable game. One focus has been adding new textures to the aircraft. As a tribute to the artists, I have assembled a collection of screenshots of the many different aircraft. To find this collection, just follow this simple path:

Click the link on the left labeled USNRaptor FA Google Drive --> click the folder Other Peoples Stuff --> download the file 0ther Peoples Stuff Preview Pics Collection.ZIP . Please read the 00_readme.txt file inside the .zip. I do this because every time I update the file, Google assigns a new web address to it (atleast, I'm pretty sure they do).

- Speaking of artists, let's not forget the original artists. Click to download default Fighters Anthology aircraft pictures, labeled Def_Acft.ZIP .

- Likewise, many of the projects inside the Other Peoples Stuff google folder have had the .lib files opened up, and individual files (as well as preview pics) made with them. Now, modders will no longer need to use the FA Toolkit in order to access the material inside those libs.

- An unexpected benefit while doing this was a new-to-me tip discovered. Have you ever seen funny rainbow-like stripes on your aircraft, such as the Su-17 in the Playset? Turn off Gouraud Shading in the graphics section to make them disappear.

- Did you happen to notice the new animated gif at the top right of this website? That was actually found in one of the old websites. Explore the Retired links to the left, and see if you can find the website it came from.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 18:42 pm 
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Unofficial update:

I have converted the default aircraft textures from .PIC to .BMP, and put them all in a zip file for easy access. They are the same names as default, except I removed the underscore (_) preceeding the name.

The file is in my Google Drive in the same folder as the other default FA items.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 16:37 pm 
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Update: November 28, 2022

- The TOP GUN mission (TOPGUN.M, -.MT) has been totally revamped. Maverick is sitting on Alert 5 ready to launch. The order comes in, and now he must race out to save Iceman & Slider and prevent the launch of anti-ship missiles toward SS Layton. This new version comes with black enemy jets, and actual sound bites from the movie (not only in the briefing, but also in flight). Requires Playset v 3.9 or newer, and can be found with the other single missions inside Campaigns v3_9.ZIP.

- USNRaptor Playset v 3.9 is now available. A fresh install should not be necessary. Both Lib and Individual File users can just copy the new files over the old ones.

- The F-15s and AIDC Ching-Kuo have received some minor updates, mainly in their weapon capacities. These changes are not expected to adversly affect the campaign missions, but have not been tested. If you suspect otherwise, let me know with details.

- Several new vehicles and scenery items have appeared, giving a larger variety of color schemes to choose from. The shape colors were borrowed from other projects (mainly, the old FA Futures. Thanks!), but (most of) the textures are genuine USNRaptor.

- Some of the Air to Ground weapons have been renamed to alleviate confusion on their deployment methods. Any weapon labeled with the word 'Pack' (i.e. MK-82 3-Pack), the ordnance will deploy all at once, all together. If the weapon is labeled with anything other than 'Pack', then the ordnance will deploy one item at a time.

- The default Korean map (NSK.MM) has been restored for the Playset. The Quick Missions should work as designed. The three Playset Korean War single missions should not be adversly affected, but have not been tested. If you suspect otherwise, let me know with details.

- The Korean Campaign 2023 deadline has been extended to December 31st, 2022. Learn more about it here .

- New and old links have been added in the left column, including two new categories. Hot Loads will have popular downloads available, including the latest version of the Playset. The new Textures section are .zip files ready for download. Some long, lost links of yesteryear have reappeared in the Retired links sections.

- Lastly, I have discovered the Playset's JDAMs only work well during clear day conditions. I'm currently looking into this issue, and may make some changes in the future.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2022 00:59 am 
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Update: December 4, 2022 Links to the game music files have been added in the left column. The collection of .MP3 files are all inside their respective .zip file. There is a difference in the music of ATF and Fighters Anthology, so download both if you wish. The music in Fighters Anthology is originally the music of US Navy Fighters.

- There is a new Website Notice 2 listed above. If left-clicking the mouse does not allow you to download a file, try right-clicking and "Save Link As..". If totally blocked, try the alternative download link if available.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 03:27 am 
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December 9, 2022

Just Mob on the FA Discord noticed the Playset's F-117 wasn't carrying a weapon load when the player chose it. Up until now, the default F-117 was being used. When the Playset's weapons received weight adjustments, the GBU-27s disappeared from player F-117s (AI F-117s kept them). That has been corrected, as well as a few other adjustments to the F-117 (F117.PT). Just redownload the current Playset (v 3.9). Lib users can copy over FA_5.LIB. Individual users can just copy the F117.PT into your Fighters Anthology folder containing the Playset.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 04:23 am 
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January 10, 2023

- USNRaptor Playset v 3.9 has received some minor changes. These changes improve gameplay, but are not necessary. If you wish to update, just redownload it. LIB users can just copy over the old libs. Individual File users can just select all the individual files and copy them over.

- The Sepecat Jaguar has received a few minor upgrades, with a major improvement in fuel efficiency. These minor changes should not impact any campaign or single missions negatively. If I ever get a flight envelope chart that is dumb enough for me to be able to be smart enough to interpret, I'll perform a major upgrade for the Jaguar.

- Some more green-textured vehicles have appeared.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 20:24 pm 
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Update: January 29, 2023

Korea Campaign 2023 production has begun. Learn more about it here .

PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2023 23:39 pm 
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Update: May 7th, 2023

- Refreshed Playset v 3.9 a bit. As I work on the Korean campaign 2023, the Playset will continue to get refreshed with added items. Once the Korean Campaign is complete, I'll release it along with Playset v 4.0. That's the plan, for now anyways.

- In the single missions, the 1950s Korean missions were working incorrectly. They work fine now.

- Old FA Futures Invisible Airstrip (now INVRNY.OT) has been added. It is labeled "Airstrip, Invisible." Likewise, the Playset's "Small Airport" (DTSTRP.OT) and "Long Dirt Strip" (LDTSTRP.OT) will now appear as "Airstrip, Dirt" and "Airstrip, Long Dirt." Thank you to CAG Hotshot and others who worked so hard on the old FA Futures project.

- Marine One, the President's helicopter, is now included in the Playset. Original graphics courtesy of Zephyr's JKPFA project.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 23:48 pm 
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I took the AH-1 from JKPFA (according to notes), did some recoloring, restored default rotor blades, canopy, rotor mast, etc.., and came up with this.


Currently is not available for Playset (but will next update), but can be obtained here:

It includes the files for damage shapes as well. See Shapes Notes.txt (inside zip) for details.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 15:15 pm 
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February 22, 2024

In celebration of the 1st U.S. President, George Washington's birthday, I present to the world the long awaited Korea Campaign 2024. For further details and to download, visit the campaign's website.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 13:16 pm 
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March 20 , 2024

NOTICE : It appears my websites are down. Frontier transferred their customers' e-mail accounts to Yahoo. They mentioned nothing about what they were doing with customers' websites, but it appears they took those down. Keep in mind my files can be found in my google drive, here :


UPDATE : Websites appear to be up at times and down at times. It may be a few days to see whether the sites remain.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 00:01 am 
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April 9, 2024

Posted in my google drive :

The Pappy Collection has been updated to include his latest collection of Chinese Military Aircraft.

Here's an excerpt from his ReadMe.txt :
"Chinese Military Aircraft modeled by Pappy for FA for use with Kaptor's Kapset03 with weapon load outs, aircraft shapes and flight models."*

It can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1alxmpXK0gyRcwpf3UReHM4i37C7KwmvS/view?usp=drive_link

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 15:05 pm 
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Joined: Sat Apr 09, 2005 21:33 pm
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Thanks for posting my Chinese Military Aircraft for me!

The aircraft included are;

H6 & 8
J6A, 6C, 7E, 7M, 8, 10C, 10CE, 10HB, 11, 12, 15, 16, 20 and 35
Y8, 8GS and 20
Z9, 10, 18 and 20

Aircraft were made for use of the FA community.

Best Wishes,

Tally Ho Pappy's In!

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