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PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 02:32 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 11, 2003 18:54 pm
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More from JK "Zephyr"Peterson

Q. How do I get ships/vehicles to engage air and ground targets at ranges greater than visual range? A. The method I have found to work the best is to create a long range visual seeker. Edit one of the VisXXX.See files, renaming it and giving it a range of whatever is necessary for your ships/vehicles to fully use their weaponry. I recommend a generic long range seeker that can be given to several (or all) of your vehicles. Give this seeker to your ships/vehicles in their hardpoints menu. Then, load up your ship/vehicle with whatever weaponry you want. Notes on weapons:

1. Make sure that ships can slew the weapons, and that all the weapons given to an object are secondary except for one. Secondary indicates that the vehicle doesn't need to "think" about targeting and firing it, and therefore will not turn toward the target.

2. Ships will fire all Air-to-Ground weaponry, and purposely-built radar-guided SAMs (designated as "Air-to-Ground"). Ships will fire air-to-air missiles with all guidance methods except radar. For a ship to fire an air-to-air missile, either semi-active guidance or active radar, they must be provided with a radar seeker. This can be in addition to a extended-range visual seeker.

Are your SAMs on your ship designated Air to Ground? The slewing wont help you because you want to fire vertically... But the missile designation might help you. And what is the range of your seekers?

"FAF Shape Meister"
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